- references
- How To Successfully Manage A ZIO Fiber's Lifecycle by Natan Silnitsky
- https://blog.rockthejvm.com/zio-fibers/
- https://www.zionomicon.com/
- https://blog.knoldus.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-zio-fiber-and-its-operations-explained/
- 2022 - Tomasz Nurkiewicz - Loom: rewolucja czy szczegół implementacyjny?
- https://gist.github.com/mtsokol/0d6ab5473c04583899e3ffdcb7812959
- https://zio.dev/reference/
- https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-difference-between-green-threads-coroutines-lightweight-threads-and-fibers
- https://graphitemaster.github.io/fibers/
- https://www.developer.com/design/an-introduction-to-jvm-threading-implementation/
- https://www.developer.com/design/understanding-the-java-thread-model/
- https://medium.com/@ja.m.arunkumar/java-threads-part-1-7855b11ddb6
- https://nisal-pubudu.medium.com/understanding-threads-multi-threading-in-java-6e8c988d26af
- https://medium.com/platform-engineer/understanding-jvm-architecture-22c0ddf09722
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/4967885/jvm-option-xss-what-does-it-do-exactly
- https://www.quora.com/Why-a-context-switch-is-considered-an-overhead-task
- The Great Concurrency Smackdown: ZIO versus JDK by John A. De Goes
- The Rise Of Loom And The Evolution Of Reactive Programming
- Threading lightly with Kotlin by Vasco Veloso
- Zymposium - FiberRefs
- Zymposium - Implementing a New ZIO Feature
- [VDBUH22] Riccardo Lippolis - Concurrency made easy with Kotlin Coroutines
- Game of Loom: implementation patterns [...] playing with virtual threads by Mario Fusco
- goals of this workshop
- introduction to ZIO fiber model
- understanding standard operations on fibers: interrupt, join
- understanding forking a fiber
- workshop plan
- task: implement app that has background process that prints to console some message, but if you type something in console - background process should not print anything for 5 sec
- linux thread ~ linux process
- from the kernel point of view, only processes exist
- so-called thread is just a different kind of process
- difference: flag (1 bit) - to share memory with parent
- yes => thread; no => process
- green threads, coroutines, lightweight threads, and fibers are all different names for the same basic idea
- multiple threads of execution in a single address space that cooperate with no or minimal kernel support
- type of workloads
- CPU Work
- pure computational firepower without involving any interaction and communication with the outside world
- Blocking I/O
- anything that involves reading from and writing to an external resource
- file or a socket or web API
- anything that involves reading from and writing to an external resource
- Asynchronous I/O
- is code that whenever it runs into something that it needs to wait on, instead of blocking
and parking the thread, it registers a callback, and returns immediately
- when the result is available then our callback will be invoked
- example: callbacks are the fundamental way by which all async code on the JVM works
- no mechanism to support async code natively
- drawback: not pretty and fun to work with
- is code that whenever it runs into something that it needs to wait on, instead of blocking
and parking the thread, it registers a callback, and returns immediately
- CPU Work
- scheduling
- cooperative scheduling
- fibers yield to each other as required to preserve some level of fairness
- preemptive scheduling
- cooperative multitasking (also known as non-preemptive multitasking) is a style of computer multitasking in which the operating system never initiates a context switch from a running process to another process
- instead, in order to run multuple applications concurrently, processes coluntarily yield control periodically or when idle or logically blocked
- you don’t have to yield to other threads to allow them to run
- most operating systems (OS) schedule threads preemptively
- when OS may decide to preempt a thread include?
- IO, sleep, interrupt
- cooperative multitasking (also known as non-preemptive multitasking) is a style of computer multitasking in which the operating system never initiates a context switch from a running process to another process
- cooperative scheduling
- every program have at least one thread (main thread)
- is created by the JVM whenever you run a java program
- thread is simply a flow of execution
- there are two types of threads
- daemon threads
- non-daemon threads
- JVM always waits for non-daemon threads to finish their work
- never exits until the last non-daemon thread finishes its work
- order of threads’ executions cannot be predicted
- before Java 1.3 there was a thing called Green thread model
- simplest threading library of JVM scheduled threads
- each thread is an abstraction within the VM
- JVM is completely responsible for its creation and manages the process of context switching
- underlying operating system is unaware of the existence of any thread within the process
- OS sees JVM as a single process and a single thread
- current Java Releases use something called Native thread model
- JVM creates and manages Java threads
- uses thread API library of the underlying operating system
- JVM creates and manages Java threads
- memory model refresher
- heap
- for storing objects created by the Java application
- shared resource (only 1 heap area per JVM)
- data is not thread safe
- stack
- worth reviewing: https://github.com/mtumilowicz/java-stack
- not shared
- every JVM thread has its own
- each running thread creates its own stack in the stack area
- contains all the information specific or local to the thread
- example: declared primitive variables and method calls
flag is used to "set thread stack size"- default size: 1024 KB for 64-bit JVMs
- heap
- limitations of threads
- scarce
- mapping from JVM threads to operating system threads is one-to-one
- imposes an upper bound on the number of threads
- mapping of fibers to threads is many-to-one
- mapping from JVM threads to operating system threads is one-to-one
- resource consuming
- stack space
- jvm meta
- os descriptors
- new gc root
- overhead on context switching
- in practice, the way the OS switches between threads and processes used to be
- interrupt the running thread
- store the context of the interrupted thread
- run the OS scheduler to decide what to do next
- flush the cache, if necessary
- load the context of the next thread/process
- begin executing that thread/process
- in practice, the way the OS switches between threads and processes used to be
- lack of composability
- are not typed
- don't have a meaningful return type
- no type parameter for error
- expected to throw any exception of type Throwable to signal errors
- no guaranteed way to stop a thread
- thread can be interrupted via
from another thread, but it may refuse the interruption request and continue processing
- thread can be interrupted via
- not typed
- powered by
through constructorThread(Runnable r)
, andRunnable
is not typed
- powered by
- scarce
- other names
- green threads
- user-space threads
- coroutines
- virtual threads
- scalability way beyond threads
- each JVM thread will end up executing anywhere from hundreds to thousands or even tens
of thousands of fibers concurrently
- by hopping back and forth between them as necessary
- each JVM thread will end up executing anywhere from hundreds to thousands or even tens
of thousands of fibers concurrently
- may have relevant impact on the GC
- uses heap to store stacks
- but: if you run 1000 virtual threads by 8 native threads you have only 8 additional gc roots (not 1000)
- massive context switches (in user space) of a huge number of virtual threads can potentially cause a larger amount of cache misses
- is a concept that is beyond the ZIO library
- it’s a concurrency model
- we’re measuring threads versus CPU cores and fibers versus GB of heap
- comparison
native virtual metadata 2kB 200-300B stack preallocated 1MB allocated on heap (pay-as-you-go) context switch 1-10 µs some ns
- scalability way beyond threads
- in the ZIO model, all code runs on fibers
- analogy: there is no code in Java that does not execute on a thread
- example: main function in ZIO that returns an effect
- we don't explicitly fork a fiber, the effect will be executed on what is called the main fiber
- it's a top-level fiber
- analogy: main function in Java will execute on the main thread
- we don't explicitly fork a fiber, the effect will be executed on what is called the main fiber
- fiber models a running computation and instructions on a single fiber are executed sequentially
- fibers give no guarantees as to which thread they execute on at any time
- single JVM thread will execute many fibers
- Cats Effect and ZIO both rely on fibers
- it’s only a data structure
- it’s up to the ZIO runtime to schedule these fibers for execution (on the internal JVM thread pool)
- we can create millions of fibers and switch between them without the overheads associated with threads
- fibers are cheap to start and stop
- represented using the type
Fiber[E, A]
- computation that will produce a result of type A or will fail with the type E
- closest analogy to Future
- if we see fiber it is probably doing something or already evaluated
- returned fiber is wrapped in another IO instance
- two core methods are: join and interrupt
- no start method, as soon as fiber is created it is started as well
- if we see fiber it is probably doing something or already evaluated
- ZIO executes fibers using an Executor, which is a sort of abstraction over a thread pool
- one primary built-in fixed thread pool
- designed to be used for the majority of our application requirements
- has a certain number of threads in it and that stays constant over the lifetime of our application
- it does not actually help things to create more threads than the number of CPU cores
- example: if we have eight cores, it does not accelerate any sort of processing to create more than eight threads
- hardware is only capable of running eight things at the same time.
- example: if we have eight cores, it does not accelerate any sort of processing to create more than eight threads
- ZIO's default thread pool is fixed with a number of threads equal to the number of CPU cores
- it does not actually help things to create more threads than the number of CPU cores
- problem: pure CPU Work operation that takes a really long time to run
- if that overall CPU Work composes many ZIO operations, it has a chance to yield quickly to other
fibers and doesn't monopolize a thread.
- if not => ZIO Runtime doesn't have any chance of yielding quickly to other fibers
- so this fiber is going to monopolize the underlying thread
- example: we lift some function from a legacy library using
- if not => ZIO Runtime doesn't have any chance of yielding quickly to other fibers
- solution: when we have a huge CPU Work that is not chunked with built-in ZIO operations we should run that on a dedicated thread pool
- designed to perform CPU-driven tasks
- ZIO has a special thread pool that can be used to do these computations
- blocking thread pool
- operator:
and its variants
- if that overall CPU Work composes many ZIO operations, it has a chance to yield quickly to other
fibers and doesn't monopolize a thread.
- one primary built-in fixed thread pool
- non blocking operations
- most of the ZIO operations do not block the underlying thread
- they offer blocking semantics managed by ZIO
- just blocking semantically without actually blocking an underlying thread
- example: ZIO.sleep, queue.take, queue.offer, semaphore.withPermit
- they offer blocking semantics managed by ZIO
- vs Java counterparts block a thread
- example: Thread.sleep or any of its lock machinery
- ZIO is 100% non-blocking, while Java threads are not
- most of the ZIO operations do not block the underlying thread
- we can attach finalizers to a fiber
- unlike threads
- finalizer will close all the resources used by the effect
- ZIO library guarantees that if an effect begins execution, its finalizers will always be run
- irrespective of whether the effect succeeds with a value, fails with an error, or is interrupted
- fairness
- example: we have five fibers
- first four: performing long running computations with one million instructions each
- fifth: performing a short computation with only one thousand instructions
- executor: fixed thread pool with four threads
- assuming no yielding
- we would not get to start running the fifth fiber until all the other fibers had completed
- work of the fifth fiber was not really performed concurrently
- assuming yielding
- if each fiber yields back to the runtime after every thousand instructions
- first four fibers do a small amount of work
- then the fifth fiber gets to do its work
- then the other four fibers get to continue their work
- creates the result of all five fibers running concurrently
- even though only four are ever actually running at any given moment.
- if each fiber yields back to the runtime after every thousand instructions
- assuming no yielding
- example: we have five fibers
- how fibers differ to virtual threads from loom project?
- libraries like ZIO allocate everything on heap (ZIO does not have a way to save stack and restore)
- virtual threads in loom allow you to save and restore a stack
- stack is significantly faster to use than heap
- forking creates a new fiber that executes the effect being forked concurrently with the current fiber
trait ZIO[-R, +E, +A] { def fork: URIO[R, Fiber[E, A]] }
- example
lazy val example2 = for { _ <- doSomething.fork _ <- doSomethingElse } yield ()
- disclaimer: there is no guarantee about the order of execution of
- to order the execution use
- to order the execution use
- disclaimer: there is no guarantee about the order of execution of
- example
- sometimes we want a child fiber to outlive the scope of the parent
- operator called
which forks the fiber as a daemon fibertrait ZIO[-R, +E, +A] { def forkDaemon: URIO[R, Fiber[E, A]] }
- fork into a new fiber attached to the global scope
- they run in the background doing their work until they end with failure or success
- example: background jobs that should just keep on going
- operator called
- supervision
- every fiber has a scope
- every fiber is forked in a scope
- fibers are forked in the scope of the current fiber unless otherwise specified
- the scope of a fiber is closed when the fiber terminates, either through success, failure, or interruption
- when a scope is closed all fibers forked in that scope are interrupted
- summary: fibers can’t outlive the fiber that forked them
- by interrupting a fiber says that we do not need this fiber to do its work anymore
- it can immediately stop execution without returning a result
- tells the Executor that the fiber must not be scheduled anymore
- if the fiber already succeeded with its value when interrupted =>
, anExit.Failure[Cause.Interrupt]
otherwisetrait Fiber[+E, +A] { def interrupt: UIO[Exit[E, A]] }
- several cases that we need to interrupt the execution of other fibers
- parent fiber started child fibers and later decide that it doesn't need the result of some
- two fibers start race with each other
- the loser of a race, if still running, is canceled
- user may want to stop some already running tasks
- example: clicking on the "stop" button to prevent downloading more files
- timeouts: computations run longer than expected
- one effect fails during the execution of many effects in parallel => the others will be canceled
- ZIO performs automatic interruption for this reasons
- interrupting running fiber causes any finalizers associated with that fiber to be run
- when we interrupt a thread we have no guarantee that any finalizers will be executed
- we could leave the system in an inconsistent state
- example: opened a file but not closed it
- we could leave the system in an inconsistent state
- any finalizers will immediately begin execution
- when we interrupt a thread we have no guarantee that any finalizers will be executed
- all fibers are interruptible by default
- when a fiber interrupts another fiber, we know that the interruption occurs, and it always works
- we can declare a fiber as uninterruptible
- fiber will execute till the end even if it receives an interrupt signal
- example:
- ZIO runtime checks for interruption before executing each instruction
- ZIO runtime does not know how to interrupt single blocks of side effecting code imported into ZIO
- constructors that import arbitrary code into a ZIO execute that code as a single statement
- example: effect will not be interruptible during execution
val effect: UIO[Unit] = UIO.succeed { var i = 0 while (i < 100000) { println(i) i += 1 } }
- is not a problem because in most cases ZIO programs consist of large numbers of smaller statements
- glued together with operators like flatMap
- normally: plenty of opportunities for interruption.
- we may really want to perform an operation a hundred thousand times in a tight loop in a single effect for efficiency
- how to interrupt it?
- use specialized constructors like
, etc to provide our own logic for how ZIO should interrupt the code we are importing
- use specialized constructors like
- how to interrupt it?
doesn't translate the ZIO interruption into thread interruption (Thread.interrupt
)- use
for that purpose- adds significant overhead
- use
- ZIO runtime does not know how to interrupt single blocks of side effecting code imported into ZIO
- implementation
- naive way: provide a mechanism that one fiber can kill/terminate another fiber
- drawback: doesn't guarantee to leave the shared mutable state in an internally consistent state.
- if the target fiber is in the middle of changing a shared state
- drawback: doesn't guarantee to leave the shared mutable state in an internally consistent state.
- polling
- used by: imperative languages
- example: java
- target fiber keep polling the interrupt status
- based on the interrupt status will find out that whether there is an interruption request or not
- fiber itself takes care of critical sections
- should ignore the interruption and postpone the delivery of interruption during the critical section
- drawback
- if the programmer forget to poll regularly enough, then the target fiber become unresponsive and cause deadlocks
- what is more: polling a global flag is not a functional operation (doesn't fit with ZIO's paradigm)
- used by: imperative languages
- asynchronous
- in critical sections the target fiber disable the interruptibility of these regions
- purely-functional solution and doesn't require to poll a global state
- ZIO uses this solution for its interruption model
- fully asynchronous signalling mechanism
- naive way: provide a mechanism that one fiber can kill/terminate another fiber
- ZIO provides structured concurrency
- child fibers are scoped to their parents
- parent fiber is interrupted => all its children interrupted
- parent has completed its job => child fiber will be interrupted
- solution: join its parent
- it is almost impossible to leak fibers because child fibers are guaranteed to complete before their parents
- gives us a way to reason about fiber lifespans
- we can statically reason about the lifetimes of children fibers just by looking at our code
- child fibers are scoped to their parents
- method to wait for the termination of a fiber
trait Fiber[+E, +A] { def join: IO[E, A] }
- waits for the result of a computation being performed concurrently and makes it available to the current computation
- fork means run in the background; join means wait for a result
- execution in the current fiber can’t continue until the joined fiber completes execution
- fibers don’t block any thread during the waiting associated with the call of the join method
- ZIO runtime registers a callback to be invoked when the forked fiber completes execution and then the current fiber suspends execution
- translates the result of joined fiber back to the current fiber
- joining a fiber that has failed will result in a failure
- await
trait Fiber[+E, +A] { def await: UIO[Exit[E, A]] }
- used to inspect whether our fiber succeeded or failed, we can call await on that fiber
- will wait for that fiber to terminate
- gives us back the fiber's value as an Exit
- similar to join, but they react differently to errors and interruption
- await always succeeds with Exit information, even if the fiber fails or is interrupted
- join on a fiber that fails will itself fail with the same error as the fiber
- join on a fiber that is interrupted will itself become interrupted
- usually you don't work with fork & join but with higher level operators:
- execute actions in parallel
- has resource-safe semantics
- if one computation fails, the other computation will be interrupted, to prevent wasting resources
- value of the first action that completes successfully will be returned
- has resource-safe semantics
- if one of the two actions returns a value, the other one will be interrupted, to prevent wasting resources
- analogy: different threads have different ThreadLocal, different fibers have different FiberRefs
- FiberRef is the fiber version of ThreadLocal with significant improvements in its semantics
- use whenever you want "context" that is not reflected in the environment type
- context = all the information workflow needs to have that isn't reflected in the arguments to the function that creates it
- design difference to ThreadLocal
- ThreadLocal only has a mutable state in which each thread accesses its own copy, but threads don't propagate their state to their children's
- different fibers who hold the same FiberRef[A] can independently set and retrieve values of the reference, without collisions
- whenever a child's fiber is created from its parent, the FiberRef value of parent fiber propagated to its child fibers
- vs ThreadLocal
- ThreadLocals do not propagate their values across the sort of graph of threads
- ThreadLocal value is not propagated from parent to child
- when the child set a new value of FiberRef, the change is visible only to the child itself
- if we join a fiber then its FiberRef is merged back into the parent fiber
- by default: the last fiber which is going to join will override the parent's FiberRef value
- patch theory
- GIT analogy
- main: parent fiber
- branch1: left fiber
- branch2: right fiber
- example
trait FiberRef[A] { def diff(oldValue: Value, newValue: Value): Patch // oldValue = branch1, newValue = branch2, we can diff to create data structure describing update def combine(first: Patch, second: Patch): Patch // git squash def patch(patch: Patch)(oldValue: Value): Value // oldValue = code, patch - MR }
- GIT analogy
- patch theory
- customization: FiberRef.make(initial = A, join = (A, A) => A)
- example
val run = for { _ <- withRetries(5).zip(withRetryInterval(200)) _ <- retryConfig.get.debug("retryConfig") // zip - both branches are included: withRetries and withRetryInterval // in case of zipPar, only right part will be included } yield ()
- example
- join has higher-level semantics that
because it will fail if the child fiber failed- and it will also merge back its value to its parent
- by default: the last fiber which is going to join will override the parent's FiberRef value
- if we join a fiber then its FiberRef is merged back into the parent fiber
- vs ThreadLocal
- FiberRef is automatically garbage collected once the Fiber owning it is finished
def make[A]( initial: => A, fork: A => A = (a: A) => a, join: (A, A) => A = ((_: A, a: A) => a) )(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, FiberRef[A]] = makeWith(unsafe.make(initial, fork, join)(Unsafe.unsafe)) private def makeWith[Value, Patch]( ref: => FiberRef.WithPatch[Value, Patch] )(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Scope, Nothing, FiberRef.WithPatch[Value, Patch]] = ZIO.acquireRelease(ZIO.succeed(ref).tap(_.update(identity)))(_.delete)
- vs Ref
- Ref = one variable shared between different fibers
- used for communicating between fibers
- FiberRef = each fiber gets its own copy of the FiberRef
- used for maintaining some scoped state or context
- example: LoggingContext
- used for maintaining some scoped state or context
- with FiberRef we are free to do as many separate get and set as we want
val retryConfig: FiberRef[Map[String, Int]] = Unsafe.unsafe { implicit unsafe => FiberRef.unsafe.make(Map("retries" -> 3, "retryInterval" -> 100)) } def withRetries(n: Int): Task[Unit] = for { map <- retryConfig.get _ <- retryConfig.set(map.updated("retries", n)) } yield ()
- with Ref it would not be a good thing
- no guarantee to be done atomically
- vs FiberRef: each FiberRef is always updating its own copy
- with Ref it would not be a good thing
- example
- Ref
val refExample = for { ref <- Ref.make("V1") v2 = ref.set("V2") *> ref.get.debug("V2?") *> ref.set("V1") v3 = ref.set("V3") *> ref.get.debug("V3?") *> ref.set("V1") _ <- v2.zipPar(v3) } yield ()
V2?: V2 // or V3 V3?: V2 // or V3
- FiberRef
val fiberRefExample = for { ref <- FiberRef.make("V1") v2 = ref.set("V2") *> ref.get.debug("V2?") *> ref.set("V1") v3 = ref.set("V3") *> ref.get.debug("V3?") *> ref.set("V1") _ <- v2.zipPar(v3) // here we join a fiber } yield ()
V2?: V2 // always V3?: V3 // always
- Ref
- Ref = one variable shared between different fibers
- use
to scope FiberRef value only for a given effect- example
ref <- FiberRef.make("a") fiber <- ref.locally("b")(ref.get.flatMap(Console.printLine)).fork // prints b; try replace it with set _ <- fiber.join _ <- ref.get.flatMap(Console.printLine) // prints a
- implementation
def locally[R, E, B](newValue: A)(zio: ZIO[R, E, B])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E, B] = ZIO.acquireReleaseWith(get <* set(newValue))(set)(_ => zio)
: sequences the specified effect after this effect, but ignores the value produced by this effectfinal def <*[R1 <: R, E1 >: E, B](that: => ZIO[R1, E1, B])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R1, E1, A] = self.flatMap(a => that.as(a))
- example