- London
- same time - mrpbennett.dev
- @mrpbennett
nextjs-docker-template Public template
The official NextJS Docker repo, saved a template for future projects
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 27, 2025 -
home-ops Public
Wife approved HomeOps driven by Kubernetes and GitOps using ArgoCD
TIL Public
Today I Learnt. Ever growing library of learnings
catppuccin-homer Public
A catppuccin theme for homer dashboard
hiit_timer Public
FREE HIIT Timer for those crossfit junkies who don't like subscriptions
Swift UpdatedDec 30, 2024 -
dotfiles Public
Collection of dotfiles for setting up a new machine
etl-pipeline Public
My own ETL pipeline of random users utilising Postgres for long term storage and Redis for caching. Served up via FastAPI and Docker
de_ss_datapipeline Public
My (SS) SuperSimple data pipline to learn how to interact with Postgres via Docker
Python UpdatedAug 23, 2023 -
supabase-py Public
Forked from supabase/supabase-pyPython Client for Supabase
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 20, 2023 -
pulsepoint_fitness_club Public
Tracks activities from a Strava club to display in a UI
JavaScript UpdatedJul 5, 2023 -
clean-urls Public
Simple Vue.js app that uses regex to clean up a list of urls. When you're in need to remove the https:// and what comes after the .com.
vue-calc Public
A simple calculator app build in Vue.js with a little help from tailwindcss
lottery-generator Public
Application to create lottery tickets from most commonly drawn numbers from the National Lottery
dummy-npis Public
Simple script to help create csv files with dummy 10 char numbers
fig_mockup Public
My mockup of Fig settings window.
atlantic-night-vscode-theme Public
ATLANTIC NIGHT: A dark theme for VSC
reactfast_contacts Public
ReactFast contacts. CRUD app built with a FastAPI / SQLite backend with a pretty React & TailwindCSS front end.
npi_api Public
This CLI allows users to use the LIFE API with ease, without the need of making requests
covid-tracker Public
Simple COVID tracker built in Vue.js using the https://api.covid19api.com API.
Vue UpdatedFeb 12, 2021