- Overview
- Module Description - What the module does and why it is useful
- Setup - The basics of getting started with tsm
- Usage - Configuration options and additional functionality
- Reference - An under-the-hood peek at what the module is doing and how
- Limitations - OS compatibility, etc.
- Development - Guide for contributing to the module
Install and manage TSM (Tivoli Storage Manager) client with puppet. It's heavily inspired by the puppetlabs-ntp module.
This module handles installing, configuring and running the IBM Tivoli Storage Manager (TSM) client on the following operating systems:
- RedHat Linux 5/6/7
- CentOS 5/6/7
- Oracle Linux 5/6/7
- Scientific Linux 5/6/7
- Solaris 10/11
- Debian 6/7
- AIX 7.1
- SLES 11/12
- TSM package (TIVsm-Ba and TIVsm-API)
- TSM configuration files (dsm.sys and InclExcl)
- TSM service (dsmsched)
For RedHat Linux you need a yum repository that contains the rpm packages IBM provides in the TSM installation tar.gz.
These usually are
- TIVsm-API64.x86_64.rpm
- gskssl64-
- gskcrypt64-
- TIVsm-BA.x86_64.rpm
For Debian you need an apt repository that contains the deb packages. IBM only provides rpms so you might need to use alien to convert the rpms IBM provides in the TSM installation tar.gz. For info on converting rpms to debs consult: http://www.planetcobalt.net/sdb/tsm_debian.shtml
These usually are
- tivsm-api64.deb
- tivsm-ba.deb
- gskcrypt64.deb
- gskssl64.deb
For Solaris 10 and 11 you need a HTTP server that provides the following packages for downloading:
- TIVsmCapi.pkg
- TIVsmCba.pkg
- gsk8cry32.pkg
- gsk8cry64.pkg
- gsk8ssl32.pkg
- gsk8ssl64.pkg
IBM provides the gsk packages as file systems packages (thanks IBM!), so you have to translate them with pkgtrans:
$ pkgtrans . gskssl32.pkg gsk8ssl32/
and copy them to your HTTP download location. You are going to need two download locations: one for sparc and one for i386 (see params.pp for an example).
For AIX TSM is shipped by IBM as LPP in BFF format. The package can be
installed using the 'nim' (default) or 'aix' provider. Installing
from a NIM repository, the variable package_uri
must contain a valid
lpp_source in order to make the installation work. This module will
then install tivoli.tsm.client.ba.64bit.base
and its requesite
By setting the 'service_manage' variable to true, 'dsmc sched' will be added as a subsystem definition to the subsystem object class in AIX.
Include class TSM on hosts where you would like to install the TSM client packages. By default no config files will be replaced. The TSM class just makes sure the TSM packages are installed.
include tsm
If there is no dsm.sys this module creates a new one from the default template. Be sure to set config_replace to true if you would like to manage dsm.sys after the default template has been deployed.
All available options (see init.pp) should be changed via the main tsm class.
The default dsm.sys template only sets
- COMMMethod
- TCPPort
- TCPServeraddress
- INCLExcl
if you would like to add additional default options for nodes, you have to use a hash (parameter config_hash) or hiera. Here's a hiera example:
errorlogname: "/var/log/dsmerror.log"
errorlogretention: "31 D"
schedlogname: "/var/log/dsmsched.log"
schedlogretention: "30 d"
nodename: "%{::hostname}"
passwordaccess: "generate"
domain: "all-local"
makesparsefile: "no"
There is also the possibility to add node local options to dsm.sys.local. Settings in dsm.sys.local are going to be merged into the global dsm.sys on the next puppet run.
Use the parameter config_opt_hash to manage dsm.opt in a similar way as dsm.sys. There is currently no support for a local dsm.opt file.
You can also define your multiple servers by defining multiple configuration stanzas.
tcp_server_address: "tsmserver1"
errorlogname: "/var/log/dsmerror.log"
errorlogretention: "31 D"
schedlogname: "/var/log/dsmsched.log"
schedlogretention: "30 d"
nodename: "%{::hostname}"
passwordaccess: "generate"
domain: "all-local"
makesparsefile: "no"
tcp_server_address: "tsmserver2"
If there is no /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/InclExcl file available, this module also deploys a default InclExcl file.
For a puppet managed include/exclude file set inclexcl_replace to true.
In the case of a puppet managed include/exclude file, you can add local include/exclude rules to /opt/tivoli/tsm/clien/ba/bin/InclExcl.local
The default dsm.sys template already includes the InclExcl.local file.
It is also possible to add InclExcl entries via hiera. Please use the inclexcl_hash option for this:
- /var/log/.../*
- /var/tmp/.../*
The default location for the file generated with tsm::inclexcl_hash is /opt/tivoli/tsm/client/ba/bin/InclExcl.hash. You can change this with the tsm::inclexcl_hash_source option.
If you want to use the Client Acceptor Daemon (dsmcad) instead of the Scheduler (dsmsched), you have to overwrite the following variables.
Example for RedHat 7:
tsm::service_script: "/etc/systemd/system/dsmcad.service"
tsm::service_name: "dsmcad"
tsm::service_script_source: 'puppet:///modules/tsm/dsmcad.redhat7'
Please see init.pp for an explanation of all available options.
This module has been built on and tested against Puppet 3.1.0 and higher.
The module has been tested on:
- RedHat Enterprise Linux 5/6/7
- Solaris 10 i386/sparc
- Solaris 11 i386/sparc
- Debian 6/7
- AIX 7.1
Fork me and create pull requests.
The list of contributors can be found at: https://github.com/nosolutions/puppet-tsm/graphs/contributors