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Releases: nickg/nvc


01 Mar 13:03
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This is a minor maintenance release fixing the following issues:

  • Fixed invalid LLVM IR generation which could cause a crash with LLVM 14 (#1145).
  • Functional coverage is now reported correctly when summing from nested hierarchies (#1154).
  • External names can now be the target of concurrent signal assignment statements (#1156).
  • Fixed a crash when packages are passed through multiple layers of generics.
  • Fixed a crash when a record subtype has a partially constrained element (#1155).
  • Fixed wrong result of VHDL-2019 std.env.file_path when the source file was analysed using a relative path (#1162).
  • Fixed a crash when 'last_event or 'last_active is used with a record type (#1164).

Special thank you to @bpadalino, @tmeissner, @Blebowski, @amb5l, @m42uko, @a-panella, @cmarqu, @albydnc, @johonkanen, and @augustofg for sponsoring me!


22 Jan 10:49
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This is a minor maintenance release fixing the following issues:

  • Fixed a crash when a subprogram is called with too many named arguments (from @NikLeberg) (#1091).
  • Fixed a crash when a constant record aggregate has a null array element (#1137).
  • Fixed a regression that caused some array aggregates to be incorrectly reported as ambiguous (#1138).
  • The Windows installer now bundles the Tcllib library (#1136).
  • Fixed a bug where PSL directives in comments were parsed incorrectly when split over multiple lines (#1135).

Special thank you to @bpadalino, @tmeissner, @Blebowski, @amb5l, @m42uko, @a-panella, @cmarqu, @albydnc, @johonkanen, and @augustofg for sponsoring me!


11 Jan 10:59
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This is a major new release with the following changes:

  • --load is now a global option and should be placed before the -r command. This allows VHPI foreign subprograms to be called during elaboration (#988).
  • The --per-file coverage report option outputs code coverage reports for each source file instead of each instance (#823).
  • The new --check-synthesis analysis option warns when signals are missing from process sensitivity lists.
  • Fixed a crash when a generic subprogram is associated with open (#1025).
  • Added a functional coverage API in nvc.cover_pkg that can be used by external frameworks such as OSVVM to define cover points.
  • Added threshold-<value> option for coverage to set minimal count a coverage bin must reach to be reported as covered.
  • Added a warning for potential infinite loops in processes without sensitivity and lacking any wait statements (from @NikLeberg).
  • Selected names can now be used to register value change callbacks with vhpi_register_cb (#1045).
  • Removed the limit on the maximum number of parameters that can be passed to a VHDL subprogram (#1036).
  • The new --no-save analysis option parses and checks the input files but does not save the working library to disk. This is a replacement for the --syntax top-level command which is now deprecated.
  • The coverage database file name has changed to <toplevel>.ncdb in the current working directory and this can now be customised with the new --cover-file= elaboration option. Attempts to access the old file name inside the library directory will be redirected to the new location, with a warning.
  • Partial association of ports with interface views now works correctly (#1074).
  • Added support for PSL suffix implication, SERE repetition, and SERE fusion.
  • Nested arrays more than two levels deep can now be dumped in FST format (#1071).
  • Added support for package external names (#1072).
  • Fixed parser hang for bit string literals (from @NikLeberg).
  • Fixed a crash on an illegal package definition inside an interface.
  • Comping the Vivado vendor libraries with nvc --install vivado is now around 2x faster and analysing files with many dependencies is up to an order of magnitude faster (#1098).
  • The --jit elaboration mode now works on Windows-on-Arm systems.
  • vhpi_assert now behaves the same as VHDL assert for the purposes of determining the simulation exit code and early termination (#1060).
  • The 'driving_value attribute now works correctly with record types.
  • Added basic support for 'instance_name, 'path_name and 'simple_name attributes of generate block labels (from @NikLeberg) (#1125).
  • Comments are now parsed correctly inside PSL directives (#1129).
  • Updated to OSVVM 2024.11 and UVVM 2024.10.08 for nvc --install.
  • Several other minor bugs were resolved (#1038, #1057, #1067. #1124).

Special thank you to @bpadalino, @tmeissner, @Blebowski, @amb5l, @m42uko, @a-panella, @cmarqu, @albydnc, @johonkanen, and @augustofg for sponsoring me!


23 Nov 10:19
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This is a minor bug fix release with the following changes:

  • Fixed a crash when 'last_value is used with record types (#1043).
  • Fixed a crash when a process sensitivity list contains an external name and the process is elaborated before the object referenced by the name (#1062).
  • Fixed parser hang for integers in scientific notation (from @NikLeberg).
  • Fixed a platform detection issue that caused JIT code loading to fail on Apple silicon macOS (#1069).
  • The STD_INPUT and STD_OUTPUT files can now be opened and closed multiple times (#1079).
  • Fixed a crash when a subtype is used for an aggregate element association range choice which associates an array slice (#1080).
  • Several other minor bugs were resolved (#1038, #1055).

Special thank you to @bpadalino, @tmeissner, @Blebowski, @amb5l, @m42uko, @a-panella, @cmarqu, @albydnc, @johonkanen, and @augustofg for sponsoring me!


26 Oct 11:43
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This is a minor bug fix release with the following changes:

  • Fixed an error when using the work library alias and the working library has the same name as design unit being analysed (#991).
  • Added a check for illegal references to signal or variable external names inside pure functions (#1010).
  • Added a check that the parameter of 'stable and other implicit signal attributes is a static expression (#1018).
  • Fixed an elaboration crash when an external name is passed to a procedure (#1029).
  • Record subtype constraints can now be accessed over VHPI (#1035).
  • Several other minor bugs were resolved (#1017, #1020, #1030, #1040).

Special thank you to @bpadalino, @tmeissner, @Blebowski, @amb5l, @m42uko, @a-panella, @cmarqu, @albydnc, @johonkanen, and @augustofg for sponsoring me!


22 Sep 12:00
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This is a major new release with the following changes:

  • Waiting on implicit 'stable and 'quiet signals now works correctly.
  • Updated to OSVVM 2024.07 and UVVM 2024.07.03b for nvc --install.
  • Added a warning when an inner declaration hides an outer declaration in a way that is likely to be unintentional (#905).
  • The -c sub-command for coverage is deprecated and replaced with separate --cover-report and --cover-merge commands. See the manual for details.
  • The argument to the --cover-export command is now the path to a coverage database file instead of a top-level unit name.
  • The --force-init command which was deprecated in the 1.7 release has been removed.
  • Coverage exclude files now support fold command to merge coverage data from independent sub-hierarchies (from @Blebowski).
  • FSM state coverage bin renamed from STATE to BIN_STATE.
  • A signature is now allowed in the formal part of generic map associations in VHDL-2019 mode.
  • use lib.pack.all no longer makes the bare package name pack potentially visible.
  • Very limited initial Verilog support has been added, including the ability to instantiate vendor-supplied UDPs from VHDL.
  • Fixed a regression which caused parse errors for some concurrent assertion statements (#956).
  • Arrays-of-arrays with downto direction are now dumped in the correct order (#957).
  • Fixed incorrect result of 'event and 'active where the prefix is an array of records.
  • Fixed a crash when the 'stable attribute is used with a record type (#960).
  • Conversion functions applied to individual record elements in a port map now work correctly (#963).
  • External name elaboration order checks were overly strict (#964).
  • Associating a signal with an out or inout parameter in a procedure that is not within a process now produces an analysis error rather than crashing at runtime (#965).
  • The --dump-arrays option now takes an optional argument to specify an upper limit on the length of nested arrays to dump (#959).
  • Matching case? statements are now checked for duplicate and missing choices at analysis time (#966).
  • Limited maximum instantiation depth to prevent crashes due to stack overflow when elaborating a design that has unbounded recursive entity instantiation (#969).
  • Physical subtype ranges and 64-bit integer types are now handled correctly by VHPI (#978).
  • Added support for generic map on subprogram call in VHDL-2019 and improved support for array type generics.
  • Optimised emission of FST initial signal values which also fixes a potential crash (#979).
  • Added checks for duplicate attribute specification (#977).
  • Several other minor bugs were resolved (#961, #962, #971, #975, #985).

Special thank you to @bpadalino, @tmeissner, @Blebowski, @amb5l, @m42uko, @a-panella, @cmarqu, @albydnc, @johonkanen, and @augustofg for sponsoring me!


24 Aug 05:06
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This release fixes a number of bugs that were discovered in the 1.13 branch:

  • Type checking was not performed correctly for conversion function actuals in port maps (#945).
  • Fixed a crash with signal aliases inside an instantiated generic package (#946).
  • Fixed random crashes when the simulation heap size is eight gigabytes or larger (#949).
  • Fixed a crash when a constant array with unconstrained element type is initialised with an aggregate (#954).
  • External names in concurrent assertion statements and PSL assertions are now parsed correctly (#952).
  • Several other minor bugs were resolved (#942, #943, #950, #951, #953).

Special thank you to @bpadalino, @tmeissner, @Blebowski, @amb5l, @m42uko, @a-panella, @cmarqu, @albydnc, @johonkanen, @ikwzm, and @augustofg for sponsoring me!


11 Aug 10:02
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This release fixes a number of bugs that were discovered in the 1.13 branch:

  • Fixed an incorrect bounds check error when a constant declaration has a partially constrained type (#932).
  • Elaboration of large designs on Windows no longer fail with linker errors due to excessive command line length.
  • Fixed a bug which prevented VCD files from being generated on Windows systems using the UCRT runtime library (#637).
  • Fixed a crash when the type of a qualified expression is an unconstrained array-of-array (#934).
  • Fixed random segmentation fault when the simulation heap size is larger than four gigabytes (#935).
  • Fixed an incorrect ambiguous subprogram error when using the 1993 standard and calling a subprogram via a selected name such as ieee.numeric_std."=".

Special thank you to @bpadalino, @tmeissner, @Blebowski, @amb5l, @m42uko, @a-panella, @cmarqu, @albydnc, @johonkanen, and @ikwzm for sponsoring me!


25 Jul 12:17
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This release fixes a number of bugs that were discovered in 1.13.0:

  • Windows installer was missing some standard library files.
  • Fixed a regression where generics and ports could not be referenced in external names (#921).
  • Fixed a crash when an unconstrained port with a default value is associated with open.
  • Fixed a duplicate symbol linker error with some uses of the 'delayed attribute.
  • Fixed a crash when an aliased subprogram is matched by a generic subprogram <> (#924)
  • Fixed a crash when a generic package containing a subprogram is passed to an entity package generic (#925).
  • Fixed an intermittent "failed to suspend thread" fatal error on macOS (#922).
  • Fixed a crash when a shared variable is declared inside a instantiated generic package in 2019 mode (#923).
  • Fixed a crash when a port with unconstrained array-of-record type is associated with a signal that has a static subtype.
  • Fixed incorrect longest static prefix calculation for array slices containing 'length, 'left, 'right and similar attributes (#930).
  • Fixed wrong result when slicing a generic that has an unconstrained array type (#931).

Special thank you to @bpadalino, @tmeissner, @Blebowski, @amb5l, @m42uko, @a-panella, @cmarqu, @albydnc, and @johonkanen for sponsoring me!


13 Jul 09:35
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This is a major new release with a large number of improvements and bug fixes:

  • Type and package generics now work correctly with components and configurations (#883).
  • Fixed a crash when a matching case? alternative contains multiple choices (#890).
  • Implemented VHPI support for package declarations and vhpiPackInsts iterators (#891).
  • Signatures in attribute names are now parsed correctly (#892).
  • Attribute specifications for all are now parsed correctly (#889).
  • Predefined "=" and "/=" operators are no longer declared for file types.
  • Alias of packages now work correctly (#893).
  • Stricter checking of identifiers to reject those with multiple consecutive underscores or trailing underscores (from @typingArtist).
  • Stricter checking for subprograms, deferred constants, and protected types referenced before their corresponding body or full declaration.
  • Decimal physical literals like 8.2 ms are now correctly rounded (to 8200 us in this case) when they are converted to the base unit (#899).
  • External names can now be passed as signal actuals to subprograms (#900).
  • Fixed a crash when branch coverage is enabled and an if-statement contains a return (#903).
  • The NVC_CONCURRENT_JOBS environment variable can be used to scale the number of worker threads NVC creates based on the number of concurrently executing simulations.
  • Fixed a crash when certain attributes such as 'val are used in the target of a signal assignment statement (#908).
  • Signals in packages are now dumped to the FST file (#901).
  • Function interface declarations can now be pure or impure (#917).

Special thank you to @bpadalino, @tmeissner, @Blebowski, @amb5l, @m42uko, @a-panella, @cmarqu, and @albydnc for sponsoring me!