Elle is a collection of libraries, written in modern C++ (C++14). It contains a rich set of highly reusable concepts, algorithms, API wrappers, ...
Elle is split into different specialized sub-libraries to provide elegant ways to approach asynchronism (using coroutines), networking, formatting, serialization, logging, RPCs, etc.
- Elle is under development, used and maintained by Infinit as a core library. APIs, structures and concepts may change over time. You can use it as is but we don't guarantee any API backward compatibility.
- Elle has a sub-library also called elle, which might change name in a near future.
Here is an example showing an asynchronous HTTP operation in a natural form (no callbacks) and basic JSON serialization.
// Initialize the HTTP Request.
elle::reactor::http::Request r("https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php",
{"format", "json"},
{"action", "query"},
{"prop", "extracts"},
{"explaintext", ""},
{"exintro", ""},
{"titles", "JSON"}
// Perform the HTTP request and yield until response is available.
// Deserialize the json response.
std::cout << elle::json::pretty_print(elle::json::read(r)) << std::endl;
To download the source code and build Elle by yourself, get it from GitHub.
git clone https://github.com/infinit/elle --recursive # Clone elle and its submodules.
Note: If you cloned it using the GitHub "clone" button, do not forget to run
git submodule update --init --recursive
Note: If you forked Elle, you'll also need to fork the following repositories too:
. The reason why is detailed on following GitHub issue.
As mentioned earlier, Elle is composed of a set of sub-libraries, designed to ease C++ development through robust and flexible implementations, including:
- elle: Utilities including serialization, logs, buffer, formatting, ...
- reactor: An asynchronous framework using a coroutines scheduler
- cryptography: Object-oriented cryptography wrapper around OpenSSL
- protocol: Network communication designed to support RPCs
- das: Symbol-based introspection
- athena: Byzantine environment algorithms (Paxos)
- service/aws: reactorified AWS API wrapper
- service/dropbox: reactorified Dropbox API wrapper
Elle uses Drake and has it as a submodule.
For a detailed procedure, visit our wiki: How to build.
First you need to install drakes requirements.
sudo pip3 install -r elle/drake/requirements.txt # Install Drake dependencies.
Note: If you don't want Drake dependencies to be installed system-wide, you should consider using virtualenv.
Change directory to elle/_build/<architecture>
where you can find a generic Drake configuration script.
cd elle/_build/linux64
./drake //build -j 2 # Build all libraries using 2 jobs.
cd elle/_build/osx
./drake //build -j 2 # Build all libraries using 2 jobs.
Because Elle was designed to be modular, you can build specific parts of Elle by running ./drake //<module>/build
./drake //src/elle/cryptography/build -j 2 # To build libcryptography and its dependencies.
./drake //src/elle/reactor/build -j 2 # To build the libreactor and its dependencies.
./drake //src/elle/protocol/build -j 2 # To build the libprotocol and its dependencies.
./drake //...
It will result on <module>/lib/libelle_<module>.so
and its dependencies on GNU/Linux, <module>/lib/lib<module>.dylib
on macOS, ...
Elle depends on a few libraries which are automatically downloaded and built for your system by Drake if needed.
- Boost (v1.60.0, patched)
- PatchELF (v0.9)
- zlib (v1.2.11)
- OpenSSL (v1.0.2g)
- curl (v7.48.0, patched)
- libarchive (v3.1.2, patched)
- OpenLDAP (v2.4.44)
Consult Elle's wiki for more information about Elle.
- Website: https://infinit.sh/open-source
- Email: [email protected]