provides ability to run gulp tasks from configs.
- Team work on the same project without risk of breaking other tasks
- Store multiple typical tasks as configs
- Write clear and specific to application gulpfile and keep routine tasks in configs
- tests and linter coverage needed
# Don't forget to install gulp globaly
# $ sudo npm install -g gulp
$ npm install gulp gulp-from-config
Install plugins that you need:
# This command will install sass compiler for gulp
$ npm install gulp-sass --save-dev
Write tasks in JSON configs and place them in ./configs or any other folder
// Load gulp and gulp-from-config
var gulp = require('gulp'),
gulpFromConfig = require('gulp-from-config');
// Set config files path
// Create tasks
Run them as any other gulp tasks from console (by task name):
# This command will search for build task and run it
$ gulp build
'use strict';
* At the beginning load:
* - gulp
* - gulp-from-config
var gulp = require('gulp'),
gulpFromConfig = require('gulp-from-config')
tasks = []; // declare tasks list array
* First option is to get tasks from configs
* and set path to files.
* For example to ./configs directory
* Or define config
var task = {
name: "styles", // module task name
subTasks: [
name: "sass", // technical task name
dest: "/dest/css", // path to build
sourcemaps: true, // enable sourcemaps
src: {
include: [
"/src/sass/*.sass" // files to proceed
exclude: [
"/src/sass/_*.sass" // files to ignore
plugins: [
"name": "gulp-sass", // gulp-sass plugin
"options": {
"outputStyle": "compressed" // will be passed to plugin parameter
* And pass it as Array to setConfigs function
* Callback function can be triggered on completion of subtasks
* Sub task config is passed as parameter
var callback = function(config) {
console.log('Sub task config:', config);
* Define tasks based on configs
* Run like normal gulp task 'gulp styles'
tasks = gulpFromConfig.createTasks(gulp);
* Or if you need to run all of them
* pass tasks array to default task
* and run 'gulp'
gulp.task('default', tasks, function() {
console.log('All tasks are done!');
Example gulpfile.jsmake sure installing them
"name": "production", // task name which can be called by 'gulp production'
"subTasks": [
"name": "script", // sub task name
"dest": "/dest/js", // for gulp.dest('/dest/css')
"sourcemaps": false, // if sourcemaps are required
"browserify": {
"transform": ["ractivate"] // Set extra browserify transforms (make sure that transform installed!)
"file": "prod.js" // You can specify file name. Will be task name by default ('production')
"watch": [ // if array is empty will watch src files
"/src/js/*.js", // watch changes on source files
"src": {
"include": [
"/src/js/*.js" // will be processed
"exclude": [
"/src/js/_*.js" // will be ignored
"plugins": [
"name": "gulp-uglify", // gulp-uglify plugin (make sure that plugin installed!)
"options": {
"mangle": false // will be passed into gulp.pipe(uglify(options))
"dest" "~",
"src": "~", // use ~ to get any props from previous subtasks
"plugins": [
"~gulp-uglify" // use ~PLUGIN_NAME if you wish to copy this plugin config from previous subtask (or use plugins: "~" to repeat all pugins)
Example production.json
In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using gulp.
0.1.0 Initial release
0.1.5 Task callback
0.2.0 Added browserify support
0.3.0 Removed gulp-load-plugins from dependency
0.4.0 Nested config folder
0.4.1 Use ~ instead of repeating previus config
Copyright (c) 2016 kystkysto. Licensed under the MIT license.