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Case Conductor Platform

Documentation of setup (Tested on Ubuntu 10.10 desktop, 10.04 server, and Mac OS X).

  • Build: Get Java and Maven installed and build the caseconductor-platform source
  • Run: Setup JBoss, and copy the caseconductor-platform .war file to the right place
  • Cheats: .bashrc settings to make re-building and running easier once you're already setup

Assumes that $CCPLATFORM is the root directory of the checked-out caseconductor-platform repo (see Cheats section).


If you have a pre-built WAR file (the Case Conductor UI repo provides one), you can skip this build step and go straight to the Run step.

First make sure we've got a JDK and Maven both available. On Ubuntu:

$ sudo aptitude install maven2 openjdk-6-jdk

On OS X, follow You may need to add something like this to your .bashrc:

$ export JAVA_HOME="/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home"

Note that if built with Maven 3, the platform will fail to start in the supported version of jBoss (5.1.0) due to a bug related to loading of XML parsers. Maven 2 must be used instead.

Now build the project:

$ cd $CCPLATFORM; mvn clean install

This should generate the file utest-portal-webapp/target/tcm.war. In the next step, we'll install this into jBoss.


Download and unzip jBoss 5.1:

$ wget -O
$ unzip

Copy the .war file in (source location will differ if you didn't built it yourself but are using a pre-built .war):

$ cp $CCPLATFORM/utest-portal-webapp/target/tcm.war jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/

Add the MySQL connector jar and the datasource configuration into jBoss:

$ cp $CCPLATFORM/deploy-config/mysql-connector-java-5.1.12.jar jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/lib/
$ cp $CCPLATFORM/deploy-config/utest-ds.xml jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/

Edit the copied utest-ds.xml file (the one under jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/utest-ds.xml) to set the name of your MySQL database (default is tcm) and your MySQL user and password (defaults to root with no password).

Note that the platform currently supports MySQL 5.1 and MySQL 5.5.8 and prior releases -- due to known bugs in MySQL 5.5.<9 through 16> some operations will fail with foreign key constraint violations.

Create your MySQL database schema (you may need to use the -u option to the commands here if you are using a database user other than your current shell user, and you'll need to substitute a different db name if not using tcm):

$ mysqladmin create tcm
$ mysql tcm < $CCPLATFORM/utest-persistence/src/main/resources/db_scripts/db_tcm_create_empty_db_script.sql

You'll need to also execute each database update script in that same directory, in order. For example:

$ mysql tcm < $CCPLATFORM/utest-persistence/src/main/resources/db_scripts/db_tcm_update_db_script_1.sql

The shell script automates dropping an existing database if it exists, creating the database, setting up the initial schema and running all update scripts. (If you are using a database name other than tcm and/or a database user other than root, you'll need to run this script as ./ database_name user_name).

And run the server:

$ jboss-5.1.0.GA/bin/

Give it a minute or two to start up - when it's ready you'll see a line in its console output that looks like this:

17:50:59,453 INFO  [ServerImpl] JBoss (Microcontainer) [5.1.0.GA (build: SVNTag=JBoss_5_1_0_GA date=200905221053)] Started in 48s:247ms

Now you should be able to connect to http://localhost:8080/tcm/services/ and see the web-service WADL file links listed, and connect to e.g. http://localhost:8080/tcm/services/v2/rest/companies/ and see the list of companies.

Future Updates

If you git pull future updates to the platform code, you'll need to rebuild it:

$ cd $CCPLATFORM; mvn clean install

And copy the built .war file into your jBoss installation:

$ cp $CCPLATFORM/utest-portal-webapp/target/tcm.war jboss-5.1.0.GA/server/default/deploy/

If any new database update scripts were included in the platform update, you'll need to run them:

$ mysql -uroot < $CCPLATFORM/utest-persistence/src/main/resources/db_scripts/db_tcm_update_db_script_29.sql

Alternatively, you can just run again, if you don't mind losing any data in your local database and starting over with a fresh database.


You can add these lines to your .bashrc to make updating and running a tad easier. Please modify the environment variables to match your system config:

export CCPLATFORM=$HOME/gitspace/caseconductor-platform
export M2_HOME=/usr/local/apache-maven/apache-maven-2.2.1
export M2=$M2_HOME/bin
export JAVA_HOME=/System/Library/Frameworks/JavaVM.framework/Versions/1.6.0/Home
export JBOSS_HOME=$HOME/CodeLibraries/jboss-5.1.0.GA
export PATH=$M2:$PATH

# Case Conductor
function ccupdate() {
    mvn clean install
    cp $CCPLATFORM/utest-portal-webapp/target/tcm.war $JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy/
    echo "DONE: tcm.war copied to JBoss"; echo
function ccrun() {

Seeding environment data

There are 2 OPTIONAL scripts created for populating environment data related to Desktop and Mobile testing. You don't need to run these scripts if you have your own seed data source or you are interested in testing some other types of environments.

db_tcm_seed_desktop_environments.sql - will populate Operating System, Operating System Version and Web Browser data and relationships between them;

db_tcm_seed_mobile_environments.sql - will populate Mobile Manufacturers, Mobile Models and Mobile Operating System data and relationships between them

Configuring your application for reversable deletes

The application could be configured to never physically remove deleted records from the database, but just mark them as "deleted" instead. "Deleted" records will not show up in results of queries and will queries will result in 404 - NOT FOUND response code when searched by ID of a deleted entity.

There is a flag in the application pom.xml file, which will indicate whether application will implement "hard" or "soft" deletes:


For "hard" deletes set this flag to true before building the application, or to false for "soft" deletes.


Backend platform API - UNSUPPORTED






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Contributors 3

