Janus is an open source, general purpose, WebRTC gateway designed and developed by Meetecho. This version of the gateway can only be installed on Linux systems: next versions will take into account cross compilation on different environments.
For some online demos and documentations, make sure you pay the project website a visit!
To discuss Janus with us and other users, there's a Google Group called meetecho-janus that you can use. If you encounter issues, though, please submit an issue on github instead.
##Dependencies To install it, you'll need to satisfy the following dependencies:
- libmicrohttpd
- libini-config (INI configurations)
- Jansson
- libnice
- OpenSSL (at least v1.0.1e)
- libsrtp
- Sofia-SIP
- usrsctp (only needed if you are interested in Data Channels)
- libwebsock (only needed if you are interested in WebSockets support)
- libevent (only needed if you are interested in WebSockets support, as libwebsock makes use of it)
- rabbitmq-c (only needed if you are interested in RabbitMQ support)
A couple of plugins depend on a few more libraries:
Additionally, you'll need the following libraries and tools:
All of those libraries are usually available on most of the most common distributions. Installing these libraries on a recent Fedora, for instance, is very simple:
yum install libmicrohttpd-devel jansson-devel libnice-devel \
openssl-devel libsrtp-devel sofia-sip-devel glib-devel \
opus-devel libogg-devel libini_config-devel pkg-config gengetopt \
libtool autoconf automake
On Ubuntu or Debian, it would require something like this:
aptitude install libmicrohttpd-dev libjansson-dev libnice-dev \
libssl-dev libsrtp-dev libsofia-sip-ua-dev libglib2.0-dev \
libopus-dev libogg-dev libini-config-dev libcollection-dev \
pkg-config gengetopt libtool automake
- Note: please notice that libopus may not be available out of the box on Ubuntu or Debian, unless you're using a recent version (e.g., Ubuntu 14.04 LTS). In that case, you'll have to install it manually.
For what concerns usrsctp, which is needed for Data Channels support, it is usually not available in repositories, so if you're interested in them (support is optional) you'll have to install it manually. It is a pretty easy and standard process:
svn co http://sctp-refimpl.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/KERN/usrsctp usrsctp
cd usrsctp
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install
- Note: you may need to pass --libdir=/usr/lib64 to the configure script if you're installing on a x86_64 distribution.
The same applies for libwebsock, which is needed for the optional
WebSockets support. If you're interested in supporting WebSockets to
control Janus, as an alternative (or replacement) to the default plain
HTTP REST API, you'll have to install the version 1.0.4
git clone git://github.com/payden/libwebsock.git
cd libwebsock
git checkout tags/v1.0.4
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install
Note: you may need to pass --libdir=/usr/lib64 to the configure script if you're installing on a x86_64 distribution.
Note: as anticipated you'll need to install libevent-dev (or libevent-devel) before installing libwebsock (see here for more info).
Please notice that you have to install version 1.0.4
and not any
later version. In fact, recent versions of libwebsock added support for
threading in the library, but it is currently experimental and doesn't
work as expected in Janus.
Finally, the same can be said for rabbitmq-c as well, which is needed for the optional RabbitMQ support. In fact, several different versions of the library can be found, and the versions usually available in most distribution repositories are not up-do-date with respect to the current state of the development. As such, if you're interested in integrating RabbitMQ queues as an alternative (or replacement) to HTTP and/or WebSockets to control Janus, you can install the latest version with the following steps:
git clone https://github.com/alanxz/rabbitmq-c
cd rabbitmq-c
git submodule init
git submodule update
autoreconf -i
./configure --prefix=/usr && make && sudo make install
- Note: you may need to pass --libdir=/usr/lib64 to the configure script if you're installing on a x86_64 distribution.
To conclude, should you be interested in building the gateway documentation as well, you'll need some additional tools too:
On Fedora:
yum install doxygen graphviz
On Ubuntu/Debian:
aptitude install doxygen graphviz
##Compile Once you have installed all the dependencies, get the code:
git clone https://github.com/meetecho/janus-gateway.git
cd janus-gateway
Then just use:
sh autogen.sh
to generate the configure file. After that, configure and compile as usual to start the whole compilation process:
./configure --prefix=/opt/janus
make install
To also automatically install the default configuration files to use, also do a:
make configs
If you're not interested in Data Channels, WebSockets and/or RabbitMQ (or you don't care about either of them) you can disable them when configuring:
./configure --disable-websockets --disable-data-channels --disable-rabbitmq
If Doxygen and graphviz are available, the process will also build the documentation for you. If you prefer not to build it, use the --disable-docs configuration option:
./configure --disable-docs
You can also selectively enable/disable other features (e.g., specific plugins you don't care about). Use the --help option when configuring for more info.
##Configure and start To start the gateway, you can use the janus executable. There are several things you can configure, either in a configuration file:
or on the command line:
<installdir>/bin/janus --help
janus 0.0.6
Usage: janus [OPTIONS]...
-h, --help Print help and exit
-V, --version Print version and exit
-i, --interface=ipaddress Interface to use (will be the public IP)
-p, --port=portnumber Web server HTTP port (default=8088)
-s, --secure-port=portnumber Web server HTTPS port (default=no HTTPS)
-n, --no-http Disable insecure HTTP web server (default=off)
-b, --base-path=basepath Base path to bind to in the web server
-w, --ws-port=portnumber WebSockets server port (default=no WebSockets)
-W, --ws-secure-port=portnumber
Secure WebSockets server port (default=no
secure WebSockets)
-N, --no-websockets Disable insecure WebSockets server
-m, --admin-port=portnumber Admin/monitor web server HTTP port
-M, --admin-secure-port=portnumber
Admin/monitor web server HTTPS port (default=no
-O, --no-admin Disable insecure HTTP admin/monitor web server
-B, --admin-base-path=basepath
Base path to bind to in the HTTP/HTTPS
admin/monitor web server (default=/admin)
-Q, --admin-secret=randomstring
Admin/monitor secret all requests need to pass
in order to be accepted by Janus (useful a
crude form of authentication, none by
-L, --admin-acl=list Comma-separated list of IP addresses allowed to
use the Admin/monitor; partial strings are
supported (e.g.,, or
192.168., default=no restriction)
-P, --plugins-folder=path Plugins folder (default=./plugins)
-C, --config=filename Configuration file to use
-F, --configs-folder=path Configuration files folder (default=./conf)
-c, --cert-pem=filename HTTPS/DTLS certificate
-k, --cert-key=filename HTTPS/DTLS certificate key
-S, --stun-server=filename STUN server(:port) to use, if needed (e.g.,
gateway behind NAT, default=none)
-X, --ice-ignore-list=list Comma-separated list of interfaces or IP
addresses to ignore for ICE gathering;
partial strings are supported (e.g.,
vmnet8,, or
vmnet,192.168., default=vmnet)
-e, --public-ip=ipaddress Public address of the machine, to use in SDP
-q, --max-nack-queue=number Maximum size of the NACK queue per user for
-r, --rtp-port-range=min-max Port range to use for RTP/RTCP (only available
if the installed libnice supports it)
-d, --debug-level=1-7 Debug/logging level (0=disable debugging,
7=maximum debug level; default=4)
-a, --apisecret=randomstring API secret all requests need to pass in order
to be accepted by Janus (useful when wrapping
Janus API requests in a server, none by
-R, --enable-rabbitmq Enable RabbitMQ support (default=off)
-H, --rabbitmq-host=string Address (host:port) of the RabbitMQ server to
use (default=localhost:5672)
-t, --rabbitmq-in-queue=string
Name of the RabbitMQ queue for incoming
messages (no default)
-f, --rabbitmq-out-queue=string
Name of the RabbitMQ queue for outgoing
messages (no default)
Options passed through the command line have the precedence on those specified in the configuration file. To start the gateway, simply run:
This will start the gateway, and have it look at the configuration file. By default, only an HTTP webserver is started. To enable HTTPS support, edit the configuration file accordingly or use the command line. The webserver will make use of the same certificates provided for DTLS. You can also change the base path that the webserver uses: by default this is /janus, but you can change it to anything you want and with any nesting you want (e.g., /mypath, /my/path, or /my/really/nested/path). This is done to allow you to more easily customize rules in any frontend you may have (e.g., Apache in front of your services). Please notice that the path configuration has no effect on the WebSockets usage of the API, instead, as it is not needed there.
In the absence of a configuration file, the only mandatory options to specify in the command line are the ones related to the DTLS certificate. A default certificate is provided with this package in the certs folder, which you can use launching the executable with these parameters:
<installdir>/bin/janus -c /path/to/mycert.pem -k /path/to/mycert.key
At this point, the gateway will be listening on the 8088 port (or whatever you changed that to) of your machine. To test whether it's working correctly, you can use the demos provided with this package in the html folder: these are exactly the same demos available online on the project website. Just copy the file it contains in a webserver, and open the index.html page in either Chrome or Firefox. A list of demo pages exploiting the different plugins will be available.
##Help us! Any thought, feedback or (hopefully not!) insult is welcome!
Developed by @meetecho