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Extracts IoCs, TTPs and the relationships between them. Outputs a STIX 2.1 bundle.


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Before you begin...

We have build two products on-top of txt2stix that provide more user-friendly experience:



txt2stix is a Python script that is designed to identify and extract IoCs and TTPs from text files, identify the relationships between them, convert them to STIX 2.1 objects, and output as a STIX 2.1 bundle.

The general design goal of txt2stix was to keep it flexible, but simple, so that new extractions could be added or modified over time.

In short txt2stix;

  1. takes a txt file input
  2. extracts observables for enabled extractions (ai, pattern, or lookup)
  3. converts extracted observables to STIX 2.1 objects
  4. generates the relationships between extracted observables (ai, standard)
  5. converts extracted relationships to STIX 2.1 SRO objects
  6. outputs a STIX 2.1 bundle



Watch the demo.



Install the required dependencies using:

# clone the latest code
git clone
cd txt2stix
# create a venv
python3 -m venv txt2stix-venv
source txt2stix-venv/bin/activate
# install requirements
pip3 install .

Set variables

txt2stix has various settings that are defined in an .env file.

To create a template for the file:

cp .env.example .env

To see more information about how to set the variables, and what they do, read the .env.markdown file.


python3 \
	--relationship_mode MODE \
	--input_file FILE.txt \

The following arguments are available:

Input settings

  • --input_file (REQUIRED): the file to be converted. Must be .txt

STIX Report generation settings

  • --name (REQUIRED): name of file, max 72 chars. Will be used in the STIX Report Object created.
  • --report_id (OPTIONAL): Sometimes it is required to control the id of the report object generated. You can therefore pass a valid UUIDv4 in this field to be assigned to the report. e.g. passing 2611965-930e-43db-8b95-30a1e119d7e2 would create a STIX object id report--2611965-930e-43db-8b95-30a1e119d7e2. If this argument is not passed, the UUID will be randomly generated.
  • --tlp_level (OPTIONAL): Options are clear, green, amber, amber_strict, red. Default if not passed, is clear.
  • --confidence (OPTIONAL): value between 0-100. Default if not passed is null.
  • --labels (OPTIONAL): comma seperated list of labels. Case-insensitive (will all be converted to lower-case). Allowed a-z, 0-9. e.g.label1,label2 would create 2 labels.
  • --created (OPTIONAL): by default all object created times will take the time the script was run. If you want to explicitly set these times you can do so using this flag. Pass the value in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.sssZ e.g. 2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z
  • --use_identity (OPTIONAL): can pass a full STIX 2.1 identity object (make sure to properly escape). Will be validated by the STIX2 library.
  • --external_refs (OPTIONAL): txt2stix will automatically populate the external_references of the report object it creates for the input. You can use this value to add additional objects to external_references. Note, you can only add source_name and external_id values currently. Pass as source_name=external_id. e.g. --external_refs txt2stix=demo1 source=id would create the following objects under the external_references property: {"source_name":"txt2stix","external_id":"demo1"},{"source_name":"source","external_id":"id"}

Output settings

How the extractions are performed

  • --use_extractions (REQUIRED): if you only want to use certain extraction types, you can pass their slug found in either includes/ai/config.yaml, includes/lookup/config.yaml includes/pattern/config.yaml (e.g. pattern_ipv4_address_only). Default if not passed, no extractions applied. You can also pass a catch all wildcard * which will match all extraction paths (e.g. 'pattern_*' would run all extractions starting with pattern_ -- make sure to use quotes when using a wildcard)
    • Important: if using any AI extractions (ai_*), you must set an AI API key in your .env file
    • Important: if you are using any MITRE ATT&CK, CAPEC, CWE, ATLAS or Location extractions you must set CTIBUTLER or NVD CPE or CVE extractions you must set VULMATCH settings in your .env file
  • --relationship_mode (REQUIRED): either.
    • ai: AI provider must be enabled. extractions performed by either regex or AI for extractions user selected. Rich relationships created from AI provider from extractions.
    • standard: extractions performed by either regex or AI (AI provider must be enabled) for extractions user selected. Basic relationships created from extractions back to master Report object generated.
  • --ignore_extraction_boundary (OPTIONAL, default false, not compatible with AI extractions): in some cases the same string will create multiple extractions depending on extractions set (e.g. could create a url, url with file, domain, subdomain, and file). The default behaviour is for txt2stix to take the longest extraction and ignore everything else (e.g. only extract url with file, and ignore url, file, domain, subdomain, and file). If you want to override this behaviour and get all extractions in the output, set this flag to true.
  • --ignore_image_refs (default true): images references in documents don't usually need extracting. e.g. <img src="" alt="something"> you would not want domain or file extractions extracting and image.png. Hence these are ignored by default (they are removed from text sent to extraction). Note, only the img src is ignored, all other values e.g. alt are considered. If you want extractions to consider this data, set it to false
  • --ignore_link_refs (default true): link references in documents don't usually need extracting e.g. <a href="" title="something">Bad Actor</a> you would only want Bad actor to be considered for extraction. Hence these part of the link are ignored by default (they are removed from text sent to extraction). Note, only the a href is ignored, all other values e.g. title are considered. Setting this to false will also include everything inside the link tag (e.g. would extract as a domain)

AI settings

If any AI extractions, or AI relationship mode is set, you must set the following accordingly

  • --ai_settings_extractions:
    • defines the provider:model to be used for extractions. You can supply more than one provider. Seperate with a space (e.g. openrouter:openai/gpt-4o openrouter:deepseek/deepseek-chat) If more than one provider passed, txt2stix will take extractions from all models, de-dupelicate them, and them package them in the output. Currently supports:
      • Provider (env var required OPENROUTER_API_KEY): openrouter:, providers/models openai/gpt-4o, deepseek/deepseek-chat (More here)
      • Provider (env var required OPENAI_API_KEY): openai:, models e.g.: gpt-4o, gpt-4o-mini, gpt-4-turbo, gpt-4 (More here)
      • Provider (env var required ANTHROPIC_API_KEY): anthropic:, models e.g.: claude-3-5-sonnet-latest, claude-3-5-haiku-latest, claude-3-opus-latest (More here)
      • Provider (env var required GOOGLE_API_KEY): gemini:models/, models: gemini-1.5-pro-latest, gemini-1.5-flash-latest (More here)
      • Provider (env var required DEEPSEEK_API_KEY): deepseek:, models deepseek-chat (More here)
    • See tests/manual-tests/ for some examples
  • --ai_settings_relationships:
    • similar to ai_settings_extractions but defines the model used to generate relationships. Only one model can be provided. Passed in same format as ai_settings_extractions
    • See tests/manual-tests/ for some examples
  • --ai_content_check_provider: Passing this flag will get the AI to try and classify the text in the input to 1) determine if it is talking about threat intelligence, and 2) what type of threat intelligence it is talking about. For context, we use this to filter out non-threat intel posts in Obstracts and Stixify. You pass provider:model with this flag to determine the AI model you wish to use to perform the check.
  • --ai_create_attack_flow: passing this flag will also prompt the AI model (the same entered for --ai_settings_relationships) to generate an Attack Flow for the MITRE ATT&CK extractions to define the logical order in which they are being described. You must pass --ai_settings_relationships for this to work.

Adding new extractions

It is very likely you'll want to extend txt2stix to include new extractions to;

  • Add a new lookup extraction: add your lookup to includes/lookups as a .txt file. Lookups should be a list of items seperated by new lines to be searched for in documents. Once this is added, update includes/extractions/lookup/config.yaml with a new record pointing to your lookup. You can now use this lookup time at script run-time.
  • Add a new AI extraction: Edit includes/extractions/ai/config.yaml with a new record for your extraction. You can craft the prompt used in the config to control how the LLM performs the extraction.

Currently it is not possible to easily add any other types of extractions (without modifying the logic at a code level).

Detailed documentation

If you would like to understand how txt2stix works in more detail, please refer to the documentation in /docs/

This documentation is paticularly helpful to read for those of you wanting to add your own custom extractions.

Useful supporting tools


Minimal support provided via the DOGESEC community.


Apache 2.0.