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Harshavardhana edited this page Mar 23, 2022 · 13 revisions

The configuration section provides general information about KES configuration and helps you find the right knob to tweak for your use case.

KES Client

In general, a KES client needs to know the KES server endpoint, its own client certificate and the corresponding private key.

Command Line

For example, the KES CLI client requires the following three environment variables:

  • The KES server endpoint:
    export KES_SERVER=
  • The client X.509 certificate:
    export KES_CLIENT_CERT=$HOME/root.cert
  • The private key that corresponds to the public key embedded in the certificate:
    export KES_CLIENT_KEY=$HOME/root.key


When using an SDK, you need to provide a server endpoint and fetch the client's private key and certificate:

package main

import (


func main() {
	const (
		endpoint = ""
		certFile = "./root.cert"
		keyFile  = "./root.key"
	certificate, err := tls.LoadX509KeyPair(certFile, keyFile)
	if err != nil {

	client := kes.NewClient(endpoint, certificate)

	// now use the client to perform operations...
	_ = client

KES Server

The KES server needs at least a TCP address (e.g. IP and port) to listen for incoming requests, a X.509 certificate as well as the corresponding private key and a root identity. These four parameters can be specified via CLI flags or via the config file. If a CLI flag is present it takes precedence over the corresponding config file entry. If no TCP address is specified the KES server will try to listen on all available network interfaces on port 7373.

The following command will start a KES server listening on all network interfaces on port 7373 with the X.509 TLS certificate server.crt, the corresponding private key server.key and the root identity taken from the environment variable $ROOT_IDENTITY:

kes server --cert server.crt --key private.key --root $ROOT_IDENTITY

Config File

The KES server behavior can be customized via a YAML config file. The config file is separated into various sections:

  • A general server configuration section - e.g. the server address and root identity.
  • A TLS section. - e.g. the server key/certificate and TLS proxy configuration.
  • A cache section. It controls how (long) the KES server caches keys in memory.
  • A logging section. It controls what log messages are written to STDOUT and STDERR.
  • A policy section. It controls who can perform which API operations.
  • A KMS / key store section. It specifies where to store and fetch keys.

TLS Configuration

In the TLS configuration section you usually specify the X.509 certificate of the KES server and the corresponding private key:

  cert: server.crt
  key:  server.key

Further, the TLS section contains a TLS proxy configuration section. Since KES uses mTLS for authentication it is not possible to insert a TLS proxy between the client and the server without specific configuration. For a detailed explanation, recommendations and configuration examples take a look at our TLS proxy page.

Cache Configuration

In the cache configuration section you specify how the KES server should cache keys fetched from the external KMS.

    any:    5m0s
    unused: 20s

By specifying different expiry values you can control how often the KES server has to fetch keys from the external KMS again. For example, any: 5m0s means that the KES server clears the in-memory cache every 5 min. Similarly, unused: 20s means that the KES server removes any key from the cache that has not been used within last 20 seconds.

The choice of cache expiry values is a trade-off between security and performance. For example, if you set any: 1m0s then the KES server has to communicate to the external KMS 5x more often compared to any: 5m0s. However, you would also reduce the time window where the KES server can act without any control by the external KMS.

The following values may help you make a decision.

Security Level any unused
liberal 5m0s 30s
moderate 1m0s 20s
conservative 30s 5s

Logging Configuration

In the log configuration section you specify which log events are written to STDOUT resp. STDERR. In general, the KES server distinguishes error and audit log events. By default the server will write error events to STDERR but does not log audit events to STDOUT.

Usually, error events indicate that some configuration or operational error occurred. For example, an error event is logged when fetching a key from the KMS fails for some unexpected reason. In contrast to error events, a audit event is produced whenever the KES server accepts a client request. The audit event describes the request-response pair and contains information about who issued the request.

Since a KES server may produce many audit events, logging to STDOUT is disabled by default.

  error: on  # To disable error logging to STDERR - explicitly set it to off
  audit: off # To enable audit logging to STDOUT - explicitly set it to on

Note that the log section only controls event logging to STDOUT and STDERR. The KES server also provides audit and error log tracing via the /v1/log/audit/trace and /v1/log/error/trace APIs. A client (with sufficient permissions) can subscribe to the audit or error log at any point in time.

Policy Configuration

In the policy configuration section you define policies and identity-based access control rules. The policy section can contain arbitrary many policy definitions. Each policy must have an unique name - e.g. my-policy. Let's take a look at an example policy:

    - /v1/key/create/my-key
    - /v1/key/generate/my-key
    - /v1/key/decrypt/my-key
    - /v1/key/*/my-key-internal

A policy explicitly allows API operations via its API allow / deny rules. Each rule is a glob pattern and a client request has to match at least one allow and no deny pattern. Otherwise, the server will reject the request.

A KES server will evaluate a policy as following:

  1. Evaluate all deny patterns. If any deny pattern matches then reject the request with a prohibited by policy error.
  2. Evaluate all allow patterns. If at least one allow pattern matches then KES will accept the request.
  3. Reject the request with the same prohibited by policy error since no allow rule matches.

So, it's not necessary to deny specific API operations in general. Instead, deny rules should only be used for fine-grain access control. Any API operation that is not explicitly allowed will be denied by default. Further, notice that deny rules take precedence over allow rules.

Looking at the my-policy policy again, it grants access to the /v1/key API. In particular, it allows three operations: create, generate and decrypt. However, only the key my-key can be used. Therefore, the my-policy policy has the following semantics:

Request Response Reason
/v1/key/create/my-key Request path matches 1st policy path
/v1/key/generate/my-key Request path matches 2nd policy path
/v1/key/create/my-key2 my-key2 does not match my-key
/v1/key/delete/my-key delete does not match create, generate nor decrypt
/v1/policy/write/my-policy policy does not match key
/v0/key/create/my-key v0 does not match v1

Specifying the exact request paths is quite inflexible. Therefore, a policy path is a glob pattern. Let's adjust the my-policy policy as following:

    - /v1/key/create/my-key*
    - /v1/key/generate/my-key*
    - /v1/key/decrypt/my-key*
    - /v1/key/delete/my-key
    - /v1/key/*/my-key-internal

Now, the my-policy policy would have the following semantics:

Request Response Reason
/v1/key/create/my-key Request path matches 1st policy path
/v1/key/generate/my-key Request path matches 2nd policy path
/v1/key/create/my-key2 Request path matches 1st policy path
/v1/key/delete/my-key Request path matches 4th policy path
/v1/key/delete/my-key2 delete/my-key2 does not match delete/my-key (No *)
/v1/key/decrypt/my-key-internal decrypt/my-key-internal is explicitly denied via a deny rule

By using glob patterns the policy is quite flexible but still easy to read for humans. For example:

  • /v1/key/create/*: Allow creating keys with arbitrary names.
  • /v1/key/*/my-key: Allow all key API operations (create, generate, ...) for the key my-key.
  • /v1/key/*/*: Allow all key API operations for arbitrary keys.

For example, observe that the deny rule /v1/key/*/my-key-internal denies any API operation on the key my-key-internal.

Note that a glob wildcard (* or ?) only applies to the current path segment. So /v1/key/* and /v1/key/*/* are not identical. The first will allow arbitrary key API operations but only for empty key names - which is not really useful. The later will allow arbitrary key API operations for arbitrary keys.

You can find a comprehensive list of server APIs here.

In the policy section, you can also define which policy applies to which identity. An identity can be computed from the X.509 certificate - for example:

kes identity of <path-to-certificate-file>

You can assign one or multiple identities to a policy in the policy section. In general, you can specify an identity directly by inserting the identity itself or indirectly by specifying a environment variable name. The KES server will insert the value of the referenced environment variable on startup.

    - /v1/key/create/my-key
    - /v1/key/generate/my-key
    - /v1/key/decrypt/my-key
    - 3ecfcdf38fcbe141ae26a1030f81e96b753365a46760ae6b578698a97c59fd22

Note that the server will not fail if an environment variable is not present or not a "valid" identity. It's your responsibility to ensure that all env. variables are set to the expected values before starting the server.

Key Configuration

In the key configuration section you can declare cryptographic keys that should exist before the KES server starts accepting requests. It allows to create keys in a declarative way:

  - name: "my-key"
  - name: "my-key-2"

When starting a KES server, it will make sure that the specified keys exist. The KES the server will try to create any non-existing key before it accepts client requests and will exit if it fails to create a key.

KMS Configuration

In the KMS / key store configuration section you can specify where the KES server stores and fetches master keys. In general, this should be a KMS that provides a secure storage element or an encrypted key store. However, for testing and development, it is also possible to store master keys in-memory or on the filesystem.

If you don't specify a KMS / key store in the config file then the KES server will create master keys in memory. This is only useful for testing or development setups because all master keys will be gone once you restart the server.

To create a persistent testing or development setup, specify a filesystem key store in the config file:

    path: ./keys # The key store directory. Keys will be created inside ./keys/

For production setups, only secure key stores backed by a KMS - for example Hashicorp Vault - are recommended.