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Yuki Takei edited this page Oct 11, 2016 · 1 revision

Views return HTML data from your application. They can be created from pure HTML documents or passed through renderers such as Stencil or Your preferred template engines.


Stencil is a simple and powerful template language for Swift. It provides a syntax similar to Django and Mustache. If you're familiar with these, you will feel right at home with Stencil.


1. Create View Directory

cd /path/to/YourApp/
mkdir ./Views

2. add Views/index.stencil

    Welcome to {{name}}!

3. Respond to the renderd content with response.render

import Slimane
import StencilViewEngine

app.use(.get, "/") { request, response, responder in
    var response = response
    let stencil = StencilViewEngine(path: "index" , context: Context(dictionary: ["name": "Slimane"]))
    response.render(with: stencil)


You can create own ViewEngine for Slimane.

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