The sfNestedCommentPlugin
is a symfony plugin that enabled the model(s) to be commentable.
Inspired by wordpress commenting system, its support nested comments and enabled by default.
This plugin is for symfony 1.4 and sfPropelORMPlugin.
You need jQuery to use this plugin. jQuery is not bundeled with this plugin, you have to include it yourself.
Install the plugin :
git submodule add git:// plugins/sfNestedCommentPlugin
Activate the plugin in the
class ProjectConfiguration extends sfProjectConfiguration
public function setup()
$this->enablePlugins('...', 'sfNestedCommentPlugin');
- Publish the plugin's assets
> ./symfony plugin:publish-assets
Add the behavior in your schema. Example:
<table name="post">
<column name="id" required="true" primaryKey="true" autoIncrement="true" type="INTEGER" />
<column name="title" type="VARCHAR" required="true" primaryString="true" />
<column name="content" type="LONGVARCHAR" required="true" />
<behavior name="commentable" />
Rebuild your model:
> ./symfony propel:build --all-classes
In myUser.class.php
(frontend and backend application), you have to define the following functions (for the current logged on user):
- getAuthorId() : Author Id,
- getAuthorName() : Author Name,
- getAuthorEmail() : Author Email,
- getAuthorWebsite() : Author Website.
First, activate the module in the settings.yml (apps/your_frontend_app/config/settings.yml)
enabled_modules: [..., sfNestedComment]
This plugin comes with two components.
This component is used to display the most recent comments. In your template:
<?php include_component('sfNestedComment', 'recentComments') ?>
The number of comments displayed in this component is controlled by max_recent
In order to make your recent comments clickable, you have to define the url_commentable_method
url_commentable_method: [myTools, generatePostUri]
public static function generatePostUri($post, $postfix = null, $action = 'show')
if (sfConfig::get('app_sfSimpleBlog_use_date_in_url', false))
$publishedAt = strtotime($post->getPublishedAt());
return 'sfSimpleBlog/' . $action . '?' .
'year='.date('Y', $publishedAt) .
'&month='.date('m', $publishedAt) .
'&day='.date('d', $publishedAt) .
'&stripped_title='.$post->getStrippedTitle() .
return 'sfSimpleBlog/' . $action . '?stripped_title=' . $post->getStrippedTitle().$postfix;
By default, the titles in the recent comments are truncated to 25. You can change it by change the
value of recent_max_title_length
recent_max_title_length: 30
This component is used to display the commentable object's comments and comment form. In your template:
<?php include_component('sfNestedComment', 'showComments', array('object' => $post)) ?>
By default, the comments is displayed in the nested fashion, and it is controlled by max_depth
setting. You can disabled this feature by set the max_depth
to 0.
max_depth: 0
When the user post a comment, the request is done via Ajax
. You can disable it by set the use_ajax
to false.
use_ajax: false
If you want to integrate recaptcha, enabled the recaptcha setting in your app.yml
. Note, this setting require sfFormExtraPlugin
enabled: true
# visit
public_key: your_public_recaptcha_key
private_key: your_private_recaptcha_key
To disabled comment per commentable object, your object must provide allowComments()
public function allowComments()
return false;
Gravatar is enabled by default, and it is depends on sfGravatarPlugin, to disable it
use_gravatar: false
Activate the module in the settings.yml (apps/your_backend_app/config/settings.yml)
enabled_modules: [..., sfNestedCommentAdmin]
In order this feature to work, your object (commentable object) must provide following functions:
- __toString(). example: title of post.
- getAuthorEmail(). The email to receive an incoming comment.
public function getAuthorEmail()
return $this->getAuthor()->getEmail();
There are several options you may consider when you enabled Email notification:
mail_alert. This setting used to enabled email notification. Possible values are:
- true: send an email for every posted comment
- moderated: send an email for every automoderated comment
- false: disable mail notification
automoderation. Possible values are:
- true: comments are not published until a moderator accepts them
- first_post: the first comment of a user must be accepted, subsequent posts are accepted automatically
- false: comments are automatically accepted and published
from_email. email sender
max_attempts. How many times the mail delivery should be attempted before flagging it as failed
In the case you want to enable messages spooling, you can use the class provided by this plugin. In the factories.yml
class: Swift_SmtpTransport
port: 465
encryption: ssl
username: gmail_username
password: gmail_password
delivery_strategy: spool
spool_class: Swift_sfNestedCommentPool
spool_arguments: [ sfNestedCommentMailQueue, message, spooledMessages ]
- This plugin provide several options you can customize. See