Read this in other languages.
Easy ideas to start contributing on Github, get free T-Shirts every year!
- Add ideas to this repo! 😂
- Fix code formatting.
- Fix typos. (Try searching
in Github...) - Translate project to local language.
- Fix issue in open source project.
- Explore
- Add mini-game.
Try contributing to this repo itself. (So meta...)
- Fix typos if you see them. 👀
- Add frontend.
- Add more README.
- Add tests, cli, Docker image which prints PR ideas.
- Add to this list.
- Append the
PR Ideas
list, then open the Pull Request. - Or see issues for more easy peasy tasks. Some of these issues are added from PDD Puzzles.
Fork >> Clone >> NewBranch >> Edit >> Commit >> Push >> PullRequest
- Copy the HTTPS repo link.
- Open a terminal and write a command
git clone [your repo link]
. - Go to hacktoberfest_ez/ folder.
- Create new branch using
git branch [branch name]
. - Go to that branch using
git checkout [branch name]
- Open a terminal and write a command
git add .
- write a command
git commit -m [your commit message]
Refresh your hacktoberfest_ez in the browser, then click "Compare & pull Request".
Write description pull request, then click "Create pull request".
Go to and make an account and see tutorials on:
- how to fork the project
- how to create a repository
- how to clone the repository
- how to make a pull request
and make your contribution towards Open Source community in Hacktoberfest.