feed.nvim is a web feed reader in Neovim.
This project is young, expect breaking changes, and for now there's a nasty bug if you are on neovim stable #125, recommend to use nightly or wait for the coming release of 0.11
other than that usage should be fun and smooth, go ahead and enjoy!
- 🌲 Fast and reliable rss/atom/json feed feed parsing, powered by tree-sitter
- 📝 View entries as beautiful markdown powered by pandoc
- 🏪 Lua database with no extra dependency
- 📚 Powerful entry searching by date, tag, feed, regex, and full text
- 📂 OPML support to import and export all your feeds and podcasts
- 🧡 RSShub integration to discover and track everything
Github integration to subscribe to the new commits/release of your favorite repo/plugin
- 📶 HTMX + libuv powered minimal web interface
- WIP 📡 support for popular feed sync services like Tiny Tiny RSS and Fresh RSS
- Neovim 0.10+
- curl
- pandoc
- tree-sitter-xml
- tree-sitter-html
- For feed greping:
- For interactive feed searching:
- For markdown rendering:
- For image rendering:
For rocks.nvim:
:Rocks install feed.nvim
For lazy.nvim:
return {
cmd = "Feed",
---@module 'feed'
---@type feed.config
opts = {},
- Run
:checkhealth feed
to see your installation status - To troubleshoot without conflict from other plugins or you config, copy minimal.lua locally, and run
nvim --clean -u minimal.lua
- Read tutorial at documentation or read
:h feed.txt