Perl 6 interface to the Imlib2 image library.
Perl6 binding for Imlib2, a featureful and efficient image manipulation library, which produces high quality, anti-aliased output.
Note that a recent version of Imlib2 library must be installed before installing this module.
To install with the Panda tool.
panda update
panda install Imlib2
To run a sample script that uses the Imlib2 library.
git clone git://
cd perl6-Imlib2/examples
PERL6LIB=$HOME/.perl6/2013.02.1/lib LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$HOME/.perl6/2013.02.1/lib ./imlib2.p6
WARNING: This module is Work in Progress, which means: this interface is not final. This will perhaps change in the future.
A sample of the code can be seen below.
use Imlib2;
my $im =;
# Create a new raw image.
my $rawimage = $im.create_image(200, 200);
exit() unless $rawimage;
# Sets the current image Imlib2 will be using with its function calls.
# Sets the color with which text, lines and rectangles are drawn when
# being rendered onto an image.
red => 255,
green => 127,
blue => 0,
alpha => 255);
location => (0, 0),
size => (200, 200),
fill => True);
unlink("images/test_imlib2.png") if "images/test_imlib2.png".IO ~~ :e;
# Frees the image that is set as the current image in Imlib2's context.
Henrique Dias [email protected]
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.