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Installing Ceph Nano

Guy Margalit edited this page Feb 13, 2019 · 8 revisions

Installing CEPH Nano



You should have docker installed.

Install CEPH nano in a docker (current version is v13.2.4 mimic)

Install cn:


curl -L -o cn && chmod +x cn


curl -L -o cn && chmod +x cn

Perform the following script:

  1. Start a temporary CEPH nano cluster
  2. We need to expose the mgr dashboard port so we need to run a new container. 2.1. Save the temp cluster container to a new image. 2.2. Run a new container from that image with exposed port for the dashboard.
  3. Delete the temp cluster
./cn cluster start temp -d /tmp
docker commit ceph-nano-temp ceph-nano
./cn cluster purge temp --yes-i-am-sure
docker run -dt -p 8080:8080 --name ceph-nano ceph-nano

Enable the CEPH manager dashboard

Note: The 'enable dashboard' command will cause the container to stop, so need to start it after.

docker exec ceph-nano ceph mgr module enable dashboard
docker start ceph-nano
sleep 8 # let it start the services
docker exec ceph-nano ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/ssl false
docker exec ceph-nano ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_addr
docker exec ceph-nano ceph config set mgr mgr/dashboard/server_port 8080
docker exec ceph-nano ceph dashboard set-login-credentials nano nano

That's it, the dashboard is ready, open and login with user 'nano' password 'nano'.

But note that the Object Gateway in the dashboard is not enabled yet, so continue to next section.

Enable RGW dashboard

docker exec ceph-nano ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-host
docker exec ceph-nano ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-port 8000
docker exec ceph-nano ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-scheme http
docker exec ceph-nano ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-user-id nano
docker exec ceph-nano radosgw-admin user create --uid=nano --display-name=nano --system
docker exec ceph-nano ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-access-key [[[from user create output]]]
docker exec ceph-nano ceph dashboard set-rgw-api-secret-key [[[from user create output]]]

# docker exec ceph-nano sed -i 's/rgw frontends = civetweb .*/rgw frontends = civetweb  port=' /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
docker stop ceph-nano
docker start ceph-nano

Ceph config dump

You should see something like this:

[root@8048f9dee4d9 /]# ceph config dump
WHO   MASK LEVEL   OPTION                           VALUE                                                        RO 
  mgr      unknown mgr/dashboard/RGW_API_ACCESS_KEY ******                                                       *  
  mgr      unknown mgr/dashboard/RGW_API_HOST                                                    *  
  mgr      unknown mgr/dashboard/RGW_API_PORT       8000                                                         *  
  mgr      unknown mgr/dashboard/RGW_API_SCHEME     http                                                         *  
  mgr      unknown mgr/dashboard/RGW_API_SECRET_KEY ******                                                       *  
  mgr      unknown mgr/dashboard/RGW_API_USER_ID    noobaa                                                       *  
  mgr      unknown mgr/dashboard/password           ******                                                       *  
  mgr      unknown mgr/dashboard/server_addr                                                      *  
  mgr      unknown mgr/dashboard/server_port        8080                                                         *  
  mgr      unknown mgr/dashboard/ssl                false                                                        *  
  mgr      unknown mgr/dashboard/username           noobaa                                                       *  

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