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Vonage Subaccounts API Management Proxy

This project provides a Node.js-based server for managing subaccounts using the Vonage Subaccounts API and Vonage Secrets API. It offers a set of API endpoints to create, modify, and delete subaccounts (suspend: true), as well as modifying Secrets for the subaccounts.

DISCLAIMER: The Proxy needs to be deployed (vcr deploy) for the new Subaccounts with signature_secret to be stored in VCR Instance State.

Proxy Logic

If apikey is not one of the mainkeys, then proxy request to Create Sub Account API and return newly created subaccount data including signature_secret.

If a main apikey is one of the mainkeys:

  • If there is any free subaccount (suspended: true and used: false) in Pool (mainkey pool Index)

    • return that subaccount info (same as response from as Create Sub Account API returns).
    • Update the subaccount via Subaccount Modify API to suspended: false and also set that main apikey's subaccount apikey to used: true (see Postman Request GET get-index)
  • If there are no free subaccounts in the Pool (mainkey pool Index):

    • Create new subaccount with Create Subaccount Signature Secret API
    • Add it to the Pool (mainkey pool Index) and set that main apikey's subaccount apikey to used: true (see Postman Request GET get-index)
    • Return that subaccount info which also includes signature_secret.

Vonage Secret Management API

At this time, the limit for secret per apikey is 2. If you try to Create Secret API when 2 already exists, a 404 is returned with message.

    "type": "",
    "title": "Bad Request",
    "detail": "The request failed due to secret validation errors",
    "instance": "",
    "invalid_parameters": [
            "name": "secret",
            "reason": "Does not meet complexity requirements"

For this reason, when calling DELETE route (/account/:apikey/subaccounts/:subkey) to suspend a subaccount (suspended: true and used: false), it will retrieve all the secrets for that subaccount, if 2 secrets exists, it will delete one secret, so that when you call GET FREE route (/account/:apikey/subaccounts) it will be available in the pool.

If you try to Create Secret API using the same secret string, then a error 403 will be returned with message:

  type: '',
  title: 'Outdated account',
  detail: 'Attempted to update a more recent version of the account',
  instance: ''


  • Pool Management: Subaccounts can be managed in a pool, allowing for efficient utilization and modification of existing subaccounts.

  • Create Subaccounts: The Proxy server creats new subaccounts when all are being used.

  • Modify Subaccount Attributes: It provides functionality to update subaccount attributes such as name and suspended status.

  • Generate Signature Secrets: The Proxy server can generate signature secrets for subaccounts when it is created to provide enhanced security. This occurs when no subaccounts are available.

  • Add Subaccount Signature Secret to the VCR Subaccount Record: It provides functionality to add subaccount signature_secret attribute via /set-subkey-signature/:subkey route.



Contains Vonage Cloud Runtime State Functions to get and set objects for mainkeys and subaccounts.


Handles API interactions with the Vonage Secrets API.


Proxy routes to set and get mainKeys.


Proxy routes to set and get subaccounts.


Handles API interactions with the Vonage Subaccounts API.


Contains Postman Collection to make requests to VCR Proxy.


POST /set-mainkeys

Sets the main keys required for authentication. Expects JSON payload with main keys.

GET /get-mainkeys

Retrieves the main keys used for authentication.

GET /get-index/:apikey

Retrieves subaccounts based on the provided main key. The list is populated when you use the Proxy to create new subaccounts via POST /account/:apikey/subaccounts

GET /get-subkey/:subkey

Retrieves information for a specific subaccount based on the provided subkey.

NOTE: At time of this, the Vonage API will NOT return the signature_secret with the subaccount info.

POST /set-subkey/:subkey

Retrieves information for a specific subaccount based on the provided subkey and then creates a VCR subaccount record for it.

POST /set-subkey-signature/:subkey

Retrieves information for a specific subaccount based on the provided subkey and then adds the required param you provide of the signature_secret to store in the VCR subaccount record.

NOTE: At time of this, the Vonage API will NOT return the signature_secret with the subaccount info. This is the reason for this API route.

POST /account/:apikey/subaccounts

This is the GET FREE Proxy Request that either creates a new subaccount with the provided API key or finds an unused subaccount in Pool. Expects JSON payload with name and secret to modify the unused subaccount.

DELETE /account/:apikey/subaccounts/:subkey

Deletes a subaccount (suspend: true) under the provided API key and subkey while also freeing up the VCR subaccount record (used: false). Since there is a limit of 2 secrets per apikey, a request will be made to delete one secret if two exists.

Upon Request to DELETE route /account/:apikey/subaccounts/:subkey, if the subaccount does not exist in the VCR State: Then you need to manually add it via route set-subkey.


Since Vonage Cloud Runtime (VCR) is in beta, you'll need to enable VCR for your Vonage Dashboard.

You can either run this project locally or use the VCR Online IDE.


Go to the VCR online IDE. Make sure you are Signed in.

Click on Create Workspace. Import the public GitHub repository Enter a workspace name e.g. vonage-subaccounts-proxy.

The VCR IDE should now be loaded and a newly created Vonage Application will appear at the Vonage Dashboard Applications with the same name.


Setup your local environment by installing the VCR CLI. Choose OS specific.

To connect the Vonage Application we will run the following commands. Just like VS Code, you can drag the hidden terminal below to view it. Run the following commands:

// At the IDE Terminal, we will update the VCR version. If an update exists, opt for yes
vcr version
// Initialize the project via
vcr init
// enter a project name, usally the same name as previously. eg. vonage-subaccounts-proxy
// Select the Vonage App with the same name. Node16 and select the closest region to you.
// e.g. AWS - US Virginia - (aws.use1) and then any Instance Name e.g. ide and Skip the Template generation since we have have our own source code already.

Now at the root directory you will notice that a vcr.yml file was generated. Currently, there is a bug and we will need to add the lines below. Please see the sample file vcr-sample.yml as a reference.

entrypoint: [node, index.js];
debug: name: debug;
entrypoint: [nodemon, --inspect, index.js];

Your vcr.yml should look similiar to.

    name: vonage-subaccounts-proxy
    name: ide
    runtime: nodejs16
    region: aws.use1
    application-id: abcd-abcd-abcd-abcd
    entrypoint: [node, index.js]
  name: debug
  entrypoint: [nodemon, --inspect, index.js]
npm install
// This is for development purposes and allows us to run the NodeJS ExpressJS server and make it public.
vcr debug
// To deploy it permanently, I've shared that instruction below. We do that via vcr deploy.

You will notice in the terminal your VCR Instance URL. Copy this and we'll use it below.

// VCR_URL example
Application Host:

Running the Proxy Demo

To test the VCR routes, I've included a Postman Collection for you to import into Postman. The file is vonage-subaccounts-proxy.postman_collection.json.

Update the Postman Collection Variables {VCR_URL, SUBKEY, NAME, SECRET, APIKEY}. The VCR_URL is the URL of your VCR Instance you got when you ran vcr debug.

Update the Postman Collection Authorization, so that all the collection requests will inherit the Basic Auth.

Use the Postman requests to set your mainkeys via POST set-mainkey and GET get-mainkeys to see them.

// At Postman Request POST set-mainkey, set your Main API Keys for the accounts you want to use to "pool": true
    name: "OEM Demo (current)",
    apikey: "AAAAA",
    pool: true,
    max: 10000,
    name: "OEM Demo (next)",
    apikey: "BBBBB",
    pool: true,
    max: 10000,
    name: "Other",
    apikey: "CCCCC",
    pool: false,
    max: 10000,

To get a free subaccount, you make a request via GET FREE.

// Response if there isn't a free subaccount, then it will create one and return it's info with a signature_secret.
  "secret": "secret",
  "api_key": "aaaaa",
  "name": "Subaccount department A",
  "primary_account_api_key": "AAAAA",
  "use_primary_account_balance": true,
  "created_at": "2018-03-02T16:34:49Z",
  "suspended": false,
  "balance": 100.25,
  "credit_limit": -100.25,
  "signature_secret": ""

The current VCR app will only store the new subaccounts created, it does not currently hold the existing subaccounts you had created previously.

To suspend a subaccount use the DEL DELETE. This will then make it available when the GET FREE request is called.

There are some additional Postman Requests I've created for you to Retrieve the subaccount's info which is via GET get-subkey.

You can view all the subaccount keys via GET get-index by passing the master apikey.

// Postman Request for GET get-index by passing the master apikey (primary_account_api_key) "AAAAA".
// Ex. This would be the Index list of all subaccounts for primary_account_api_key: "AAAAA".
// When making a Postman Request DEL DELETE route {{VCR_URL}}/account/:apikey/subaccounts/:subkey, it will set suspended: true and used: false, which makes it Free.
    api_key: "aaaaa",
    used: true,
    api_key: "bbbbb",
    used: true,
    api_key: "ccccc",
    used: false,

You can also view a subaccounts info via Postman Request GET get-subkey

// Response for Postman Request GET get-subkey
  "secret": "secret",
  "api_key": "aaaaa",
  "name": "Subaccount department A",
  "primary_account_api_key": "AAAAA",
  "use_primary_account_balance": true,
  "created_at": "2018-03-02T16:34:49Z",
  "suspended": false,
  "balance": 100.25,
  "credit_limit": -100.25,
  "signature_secret": ""

Deploying the Proxy

// Once deployed, you will receive a HOST2 URL, which is what you'll need to update your Postman Variable VCR_URL
vcr deploy


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