- references
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4085118/why-foldright-and-reduceright-are-not-tail-recursive
- https://www.nurkiewicz.com/2012/04/secret-powers-of-foldleft-in-scala.html
- https://blog.codecentric.de/en/2016/02/lazy-vals-scala-look-hood/
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/9809313/scalas-lazy-arguments-how-do-they-work
- https://booksites.artima.com/programming_in_scala_4ed
- https://medium.com/@wiemzin/variances-in-scala-9c7d17af9dc4
- https://docs.scala-lang.org/overviews/scala-book/classes.html
- https://dzone.com/articles/scala-generics-part-2-covariance-and-contravariance-in-generics
- https://www.manning.com/books/functional-programming-in-scala
- https://chatgpt.com/
- goals of this workshop:
- gentle introduction to Scala syntax and type system
- discuss some Scala features:
- variance,
- pattern matching,
- sealed classes,
- lazy evaluation and non-strictness
- implicit
- implementation of functional data structures: list, stream and tree
- practice recursion
- please refer beforehand https://github.com/mtumilowicz/java12-fundamentals-tail-recursion-workshop
- answers with correctly implemented
tasks are inanswers
- class hierarchy
- at the top of the hierarchy is class
- every class inherits from
val x: Int = 42 val y: Any = x
- defines methods
final def ==(that: Any): Boolean final def !=(that: Any): Boolean def equals(that: Any): Boolean def ##: Int def hashCode: Int def toString: String
- has two subclasses:
- every class inherits from
- parent class of value classes in Scala
- for a class to be a value class, it must
- have exactly one parameter
- have nothing inside it except
- no other class can extend a value class
- cannot redefine equals or hashCode
- nine value classes built into Scala
, andUnit
corresponds roughly to Java’s void typeUnit
has a single instance value, which is written()
- Scala stores integers in the same way as Java—as 32-bit words
- uses
whenever an integer needs to be seen as a (Java) object- for example, when invoking the
- for example, when invoking the
- uses
- in Java, a
new Integer(1)
does not equal anew Long(1)
- this discrepancy is corrected in Scala
- there are implicit conversions between different value class types
- for example,
is automatically widened toscala.Long
when required
- for example,
- implicit conversions are also used to add more functionality to value types
- for example, methods
, andabs
are inscala.runtime.RichInt
and there is an implicit conversion from classInt
- for example, methods
- base class of all reference classes
- just an alias for
- bottom of the hierarchy:
- handle some "corner cases" of Scala’s object-oriented type system in a uniform way
is the type of the null reference- subtype of every type that inherits from
- not compatible with value types
- subtype of every type that inherits from
- subtype of every type
def x(): Int = y() def y(): Nothing = ???
- there exist no values of this type
- one use is that it signals abnormal termination
- another use - parametrization of empty collection subtype
- subtype of every type
- at the top of the hierarchy is class
- public is default access level
- defined class and gave it a var field
class ChecksumAccumulator { private var sum = 0 }
class MyClass(index: Int, name: String)
- compiler will produce a class
- two private instance variables
- two args constructor
- compiler will produce a class
class MyClass(val index: Int, val name: String)
- readonly fields with getters
- if
instead ofval
- also setters
- if
println(p.firstName + " " + p.lastName)
- readonly fields with getters
- main/primary constructor is defined when you define your class
class Person(var firstName: String, var lastName: String) { println("the constructor begins") // some methods def printHome(): Unit = println(s"HOME = $HOME") // processed string literal with s string interpolator def fullName(): String = { firstName + " " + lastName // no explicit return statement = return last computed value } // secondary constructor def this(firstName: String) { this(firstName, "", 0); } printHome() println("you've reached the end of the constructor") }
- classes in Scala cannot have static members
- instead - singleton objects
- for Java programmers - think of singleton objects as the home for static methods
- singleton object is more than a holder of static methods
- it is a first-class object
- singleton object with the same name as a class - it is called class’s companion object
- class is called the companion class of the singleton object
- class and its companion object can access each other’s private members
- singleton objects cannot take parameters, whereas classes can
- singleton object is initialized the first time some code accesses it
- please refer: https://github.com/mtumilowicz/java11-covariance-contravariance-invariance
- variance annotations:
symbols you can place next to type parameters- covariant:
trait Queue[+T] { ... }
- nonvariant:
trait Queue[T] { ... }
- contravariant:
trait Queue[-T] { ... }
- covariant:
- to verify correctness Scala compiler classifies all positions in a class or trait body
as positive, negative or neutral
- "position" is any location in the class or trait where a type parameter may be used
- for example, every method value parameter
- type parameters annotated with + may only be used in positive positions
- type parameters annotated with - may only be used in negative positions
- type parameter with no variance annotation may be used in any position
- the only kind of type parameter that can be used in neutral positions of the class body
- compiler checks that each type parameter is only used in positions that are classified appropriately
- examples
- covariant position
class Pets[+A](val pets: ...) { def add(newPet: A): ... } error: covariant type A occurs in contravariant position in type A of value newPet
val pets: Pets[Animal] = Pets[Cat](List(Cat)) // it is actually a Pets[Cat] pets.add(Dog) // accepts Animal or any subtype of Animal
- contravariant position
class Pets[-A](val pet:A) // contravariant type A occurs in covariant position in type => A of value pet
Pets[Cat] = Pets[Animal](new Animal) pets.pet.meow() // pets.pet is not Cat — it is an Animal
- function
S => T
is contravariant in the function argument and covariant in the result typeval x1: Int => CharSequence = (x: AnyVal) => x.toString
- covariant position
- variadic function syntax:
def apply[A](as: A*): List[A] = ...
- any application of an object to some arguments in parentheses will be transformed to an
method callf(x)
- digression:
x(0) = "Hello"
->x.update(0, "Hello")
- convert to varargs:
as.tail: _*
- examples
var f: List[String] => List[String] = _.tail
var f: (List[String], Int) => List[String] = _ drop _
var f: (Int, Int) => Int = _ + _
List(-11, -10, -5, 0, 5, 10).filter(_ > 0)
- compiler must have enough information to infer missing parameter types
- you can think of the underscore as a "blank" in the expression that needs to be "filled in"
- multiple underscores mean multiple parameters
- examples
case class Person(name: String, age: Int) person match { case Person("Michal", 29) => println("Hi Michi!") case Person(name, 65) => println("Hi " + name + ", retired?") case Person(name, age) if age > 100 => println("Hi " + name + ", congratulations!") case Person(name, _) => println("Hi " + name + ", age is a state of mind!") case _ => println("rest") }
- fancy switch statement that may descend into the structure of the expression it examines
and extract subexpressions of that structure
- there are three differences to keep in mind
- match is an expression in Scala (i.e., it always results in a value)
- Scala’s alternative expressions never "fall through" into the next case
- if none of the patterns match, an exception named
is thrown
- there are three differences to keep in mind
- example
abstract class Animal case class Cat(parameters list) extends Animal case class Dog() extends Animal
- classes with case modifier a modifier are called case classes
- Scala compiler adds some syntactic conveniences to your class
- adds a factory method with the name of the class
- construct an object:
vsnew Cat("x")
- all arguments in the parameter list get a val prefix, so they are maintained as fields
- implementations of methods toString, hashCode and equals
- copy method for making modified copies
- The method works by using named and default parameters
- You specify the changes you’d like to make by using named parameters. For any parameter you don’t specify, the value from the old object is used
- the biggest advantage of case classes is that they support pattern matching
- twin constructs: case classes and pattern matching
- case classes are Scala’s way to allow pattern matching without a boilerplate
- cannot have any new subclasses added except the ones in the same file
- if you match against case classes that inherit from a sealed class, the compiler will flag missing combinations of patterns with a warning message
- Scala compiler help in detecting missing combinations of patterns in a match expression
- compiler needs to be able to tell which are the possible cases
- in general, this is impossible because new case classes can be defined at any time and in arbitrary compilation units
- non-strict function - function may choose not to evaluate its arguments
- formal definition
- we say that the expression doesn’t terminate or that it evaluates to bottom if the evaluation of an expression runs forever or throws an error instead of returning a definite value
- function f is strict if the expression f(x) evaluates to bottom for all x that evaluate to bottom
- formal definition
- example
- boolean functions && and || are non-strict
- if you invoke
you’ll get an exception -sys.error("failure")
will be evaluated before entering the body of the method - example
def f(x: => Int): Unit = { println(x + 1) // target type, better than trick with supplier } f(1) // prints 2
- arguments we’d like to pass unevaluated have an arrow
immediately before their type- we don’t need to do anything special to evaluate an argument annotated with
- just reference the identifier as usual
- we don't need to do anything special to call this function
- just use the normal function call syntax
- Scala takes care of wrapping the expression in a thunk for us
- we don’t need to do anything special to evaluate an argument annotated with
- Scala won’t (by default) cache the result of evaluating an argument
- we say that a non-strict function in Scala takes its arguments by name rather than by value
- example
def f(x: => Int): Unit = { println("evaluating f") println(x + 1) } lazy val x = { println("evaluating x") 1 } f(x) // evaluating f evaluating x 2 f(x) // evaluating f 2
- lazy val
- delay evaluation of the right-hand side until it’s first referenced
- cache the result
- lazy val initialization scheme uses double-checked locking to initialize the lazy val only once
- major use of implicit conversions is to simulate adding new syntax
- example
case class Rectangle(width: Int, height: Int)
implicit class RectangleMaker(width: Int) { def x(height: Int) = Rectangle(width, height) implicit def RectangleMaker(width: Int) = new RectangleMaker(width) } val myRectangle = 3 x 4
- since type Int has no method named x - the compiler will look for an implicit conversion from Int to something that does and find RectangleMaker
- compiler inserts a call to this conversion
Map(1 -> "one", 2 -> "two", 3 -> "three")
is not syntax - is a method of the classArrowAssoc
- class defined inside the standard Scala preamble
- preamble also defines an implicit conversion from
- class defined inside the standard Scala preamble
- default values
def printTime(out: java.io.PrintStream = Console.out) = out.println("time = " + System.currentTimeMillis()) printTime() // out will be set to its default value of Console.out
- very handy with auxiliary tailrec functions
def length2(): Int = { @scala.annotation.tailrec def loop(list: List[A], size: Int = 0): Int = { list match { case Nil => size case _ :: tail => loop(tail, size + 1) } } loop(this) }
- very handy with auxiliary tailrec functions
- type inference
- is flow based
def flow[A](list: List[A], f: A => A): List[A] = { list.map(f) } flow(List(1), _ + 1) // error: missing parameter type for expanded function flow(List(1), x => x + 1) // error: missing parameter type flow(List(1), (x: Int) => x + 1) // OK
def flow[A](list: List[A])(f: A => A): List[A] = { // curried list.map(f) } flow(List(1))(x => x + 1) // OK flow(List(1))(_ + 1) // OK
- when designing a polymorphic method that takes some non-function argu- ments and a function argument, place the function argument last in a curried parameter list on its own
- is flow based
- immutable data structure
- how we modify them?
- for example: when we add an element to the front of an existing list
we returnList(new element, xs)
- we don’t need to actually copy
- we can just reuse it- it is called data sharing
- for example: when we add an element to the front of an existing list
- how we modify them?
- functional data structures are persistent - existing references are never changed by operations on the data structure
sealed trait List[+A] // data type
case object Nil extends List[Nothing] // represents the empty lis
case class Cons[+A](head: A, tail: List[A]) extends List[A] // represents nonempty lists
traditionally short for construct- nonempty list consists of an initial element - head followed by a List (tail) - possibly empty
def foldRight[A,B](z: B)(f: (A, B) => B): B = this match { case Nil => z case Cons(x, xs) => f(x, foldRight(xs, z)(f)) }
- it replaces
Cons(1, Cons(2, Nil)) -> f (1, f (2, z ))
- example
Cons(1, Cons(2, Cons(3, Nil))).foldRight(0)(_ + _) 1 + Cons(2, Cons(3, Nil)).foldRight(0)(_ + _) 1 + (2 + Cons(3, Nil).foldRight(0)(_ + _) 1 + (2 + (3 + Nil.foldRight(0)(_ + _) 1 + (2 + (3 + (0))) 6
- why
cannot be tailrec?Seq(1, 2, 3).foldLeft(10)(_ - _)
is evaluated as(((10 - 1) - 2) - 3)
Seq(1, 2, 3).foldRight(10)(_ - _)
is evaluated as(1 - (2 - (3 - 10)))
- imagine pulling the numbers 1, 2, and 3 from a bag and making the calculation pencil-on-paper
case- pull a number n from the bag
- write "n - ?" on the paper
- if there are numbers left in the bag, pull another n from the bag, else go to 6.
- erase the question mark and replace it with "(n - ?)"
- repeat from 3.
- erase the question mark and replace it with 10
- perform the calculation
case- write 10 on the paper
- pull a number n from the bag
- subtract n from the value you have, erase the value and write down the new value instead
- repeat from 2.
- regardless of how many numbers there are in the bag, you only need to have one value written on paper
- Tail Call Elimination (TCE) means that instead of building a large structure of recursive calls on the stack, you can pop off and replace an accumulated value as you go along
- it replaces
- standard library
1 :: 2 :: Nil
=1 :: 2
- pattern matching
case h :: t
- split into head and tail
sealed trait Stream[+A]
case object Empty extends Stream[Nothing]
case class Cons[+A](h: () => A, t: () => Stream[A]) extends Stream[A] // head and a tail are both non-strict
object Stream {
def cons[A](hd: => A, tl: => Stream[A]): Stream[A] = { // cache the head and tail as lazy values to avoid repeated evaluation
lazy val head = hd
lazy val tail = tl
Cons(() => head, () => tail)
def empty[A]: Stream[A] = Empty
def apply[A](as: A*): Stream[A] = if (as.isEmpty) empty else cons(as.head, apply(as.tail: _*))
- identical to List, except that the
takes suppliers (thunks) instead of strict values- thunk is a subroutine used to inject an additional calculation into another subroutine
def foldRight[B](z: => B)(f: (A, => B) => B): B = this match { case Cons(h,t) => f(h(), t().foldRight(z)(f)) case _ => z }
- combining function is non-strict in its second parameter
- if f chooses not to evaluate its second parameter, this terminates the traversal early
def exists(p: A => Boolean): Boolean = foldRight(false)((a, b) => p(a) || b
def filter(p: A => Boolean): StreamFp[A] = { foldRight(StreamFp.empty[A])((h, t) => if (p(h)) StreamFp.cons(h, t) else t) }
- tries to find the first matching value and if there is none, it will search forever
s.filter(_ => false)
will never terminates on infinite stream- Stream from standard library - same problem
- LazyList - OK
- we can reuse filter to define find
- filter transforms the whole stream, but transformation is done lazily
def find(p: A => Boolean): Option[A] = filter(p).headOption
- tries to find the first matching value and if there is none, it will search forever
- method implementations are incremental — they don’t fully generate their answers
- we can call these functions one after another without fully instantiating the intermediate results
- corecursion
- a recursive function consumes data, a corecursive function produces data
def constant[A](a: A): StreamFp[A] = { StreamFp.cons(a, constant(a)) }
list match { case LazyList.empty => 1 case h #:: t => h }
sealed trait Tree[+A]
case object Empty extends Tree[Nothing]
case class Branch[A](value: A, left: Tree[A], right: Tree[A]) extends Tree[A]