Allows you to calculate the signal-to-noise ratio for a star observed with a telescope and CCD over a range of magnitudes with a defined magnitude step.
This is an Flask app. The apps main code is
. The templates required as stored in the templates
directory and the css file is stored in the static directory.
All the functions required to perform the calculations can be found in
. This module can be imported
and used with out creating the Flask app. E.g.
import functions
results = functions.signal_to_noise(filter_name='V', mag_start=8.0, mag_end=9.0, dmag=0.5,
tel_diam=10, qe=0.5, readnoise=10, pixsize=3, skymag=17,
airmass=1.2, exptime=20.0, fwhm=6, aper_rad=8, gain=1.0,
obs_diam=5.0, sat_level=60000)
for r in results:
print r
Magnitude=8.0 star_adu=256108.292 sky_adu=16255.446 read_adu=2234.021 signal_to_noise=488.737
Magnitude=8.5 star_adu=161593.408 sky_adu=16255.446 read_adu=2234.021 signal_to_noise=380.792
Magnitude=9.0 star_adu=101958.548 sky_adu=16255.446 read_adu=2234.021 signal_to_noise=293.781