Python dictionary with key expiry time
- behaves like an ordered dict you know.
The methods items
and values
return a list of objects after purging expired
objects. The method keys
returns odict_keys
as the parent class, but it does
so after purging expired keys.
Python's own OrderedDict and other dictionaries return a dictionary views
whereas the methods here do not.
Expired keys are not removed, instead they are expired. You can remove expired
keys by calling keys()
or any other method that iterates over the dictionary
instance. Expired keys will be removed when you try to access them.
In [1]: from ttldict import TTLOrderedDict
In [2]: mydict = TTLOrderedDict(default_ttl=3) # expire keys after 3 second
In [3]: mydict['foo'] = 'bar'
In [4]: mydict.is_expired('foo') # not yet expired
In [5]: mydict.is_expired('foo') # not yet expired
In [6]: mydict.is_expired('foo') # expired !!!
Out[6]: 'foo'
In [7]: mydict['foo']
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-55-ed0618fdfbab> in <module>()
----> 1 mydict['foo']
/..../ttldict/ in __getitem__(self, key)
95 if self.is_expired(key):
96 self.__delitem__(key)
---> 97 raise KeyError
98 item = super().__getitem__(key)[1]
99 return item
In [8]: mydict.is_expired('foo') # not available anymore
KeyError Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-56-351121feac66> in <module>()
----> 1 mydict.is_expired('foo') # not available anymore
.../ttldict/ in is_expired(self, key, now)
59 now = time.time()
---> 61 expire, _value = super().__getitem__(key)
63 if expire:
KeyError: 'foo'
Use pytest to run the tests:
make test
mailgun for expiringdict
Thomas Kemmer for
and for Jyrki Muukkonen for ttldict published in
This library contains fixes for his TTLDict class and my own OrderedTTLDict.
Without all those this work would not have been possible.