Gin + Go Wire + PGX + CRUD + Mockery + Swagger + Prometheus
Run go get
Run: swag init -g ./cmd/app/main.go
Run : brew install mockery
Make sure the path is up to date for the command to work
Run : go generate ./...
- To run Unit tests please run this:
go test $(go list ./... | grep -Ev '/docs|mock|mocks|wire|config|mocks/' ) -coverprofile coverage.out -covermode=atomic -count=1
go tool cover -html=cover.out
This should open up your default browser and show the coverage
- Install sonarqube in local and setup a project
- Remember the authentication and other details
- Once you run the below command , sonarqube should display the project details under its project UI
Run :
sonar-scanner -Dsonar.token=token