This role installs and configures the Prometheus Slurm Job Exporter.
See defaults/main.yml.
To use a fork of the default GitHub project:
# Define git repository
slurm_job_exporter_git_repo: ""
To install a new release:
slurm_job_exporter_version: "v0.0.14-mila"
To define an alternate installation path:
slurm_job_exporter_path: "/path/to/slurm-job-exporter"
To add arguments to the executables:
slurm_job_exporter_arguments: "--reporter-type=prometheus"
Install and configure the exporter:
- hosts: computes
slurm_job_exporter_version: v0.4.5
- name: Import role mila.slurm_job_exporter
name: mila.slurm_job_exporter
tags: role::slurm_job_exporter