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Unable to open a file [Stable channel] #123749
I cannot reproduce this on 1.56.1 opening random files with caught on exception enabled. Do you mind sending your |
One important thing to note is that I was asked to merge the settings becuase of conflict. (As I turned on the Settings Sync) And, I accepted the remote changes. Till now, I had only backed up my settings in the Code Insiders channel. This is the first time I turned on the settings sync for the stable channel. Here is the settings you asked for. Settings file contents
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This setting is preventing opening. I changed it in insiders, but it's still the old format in stable. When you synced the format is incorrect. If you just delete that setting opening should work again. The new setting will work in both insiders and stable in 1.57, sorry for the hiccup |
Additional Info:
I have both insider and stable channel installed and the insiders vscode has become painfully slow (#123742)
Steps to Reproduce:
Does this issue occur when all extensions are disabled?: Yes
The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: