A friendly python wrapper around the IQ Option API.
Information about basic usage you can find on Wiki
Auto generated Sphinx documentation you can find here.
pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/n1nj4z33/iqoptionapi.git@master
Reference for the above modificatioon: StackoverFlow
from iqoptionapi.api import IQOptionAPI
import datetime
import time
import logging
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s')
api = IQOptionAPI("iqoption.com", "email", "Password")
print 'Your current blance is: {:.2f}'.format(api.profile.balance)
#How to get candles data: 1st param is the asset or so
#second is the interval size of the candles (currently 60 secs)
#and the third one is the amount of candles we would like to have
api.getcandles(1, 60, 25)
#somehow we need that wait. Don't ask me why. Otherwise we have no data
data = api.candles.candles_data
for candles in data:
st = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(candles[0]+60).strftime('%Y-$')
candles data
0th entry: timestamp of candle
1st entry: where candles starts in the interval
2nd entry: where candles finishes in the interval
3rd entry: upper wick
4th entry: lower wick
print st, candles
#let's do some buys :D
while api.timesync.server_datetime.second != 48:
print api.timesync.server_datetime.second
#The first one is the money you want to set
#2nd is the asset. Check constants.ASSETS for the values
#3rd is the which mode. Turbo is for binary. Don't ask me why
#4th is either call or put
api.buy(1, 1, "turbo", "call")
Check if a trade has been won or lost: ou can give the result by using the 'win' variable which returns either 'equal' (if the trade is ongoing or a draw), 'win' (if the trade was a win), or 'loose' (if the trade was a loss)
For more information on what you can actually get, you can use this JSON data which got extracted by frxncisjoseph while testing.
Here is a piece of code in order to check if the buy order went through and to check how the order is doing:
api.buy(1, 816, "turbo", "call")
while api.buy_successful in [None, False]:
....#Could do another buy order, or something else!
print api.listinfodata.current_listinfodata.win