Roadster: A clean, responsive Hugo theme focused on content, forked from the original mainroad theme.
- Responsive design
- Configurable theme settings (sidebar position, author box, post navigation, highlight color)
- Widgetized sidebar
- Translations (15+ languages)
- Hugo internal templates (Open Graph, Schema, Twitter Cards, Disqus, Google Analytics)
- Table of Contents, MathJax support, SVG icons
- Custom Google Fonts support
- Wide cross-browser compatibility
- Multiple Authors
- Install Hugo following the official guide
- Create a new site and navigate to its root directory
- Install the theme:
git clone themes/roadster
Or as a submodule:
git submodule add themes/roadster
- Add to your
theme = "roadster"
For detailed configuration options and examples, please visit the documentation.
Found a bug or have an idea for a new feature? Feel free to open an issue or PR.
Released under the GPLv2 license.