Releases: neurolabusc/surf-ice
Releases · neurolabusc/surf-ice
version 6-October-2021 (v1.0.20211006)
- Xray Shader.
- PythonBridge.
version 30-July-2021 (v1.0.20210730
Experimental pre-release that uses PythonBridge instead of PythonForLazarus as described here. Should appear identical for most users. For macOS and Linux, Python is now statically linked into the executable, instead of using an installed copy (Windows uses dynamic linked libraries for both PythonBridge and Python4Lazarus).
version17-July-2021 (v1.0.20210717)
Experimental Pre-Release
- New X-Ray Shader.
- Minor changes
version 2-November-2020 (v1.0.20201102)
- Improve [GIfTI](] support.
- Improve support for VirtualBox and Mesa drivers.
- Script extreme values.
- Legacy OpenGL uses indexing for better use of resources (Core OpenGL has always indexed).
- Allow scripts to modify color schemes.
- Load both hemispheres for meshes with "LH." and "RH." in filename (use preferences to disable).
- Mouse and scripting methods to pry hemispheres apart (aka Walnut mode).
- New atlas2node centroid finding.
- MacOS version now universal binary (natively compiled for Intel and Apple silicon).
version 29-July-2020 (v1.0.20200729)
- Improve [GIfTI](] support.
- Improve support for VirtualBox and Mesa drivers.
- Script extreme values.
- Legacy OpenGL uses indexing for better use of resources (Core OpenGL has always indexed).
version 29-May-2020 (v1.0.20200529)
- Show contours for atlases and overlays (select Scripting/Python/contour menu item for demo) suggested by Ahmad Beyh, Marco Catani and Flavio Dell' Acqua
- Support ASCII GIfTI files
- Support CIfTI parcellation maps
- Support AFNI .niml.dset format
- Linux distribution now available for GTK2 and QT5, see notes for installation.
version 2-September-2019 (v1.0.20190902)
- Notarized for MacOS.
- Better Python3 detection.
- Small improvements in importing foreign format meshes and volumes.
version 20-July-2019 (v1.0.20190720)
- New MatCap shaders (for examples try the Scripting/Python/MatCap menu items).
- Better support for SUMA formats.
version 18-May-2019 (v1.0.20190518)
- Better TRK format support.