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Space Shooter

Space Shooter Banner

A game about shooting meteors in Space!

How to Play

You can play Space Shooter downloading the executable JAR file at the latest release page. Or you can play from the source code, the hard way(not that hard to be honest).

Compiling and Running

This will guide you trough the steps for building the source code of the game.

Install Dependencies

See the Development: Dependencies section to a guide on how to install them.

Cloning the Source

You'll have to clone this repository in your computer first to play it.

  • Using Git
    $ git clone
  • Using GitHub CLI
    $ gh repo clone notestudios/SpaceShooter


After cloning the repo in your computer, you need to build it.

$ gradle build jar

This will build a Java Application Runtime file(java's executable file) in the build/libs/SpaceShooter.jar directory.


You can run the game doing the following:

  1. Changing the current directory to the executable's one
$ cd build/libs
  1. Run the java file, you can double-click in it, or just run this in the terminal:
$ java -jar SpaceShooter.jar

Happy Gaming!



The game has some dependencies to be installed before compiling it.

Name Description
OpenJDK The language that the game was written on, basically it makes the game work
Gradle The tool used to build the game source code

Installing Dependencies

If you're on macOS or any GNU/Linux distribution, you can use SDKMAN! to install all the dependencies.

  • With SDKMAN

    $ sdk install gradle
    $ sdk install java 22-open
  • Manually

Follow the instructions in Gradle Installation Guide and OpenJDK.


Name Description
src/main/java Game's source code
src/main/resources Game assets(sprites, arts)
build/ Output directory for game build binaries
build/libs Output directory for built jar