Open Business Process Recorder is a tool that can help record your business processes and create documents from them , in the current roadmap the plan is to support open RPA tools like taskt in the first phase , the vision is to create an opentool that follows record once and execute anywhere philosophy
Download the latest taskt version and perform the inital setup like creation of folders
Download the chrome extension from this folder
Follow this site to install unpacked chrome extensions in chrome
Download the latest openBPR release
Click on Start Recording ![image](
Go to Chrome Browser and click on the extension, make sure that R symbol is dispayed at the extension
After performing a set of steps click on stop Recording
After clicking on stop Recording click on export to taskt
You will see a SaveAs window in that give the filename and click on Save button
Open taskt , open existing file and edit the navigateurl command , give the required starting url and save the script
Click on Save and Run button