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Multiple cursors support
With the multiple cursors feature, you can change many places of the current document at one time.
Multiple cursors are actually multiple text ranges.
The ranges are highlighted by CocCursorRange
highlight group (linked to Search
by default). To override the highlight, put this:
hi CocCursorRange guibg=#b16286 guifg=#ebdbb2
in your .vimrc
There are keymaps to start a multicursor session:
add current character range to cursors. -
add current word range to cursors. -
add current visual selected range to cursors. -
use operator for add range to cursors.
You can cancel the range under the cursor by triggering one of those keymaps.
Example usage:
nmap <silent> <C-c> <Plug>(coc-cursors-position)
nmap <silent> <C-d> <Plug>(coc-cursors-word)
xmap <silent> <C-d> <Plug>(coc-cursors-range)
" use normal command like `<leader>xi(`
nmap <leader>x <Plug>(coc-cursors-operator)
or use the following to add current to selection and go to next:
nmap <silent> <C-d> <Plug>(coc-cursors-word)*
xmap <silent> <C-d> y/\V<C-r>=escape(@",'/\')<CR><CR>gN<Plug>(coc-cursors-range)gn
Or more VS Code like behavior:
nmap <expr> <silent> <C-d> <SID>select_current_word()
function! s:select_current_word()
if !get(b:, 'coc_cursors_activated', 0)
return "\<Plug>(coc-cursors-word)"
return "*\<Plug>(coc-cursors-word):nohlsearch\<CR>"
Or use an internal command API to add ranges, like:
import {commands} from 'coc.nvim'
// hlRanges is a list of LSP Range
await commands.executeCommand('editor.action.addRanges', hlRanges)
Use vim script like:
call CocAction('runCommand', 'editor.action.addRanges', hlRanges)
One common task is to rename the variable name under cursor.
Use command :CocCommand document.renameCurrentWord
to start a multicursor session with ranges containing the current word.
Note: the word ranges are extracted from language server when possible, when language server not available, strict match of words in current buffer is used.
When a multicursor session is activated, you can change one placeholder to reflect changes for all cursor ranges.
- You can change the text any way you want to, like normal command or insert text.
- You can change around the text by command like
installed). - You can undo & redo the changes.
- You can't insert new line in ranges of cursors, it would cancel cursors session.
- Use
to jump to next position of cursors range, default to<C-n>
. - Use
to jump to previous position of cursors range, default to<C-p>
The key-mappings would be created when cursors session activated, and removed when session cancelled.
Use "cursors.cancelKey"
to cancel cursors session, default to <Esc>
The session would also be canceled when buffer change can't be applied for ranges.
Use <Plug>(coc-refactor)
for creating a refactor window of current symbol.
Note: it requires rename feature of language server to work.
When the window get opened, related ranges would be added to a new cursors session, you can:
- Change the placeholder for rename.
- Save the buffer for synchronize changes to related buffers.
- Add or remove lines.
- Press
to open line under cursor in right split window. - Change content of related buffers, the changes would be synchronized to refactor buffer.
- Fold the ranges by commands like

Available configurations for refactor:
: Open command for refactor window, default tovsplit
. -
: Print num lines of leading context before each match, default to3
. -
: Print num lines of trailing context after each match., default to3
For rename variable across files in current cwd, use :CocSearch
command, which requires ripgrep to work.
Each range of lines would be added to refactor window asynchronously, and matched ranges would be added to cursors session for rename.

- Don't change the buffer when search is not finished.
- Use
to get available options after type:CocSearch
command. - Use
:CocSearch -w [word]
for word match.