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JEP Places API

Jordan Santell edited this page Jun 27, 2013 · 20 revisions

Places API JEP (WIP)


An API for Firefox Places (History and Bookmarks).

Current Hacking


  • Phase 1
    • Provide easy to use API for CRUD, querying History and Bookmarks
  • Phase 2

Proposed API


Bookmark contains static methods to create, update and manipulate bookmark items like bookmarks, folders and separators. Bookmark, Group and Separator classes all are considered BookmarkItem types.


  • @param {Object} properties
  • @return {Bookmark}

Takes an object of properties, and returns a new Bookmark object.

  • String title: required The name of the bookmark
  • String|URL url: required the url (either as a String or URL instance)
  • Group group: The Group instance that the bookmark should live under. (Default: the menu folder)
  • Number index: The position of the bookmark within its parent. Defaults to the last position. (Default: -1) MAY BE REMOVED
  • Set tags: A Set of tags.
let { Bookmark } = require('bookmark');

	title: 'Mozilla',
	url: '
  • @param {Object} properties
  • @return {Group}

Takes an object of properties, and returns a new Group object.

  • String title: required The name of the group
  • Group group: The Group instance that the group should live under. (Default: the menu folder)
  • Number index: The position of the bookmark within its parent. Defaults to the last position. (Default: -1) MAY BE REMOVED
  • @param {Object} properties
  • @return {Separator}

Takes an object of properties, and returns a new Separator object.

  • Group group: The Group instance that the separator should live under. (Default: the menu folder)
  • Number index: The position of the separator within its parent. Defaults to the last position. (Default: -1) MAY BE REMOVED
save(items, [options])
  • @param {BookmarkItems|Array} items
  • @param {Object} options
  • @return {Emitter}

Pushes properties of items to their platform counterparts -- returns a promise that resolves to new instances of these items upon saving.

Options object has one property, resolve, which is a function accepting mine and theirs arguments, which are the item attempting to save and the item currently saved on the platform. resolve is called if attempting to save a BookmarkItem that has been updated since the object was fetched from the platform to perform a manual diff.

let { Bookmark, save } = require('bookmarks');

var bookmarks = [
	{ title: "Moz", url: "" },
	{ title: "Twitter", url: "" }

save(bookmarks).on('data', function (bookmark) {
  // These instances are new, fresh instances
  // and !== the initial bookmarks passed into input


let { search, save } = require('bookmarks');

search({ url: '' }).on('data', updateBookmark);

function updateBookmark (bm) {
  // So let's update this bookmark, and say the user
  // or another add-on has already changed it, so
  // this instance is out of date already.
  bm.title = "My Moz";
  save(bm, {
    resolve: function (mine, theirs) {
       // Here we can either just choose to 
       // overwrite the title via
       // `theirs.title = mine.title; return theirs;`
       // Which will keep the users' changes other
       // than the title
       // Or we can just completely ignore everything the
       // user did and pass all of `bm`s current props:
       // `return mine;`

Recursive Saving

let { Bookmark, Group, save } = require('bookmarks');

var g = Group({ title: "Mine" });
var b1 = Bookmark({ url: "http://foo", title: "foo", group: g });
var b2 = Bookmark({ url: "http://bar", title: "bar", group: g});

// Since both `b1` and `b2` have `g` as their parent,
// and `g` has not yet been saved, this will first 
// save `g`, and then save `b1` and `b2`
save([b1, b2])

Duck Typing (requires type property)

save({ url: 'http://foo', title: 'foo', type: 'bookmark' })

search(queries, options)
  • @param {Array|Object} queries
  • @param {Object} options
  • @return {Emitter}

Queries can be performed on bookmark items by passing in one or more query options. Each query option can take several properties, which are AND'd together to make one complete query. For additional queries within the query, passing more query options in will OR the total results.

  • String url: A string indicating what URLs are acceptable results. Possible syntax:
    • matches any URL with '' as a host name
    • * matches any URL with '' as a host, or any subdomain of
    • matches only the URL ''
    •* matches any URL that begins with '*'
  • String query: Search terms to search url, title, tags
  • Array tags: Bookmarks with corresponding tags. These are AND'd together.
  • Group group: Group instance that should be owners of the returned children bookmarks. If no group specified, all bookmarks are under the search space.

NOTE: Searching bookmarks currently only returns bookmarks. To return folders and separators as well, a simple query must be performed -- that is, a search with only one query object with the only property passed being the group property.

Need to investigate if this can be changed on the platform, or other workarounds -- currently a workaround is implemented in our Places API to allow non-root folders to be used as setFolders in the nsINavHistoryService, to result in the same interface for our bookmarks search

More properties may be added via the HistoryQuerying service, such as searching titles.

let { search } = require('bookmarks');

// Assume we have group `g1`

// This query gives us all bookmarks with tag 'mozilla'
// that are children of `g1`.
  tags: 'mozilla',
  group: g1

// If we wanted to get the children of g1 
// that have tag 'mozilla' OR children of g1 that
// has tag 'firefox', we can make two query options that
// are OR'd together
  tags: 'mozilla',
  group: g1
}, {
  tags: 'firefox',
  group: g1

// Similar to the last query, we can all bookmarks that
// are children of `g1` that have BOTH the 'mozilla' and
// 'firefox' tag, as all the properties within a query
// are AND'd together
  tags: ['mozilla', 'firefox'],
  group: g1


Here are some platform methods converted to using this API

Getting Children
search({ query: 'my-folder' }).on('data', (g) => {
  search({ group: g }).on('end', function (children) {
    // children

Removing Children
search({ query: 'my-folder' }).on('data', (g) => {
  search({ group: g }).on('data', compose(save, remove));

let remove = (item) => item.remove = true && item

Get Bookmarks by URL
search({ url: '' })
Get Bookmarks by Tag
search({ tags: 'firefox' })
Is URL bookmarked
search({ url: '' }).on('data', (x) => {


These constants are Group instances of default groups/folders on the platform.

  • MENU
  • TAGS

Bookmark Class

  • id readonly
  • index
  • title
  • url
  • group
  • tags

Group Class

  • id readonly
  • index
  • title
  • group
  • tags

Separator Class

  • id readonly
  • index
  • group



search(queries, options)
  • @param {Array|Object} queries
  • @param {Object} options
  • @return {Emitter}

Takes an object, or array of objects, as query parameter objects, and optionally an options object. Like Bookmark's search, query parameters are AND'd together, and multiple queries are OR'd together.

TODO DESCRIBE PROMISE EMITTER Returns a promise for an array of history items that match the query's options.

Query Parameters
  • String url: A string indicating what URLs are acceptable results. Possible syntax:
    • matches any URL with '' as a host name
    • * matches any URL with '' as a host, or any subdomain of
    • matches only the URL ''
    •* matches any URL that begins with '*'
  • String query: Search terms to match history results with query in its URL or title.
  • Date|Number from: Time relative from the epoch that history results should be limited to occuring after. Can accept a Date object, or milliseconds from the epoch. Default is from the epoch (all time).
  • Date|Number to: Time relative from the epoch that history results should be limited to occuring before. Can accept a Date object, or milliseconds from the epoch. Default is the current time.
  • String sort: A string to specify the type of sort to use. Possible options: 'title', 'date', 'url', 'visitCount', 'keyword', 'dateAdded', 'lastModified'. Default is unsorted.
  • Boolean descending: Whether or not the sorted results should be in descending order. Default is false, which returns the results in an ascending order. Has no effect if sort is undefined.
  • Number count: Upper limit of how many items are returned. Default is no limit.
let { search } = require('sdk/places/history');

 * This query is all page visits from the year 2010
 * with "google" in their URL or title, and also all
 * page visits from the year 2011 with "mozilla" in their URL
 * or title. The result is sorted by visit count, and the first
 * 20 are returned
let results = search({
  from: new Date('1/1/2010'),
  to: new Date('12/31/2010'),
  query: 'google'
}, {
  from: new Date('1/1/2011'),
  to: new Date('12/31/2011'),
  query: 'mozilla'
}, {
  sort: 'visitCount',
  count: 20

results.then(data => {


Notes 6/3/2013

  • Use Emitters rather than Promises, as both save and querying returns a collection of information, rather than one computation. With promises, if one save failed, it'd be ambiguous how to recover.
  • Don't expose an "update/refresh" method
  • Rename folders to groups -- more conceptual, and futureproofs if the UI of bookmarks is displayed differently
  • Make id property immutable and non-enumerable, ID represents the identity of a bookmark so changing this would break everything
  • Robust query interface for bookmarks via .get({}, {}, …) have properties like tags, urls, and other bookmark fields. Will use several services to get the aggregate results. ANDs properties in a single query object, and ORs the results of several query objects (need intersection/union operators on bookmarks).
  • Always return a new data object, do not respect identity -- for example querying a bookmark will give you a snapshot of its current state, and should be thought of as representation of state rather than the item itself
var bm = Bookmark({…});
save(bm).then(function (bookmark) {
  // bm !== bookmark
  • Add a resolution function to save, in case of out-of-date bookmark, as to not make unwanted or accidental changes and let the developer specify how to resolve a conflict, either ignore the save (return theirs) or do a full overwrite (return mine) or just deal with a diff of one property that was saved
save({}, { resolve: function (mine, theirs) {
  // If you want to clobber changes, just return mine
  // if out of date -- or can only overwrite something like
  // the tags property. Whatever is returned is saved.
  return mine;
  • Remove createBookmark and similar methods (should just have Bookmark which instantiates a data structureish class)
  • Remove index on Bookmark items ????
  • Hide id???
  • Map v0 to v1 since a new bookmark will not have an updated time, so we'll need to map the initial save to the initial data structure to infer if conflict resolution is necessary
  • Remove delete/remove functions -- done via a variable like bookmark.remove = true and passed into save method
  • remove removeAllChildren and getChildren -- can be done with a query with a group property
  • Recursively save group dependencies when saving bookmarks if needed (save the parent if it doesn't exist while saving a bookmark)
  • remove isBookmarked -- can be done with a URL query
  • Support splats
  • Remove Tags module -- roll into module with Sets
  • Prevent duplicate creation (?)


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