This is a port of FreeRTOS to the light52 processor - 8051 - for my Xilinx Atlys Board - Spartan6 -
The used processor is a branch of José A. Ruiz light52, see for details. José's has some differences to the original 8051. The behaviour of the timer is different and in José's port the UART does not depend on the timer.
I also made some changes to it:
- I changed the timer to have it more 8051 like.
- I added reset behaviour for every register
I'm using FreeRTOS V10.1.1, see for more informations on that. The compiler I'm using is SDCC 3.8.0, see for more information. You may need libboost-dev and automake to install it.
To simulate the Design open modelsim. 'cd' to light52/vhdl/simulation and do 'do' in the Tcl console. To compile FreeRTOS. 'cd' to light52/test/FreeRTOS and do 'make all'. It will generate a file obj_code_pkg.vhdl that contains the bytecode for the code RAM as an VHDL array.