The AREDN firmware is based on OpenWrt with additional packages and patches. A Makefile automates the entire process to create firmware images.
The default git branch builds images with the following:
- includes history from AREDN nightly build 176
- olsrd upgrade from 0.6.7 to
- ported on top of OpenWrt 18.06 branch
- added Mikrotik basebox 5
- added tp-link cp210 v2.0
- focus has been on 64M RAM devices, 32M devices are currently unstable in this branch
- compatible with all prior AREDN and BBHN 3.1.0 networks (called version 3)
Device | Image to Use | RAM | Stability |
AirGrid XM | bullet-m | 32Mb | unstable |
AirGrid XW | loco-m-xw | 32Mb | unstable |
AirRouter | airrouter | 32Mb | unstable |
AirRouter HP | airrouter | 32Mb | unstable |
Bullet M2/M2Ti/M5/M5Ti | bullet-m | 32Mb | unstable |
Bullet Ti | bullet-m | 32Mb | unstable |
NBE-M2-13/16/19 | loco-m-xw | 32Mb | unstable |
NanoBridge 2G18 | loco-m | 32Mb | unstable |
NanoBridge 5G22/25 | loco-m | 32Mb | unstable |
NanoBridge M9 | loco-m | 32Mb | unstable |
NanoStation Loco M2/M5/M9 XM | loco-m | 32Mb | unstable |
NanoStation Loco M2/M5 XW | loco-m-xw | 64Mb | testing-stable? |
NanoStation M2/M3/M5 XM | nano-m | 32Mb | unstable |
NanoStation M2/M5 XW | nano-m-xw | 64Mb | testing-stable? |
PicoStation M2 | bullet-m | 32Mb | unstable |
PBE-M2-400 | loco-m-xw | 64Mb | testing-stable? |
PBE-M5-300 | loco-m-xw | 64Mb | testing-stable? |
PBE-M5-400/400ISO/620 | rocket-m-xw | 64Mb | testing-stable? |
Rocket M9/M2/M3/M5/M5GPS XM | rocket-m | 64Mb | testing-stable? |
Rocket M2/M5 XW | rocket-m-xw | 64Mb | testing-stable? |
Rocket M2 TI | rocket-m-ti? | 64Mb | unknown |
Rocket M5 TI | rocket-m-ti | 64Mb | testing-stable? |
TPLink CPE210 v1.0/v1.1 | cpe210-220-v1 | 64Mb | testing-stable? |
TPLink CPE210 v2.0 | cpe210-v2 | 64Mb | testing-stable? |
TPLink CPE510 v1.0/v1.1 | cpe510-220-v1 | 64Mb | testing-stable? |
TPLink CPE510 v2.0 | cpe510-220-v1 | 64Mb | testing-stable? |
Mikrotik BaseBox 2/5 | mikrotik-nand-large | 64Mb | testing-stable? |
Installing the Docker environment on your windows/linux/mac machine is a pre-requisite. A docker 'container' has been pre-configured with an aredn linux build environment. Alternative instructions are below if you wish to setup your linux install with the compiler pre-requisites necessary to do the build.
To build with docker:
docker pull arednmesh/builder
docker run -it --name builder arednmesh/builder
To pull an image (or any other file) out of the docker container:
docker cp builder:/opt/aredn/aredn_ar71xx/firmware/targets/ar71xx/generic/<image>.bin <local directory>
Please take a look at the OpenWrt documentation for a complete and up to date list of packages for your operating system.
On Ubuntu/Debian:
apt-get install git subversion build-essential libncurses5-dev \
zlib1g-dev gawk unzip libxml-perl flex wget gettext quilt \
python libssl-dev shellcheck lua5.1
On openSUSE:
zypper install --type pattern devel_basis
zypper install git subversion ncurses-devel zlib-devel gawk unzip \
perl-libxml-perl flex wget gettext-runtime quilt python \
libopenssl-devel shellcheck lua51
To obtain the source and build the firmware locally use:
git clone
cd aredn_ar71xx
vi # enter your callsign, etc.
# build default ubnt and tplink images
# copy the firmware image files to save elsewhere, will be cleaned next step
# build mikrotik images
make SUBTARGET=mikrotik
Building the images may take minutes or hours depending on the machine.
For more details see build options.
Review the build options in -j <number of cores + 1>
will give more verbose error messages.
An internet connection is required during the build process. A good internet connection can improve the build time.
You need approximately 10GB of space for the build.
Prior AREDN images can be rebuilt. Insert one of the following after the "cd aredn_ar71xx" command above:
AREDN Nightly Build #176
git checkout 91ee867
Return to most current changes
git checkout develop
Included in the git Repo: <- build settings <- which openwrt repo and branch/tag/commit to use
feeds.conf/ <- custom package feeds (edit to point to your clone of aredn_packages)
files/ <- file system in AERDN created images, most customizations go here
patches/ <- patches to openwrt go here
scripts/ <- tests and other scripts called from the build
configs/ <- definitions of features in the devices' kernel and what packages to include
Makefile <- the build definition <- this file
Created by the build:
openwrt/ <- cloned openwrt repository
firmware/ <- the build will place the images here
results/ <- code checks and other test results in jUnit xml format
The patches directory contains quilt patches applied on top of the openwrt git repo defined in
If a patch is not yet included upstream, it can be placed in the patches
directory with
the quilt
tool. Please configure quilt
as described in
OpenWrt Quilt.
Switch to the openwrt directory:
cd openwrt
Now you can use the quilt
quilt push -a # apply all patches
quilt new 008-awesome.patch # tell quilt to create a new patch
quilt edit somedir/somefile1 # edit files
quilt edit somedir/somefile2
quilt refresh # creates/updates the patch file
The highlevel steps to submit to this repository are:
- create a github account and 'fork' this repo
- git commit a change into your fork, e.g.
- create a pull request for to consider your change
Please submit all issues to