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To the Documentation for TagSpaces products as of version 2.9.

Documentation for TagSpaces version 3.0 is currently in creation.

About TagSpaces

TagSpaces is an open source, cross-platform, no backend, no login, no cloud personal data manager, and file navigator. It helps you organize your files, photos and other documents with tags on different platforms and/or devices, according to your own preferences and following your own logic, by using the same smart and friendly interface everywhere. The short introductory video below shows TagSpaces in action:

<iframe width="640" height="480" style="display:block; margin: 25px auto" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Check out the TagSpaces YouTube channel for more TagSpaces related videos.

The following few slides explain the basics of the project. To navigate the presentation use the blue arrow keys or click on it and use the arrow key on your keyboard.

<iframe style="display:block; margin: 25px auto" src="" width="599" height="487" style="border:none;" allowfullscreen> </iframe>

Products landscape

  • Community desktop version - the main, community developed edition of TagSpaces
  • PRO desktop version - extended solution based on the community version for advanced users
  • Webclipper as Firefox addon - a web clipper allowing the saving of whole webpages, webpage fragments and screenshot as local files
  • Webclipper and file browser as Chtome extension - same as the web clipper for Firefox, but including a file browser allowing you to navigate you local files and project them to a Google's Chromecast.
  • **Android app ** - an app offering most of the features from the community desktop version on a Anrdoid device
  • Android Pro app - extended version of the Android app offering some features of the Desktop PRO version (currently in development)
  • IOS app - an iPhone version of the app (currently in beta status)
  • WebDAV selfhosting edition - A package for selfhosting on top of a any webdav server such as Nextcloud or ownCloud.


All versions of TagSpaces are available to download from the Downloads Page, where you can quickly find the appropriate installer for your platform (Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, Firefox and Chrome).

About this document

Hint: This documentation has currently a WIP status. The articles in this documents are being rapidly updated, with new information added regularly.

The structure of this documentation

This documentation is built using GitBook, for a streamlined and simple user experience. Each page will concern a particular topic, giving detailed and illustrated explanations and instructions about it. Every page is broken down to different level headings:

Section titles

...will divide the chapters into smaller chunks

Subsection titles

...will divide sections, while

Smaller headings

...might be included occasionally, for topics with specific significance

The navigation sidebar on the left side of this page will represent the chapters as expandable topics, with the sections listed in each expanded view.


Much effort had gone into visually illustrating the documentation, so that you can instantly find what you are looking for, or what is being described in words. Most illustrations will feature some sort of annotation. For example if a visible element of the User Interface is discussed, a neon-green rectangle around an element will mark its location on the illustrating image.

When there are multiple elements discussed in the same paragraph, the illustrations will be further annotated with numbers, like on the image below while the corresponding numbers will be included in the text, after each element was first mentioned. For example the following image illustrates the structure of the navigation sidebar, with major parts (1) showing as unselectable titles, expandable page titles (2) will hold major section titles (3), both of which are clickable. Clicking page titles will open the corresponding page, while clicking section titles will open the page and scroll down to the start of the selected section.

Note to contributors: When you annotate illustrations please use a rounded edge rectangle, with the following properties:

  • 20 px radius for the rounded corners
  • #1ccd9c color
  • 3-6px line width, depending on image size (larger images can use thicker lines) Additionally, please use a 28pt font size for numbering with a basic sans font.

Text markup

You will notice, that certain words are marked with bold text. These either mean names of elements, or significant notes/concepts about usage. Italicized words usually mark menu items, or other selectable elements, although it is not a hard and fast rule.

Bulleted lists will be used to

  • Improve readability
  • Make it easier to find what you are looking for.

Document symbols

There are currently two types of symbols, apart from the usual text formatting and annotations, that you can find on these pages:

  • pro - means that the described feature is part of the TagSpaces PRO
  • ⚒ - means that the section is not ready yet and may contain unclear, or not up-to-date information, or sections might be missing entirely.


This documentation project is hosted on GitHub, and uses the GitBook format. Enhancement, or corrections are welcome via pull requests. For the markdown syntax used for the document please refer to the GitBook markdown page

Note: If you are planning to contribute, please do focus on articles marked with the ⚒ symbols (marking work in progress) initially.


Original text and images in this documentation were created and edited by:

Articles published on the TagSpaces Blog, served as the basis upon which this documentation was built. Fragments of the original text can still be found in the documentation, without marking the original author.

License of the documentation

TagSpaces Documentaion by TagSpaces Authors is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at
Creative Commons License


The source for the TagSpaces documentation website






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