[WIP] PEN Scintillation Project Signal Analysis & Data Taking
have been merged toPENScintAnalysis.jl
have been merged. [06/2022]- Dark box control: so far, the XIMC motorised stages, HV control and Struck data taking are part of the package.
- Data analysis: handling Struck raw data, converting to LEGEND HDF5 (read & write)
A few packages required for PENScintAnalysis.jl
are not registered. These can be found here:
For LEGEND software, add the LEGEND Julia registry: https://github.com/legend-exp/LegendJuliaRegistry
Then add LegendHDF5IO
and LegendDataTypes
There are two ways to read `.dat files now:
read_data_from_struck(filename::String; just_evt_t=false)
read_raw_data(filename::String; nevents::Int=typemax(Int))
Both accept a single string as input or an array of strings for the file paths. In case you use the array, the function returns one TypedTable/DataFrame consisting of all data!
read_old_h5_structure(filename::String; nevents::Int=typemax(Int), nsubfiles::Int=typemax(Int), subfiles=[])
Reads the outdated dataformat. Outdated means non-LegendHDF5IO compatible. You can see what is in one of those files by using get_h5_info_old(filename::String)
: Path to *.h5 file with old formatting as a string.nevents::Int
: Number of events to read in. Default: all events.nsubfiles::Int
: Number of subfiles to read in. Default: all.subfiles
: Array of indices of subfiles to read in. Default: empty = all.
filename = "path/to/h5/file.h5"
file_info = get_h5_info_old(filename)
for i in eachindex(file_info["names"])
data = read_old_h5_structure(filename, subfiles=[i])
# Do analysis separate for each subfile to avoid OutOfMemory() issues
You can directly convert *.dat
files to *.h5
by using:
struck_to_h5(filename::String; conv_data_dir="../conv_data/")
Or you read in the data as before and store it using writeh5(filename::String, tt)
where tt
is your output from read_data_from_struck()
Please note that you can't store an array of vectors/arrays in HDF5! You have to convert that array with VectorOfArrays(ARRAY)
Creates an individual pmt_daq.scala
file and takes data which are converted to a HDF5 file afterwards.
: NamedTuple containing all settings. See Example.
settings = (
fadc = "gelab-fadc08", # Your Struck device
output_basename = "test-measurement",
data_dir = "../data/", # where you want to store the raw data (*.dat)
conv_data_dir = "../conv_data/", # where you want to store the converted data (*.h5)
measurement_time = 20,
number_of_measurements = 5, # rather take more measurements instead of creating huge files
channels = [1,2,3,4,5,6],
trigger_threshold = [55], # in ADC
trigger_pmt = [5,6],
peakTime = 2,
gapTime = 2,
nPreTrig = 192,
nSamples = 256,
saveEnergy = true, # actually not implemented
delete_dat = true # delete the raw data file after converting
To start the connection to the motors, use motor = mymotor()
. It will automatically save the settings needed for the motors. They will be initialized when starting the connection, but can always be intialized by calling Initialize(motor)
. This overwrites the settings which might have changed after a power outage.
To calibrate the motors, i.e. to set the 0 to the end of the motor stage at the bottom left of the setup, the functions CalibrateX
and CalibrateY
are used.
For example, CalibrateX(motor)
calibrates the X-motor. If both motors should be calibrated, call Calibrate(motor)
To move the motors, the commands XMoveMM
and YMoveMM
are used. These functions take as arguments the position in mm and the motor.
For example XMoveMM(15,motor)
moves the X-motor to 15mm. This function blocks the program until the final destination is reached.
To avoid the block, call the function with the keyword argument XMoveMM(15,motor,block_till_arrival = false)
To get the position of the motors, call PosX(motor)
and PosY(motor)
. They are given in units of mm. To print it to the terminal, Pos(motor)
can be used. Note that the value at 0 has a negative sign, as the motor stage coordinates are inverted during the conversion to mm.
# Initialize
motor = mymotor()
# Get current position
pos_x = PosX(motor)
pos_y = PosY(motor)
@info(pos_x, pos_y)
# Move stage to x = 42, y = 24 in units of mm
When changing the connection of the motors to the serial hub (or using a different serial hub), please use:
device = "gelab-serialXX"
ports = [2001, 2011]
motor = mymotor(device, ports)
The HV supply for the PMTs can be controlled as follows:
Define the login details to establish the connection:
login_payload = JSON.json(Dict("i"=>"", "t" => "login", "c"=> Dict("l"=>"USERNAME", "p"=>"PASSWORD", "t" => ""), "r" => "websocket"))
ip = "ws://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:8080"
Basic controls
# Get all measured voltages
# Get all set voltages (to compare set and measured)
# Set voltage (value) to one channel
voltage_goto(ip, channel::Int, value::Real)
# e.g. set channel 2 to -975 V
voltage_goto(ip, 2, -975)
To start a scan with the stage you have available 3 options:
PENBBScan2D(x_start, y_start, step_x, step_y, x_ends, y_ends, HolderName::String, time_per_point)
This function can used to perform an automate scan in 2D (x,y axis)
This function requires as input the starting point (x_start,y_start), and the end point (x_ends,y_ends) as well
as the step sizes in both axis(step_x,step_y). All values are in mm. The range specified muss be in the interval x in [0.0,100.0]
, y in [0.0,100.0]
In addition you can specify the name of the holder or sample and time of data taking for each position
PENBBScan2D(x_start, y_start, step_x, step_y, x_ends, y_ends, HolderName::String, time_per_point).
Example: PENBBScan2D(0.0,0.0,20.0,20.0,40.0,40.0,"small",2)
will do a scan in the rectangle x: 0.0->40 mm; y: 0.0 -> 40 mm with steps of 20. mm in each direction
: intial point in xy_start
: intial point in ystep_x
: step size in xstep_y
: step size in yx_ends
: final point in xy_ends
: final point in yHolderName::String
: name of the holder of piece you are scanningtime_per_point
: time of data taking in each point.
The next funtions will do a 1D scan.
PENBBScan1DY(x_start, y_start, step_y, y_ends, HolderName::String, time_per_point)
PENBBScan1DX(y_start, x_start, step_x, x_ends, HolderName::String, time_per_point)