Valine comment system for NexT. Valine is a fast, simple & efficient Leancloud based no back end comment system.
Valine is no longer open source, and it is reported to have XSS vulnerabilities and data security issues. Use at your own risk.
npm install next-theme/hexo-next-valine
- Create an account or log into LeanCloud, and then click on the bottom left corner to create the application in dashboard.
- Go to the application you just created, select
Settings → App Keys
in the lower left corner, and you will see your APP ID and APP Key.
Set the value enable
to true
, add the obtained APP ID (appId
) and APP Key (appKey
), and edit other configurations in valine
section in the config file as following. You can config those in both hexo or theme _config.yml
# Valine
# For more information:,
enable: false
appId: # your leancloud application appid
appKey: # your leancloud application appkey
serverURLs: # When the custom domain name is enabled, fill it in here
placeholder: Just go go # comment box placeholder
avatar: mm # gravatar style
meta: [nick, mail, link] # Custom comment header
pageSize: 10 # pagination size
visitor: false # leancloud-counter-security is not supported for now. When visitor is set to be true, appid and appkey are recommended to be the same as leancloud_visitors' for counter compatibility. Article reading statistic
comment_count: true # If false, comment count will only be displayed in post page, not in home page
recordIP: false # Whether to record the commenter IP