audioConvertor is a multifile media format convertor command line tool. It allows conversion of files to various media types, the most emphasised on, being from video to audio. The tool is a guide detailed out on this blog post
- Access a cloned copy of the repo
$ git clone
- Change to the repo directory
$ cd audioConvertor
Optionally install ffmpeg. You can skip this step.
Running the application for the first time will prompt for the installation.
$ apt-get install ffmpeg
- Ensure to have pipenv installed
$ apt install pipenv
- Install the project dependencies by running
$ pipenv install
- Alternatively, you can use a virtual environment with dependencies present by running
$ pipenv shell
The usage options are accesible on the help menu. This can be displayed by running:
$ python convertor/ --help
- Convert a video file to audio.
Required Options
--input_file -i
Path to video file$ python convertor/ -i /path/to/video/file/ -o /save/path/
- Convert mulitple video files from multiple directories
$ python convert -i /path/to/root/directory/ -o /path/to/save/output/ --recursive
- Spawn a virtual environment
$ pipenv shell
- Run tests
$ pytest