Modernizing insights from astrological wisdom-traditions
The plausibility of astrological traditions may be subject to scrutiny, but the revenue possiblities are very real. In 2021, the worldwide astrology industry generated over $12 billion in revenues. With increasing interests in self-care and spiritual inflection, the industry is expected to see nearly 100% growth over the next 10 years. In 2019. one AI-based astrology app was able to secure over $6 million seed capital! Based on that, let's see what we can do.
Starting in 2023, I have partnered with an astrologer to explore possibilities within this field. Through this process, I have created a scripts to compile a customized astrology report based on an individual's planetary placements. At this time, we are returning 75+ pages of customized details for each order, including various graphics and plots to represent how individual energies may present. The report itself is not my personal property and I am not able to share the full details here, but for example purposes, I have genereated generic content through detailed OpenAI prompts and shared an abbreviated report for your enjoyment.
If you would like your own mini-astrology report, go to and enter your personal details.