All the lua functions I don't want to write twice.
full; complete; entire; absolute; unqualified.
Note that this library is useless outside of Neovim since it requires Neovim functions. It should be usable with any recent version of Neovim though.
At the moment, it is very much in pre-alpha 😄 Expect changes to the way some functions are structured. I'm hoping to finish some document generators to provide better documentation for people to use and consume and then at some point we'll stabilize on a few more stable APIs.
Using plug:
Plug 'nvim-lua/plenary.nvim'
Using packer:
use "nvim-lua/plenary.nvim"
- plenary.async
- plenary.async_lib
- plenary.job
- plenary.path
- plenary.scandir
- plenary.context_manager
- plenary.test_harness
- plenary.filetype
- plenary.strings
A Lua module for asynchronous programming using coroutines. This library is built on native lua coroutines and libuv
. Coroutines make it easy to avoid callback hell and allow for easy cooperative concurrency and cancellation. Apart from allowing users to perform asynchronous io easily, this library also functions as an abstraction for coroutines.
You can do
local async = require "plenary.async"
All other modules are automatically required and can be accessed by indexing async
You needn't worry about performance as this will require all the submodules lazily.
Libuv luv provides this example of reading a file.
local uv = vim.loop
local read_file = function(path, callback)
uv.fs_open(path, "r", 438, function(err, fd)
assert(not err, err)
uv.fs_fstat(fd, function(err, stat)
assert(not err, err)
uv.fs_read(fd, stat.size, 0, function(err, data)
assert(not err, err)
uv.fs_close(fd, function(err)
assert(not err, err)
We can write it using the library like this:
local a = require "plenary.async"
local read_file = function(path)
local err, fd = a.uv.fs_open(path, "r", 438)
assert(not err, err)
local err, stat = a.uv.fs_fstat(fd)
assert(not err, err)
local err, data = a.uv.fs_read(fd, stat.size, 0)
assert(not err, err)
local err = a.uv.fs_close(fd)
assert(not err, err)
return data
Please use plenary.async
instead. This was version 1 and is just here for compatibility reasons.
Creates a oneshot channel. It can only send data one time.
The sender is not async while the receiver is.
local a = require'plenary.async'
local tx, rx =
local ret = long_running_fn()
local ret = rx()
Creates a multiple producer single consumer channel.
local a = require'plenary.async'
local sender, receiver =
for _ = 1, 4 do
local value = receiver.recv()
print('received:', value)
A Lua module to interact with system processes. Pass in your command
, the desired args
, env
and cwd
Define optional callbacks for on_stdout
, on_stderr
and on_exit
and start
your Job.
Note: Each job has an empty environment.
local Job = require'plenary.job'
command = 'rg',
args = { '--files' },
cwd = '/usr/bin',
env = { ['a'] = 'b' },
on_exit = function(j, return_val)
}):sync() -- or start()
A Lua module that implements a bunch of the things from pathlib
from Python, so that paths are easy to work with.
is fast recursive file operations. It is similar to unix find
or fd
in that it can do recursive scans over a given directory, or a set of directories.
It offers a wide range of opts for limiting the depth, show hidden and more. plenary.scan_dir
can be ran synchronously and asynchronously and offers on_insert(file, typ)
and on_exit(files)
callbacks. on_insert(file, typ)
is available for both while on_exit(files)
is only available for async.
local scan = require'plenary.scandir'
scan.scan_dir('.', { hidden = true, depth = 2 })
This module also offers ls -la
sync and async functions that will return a formated string for all files in the directory.
Why? Just for fun
Implements with
and open
just like in Python. For example:
local with = context_manager.with
local open =
local result = with(open(""), function(reader)
return reader:read()
assert(result == "# plenary.nvim")
:help plenary-test
Supports (simple) busted-style testing. It implements a mock-ed busted interface, that will allow you to run simple busted style tests in separate neovim instances.
To run the current spec file in a floating window, you can use the keymap <Plug>PlenaryTestFile
. For example:
nmap <leader>t <Plug>PlenaryTestFile
In this case, the test is run with a minimal configuration, that includes in its runtimepath only plenary.nvim and the current working directory.
To run a whole directory from the command line, you could do something like:
nvim --headless -c "PlenaryBustedDirectory tests/plenary/ {options}"
Where the first argument is the directory you'd like to test. It will search for files with
the pattern *_spec.lua
and execute them in separate neovim instances.
Without second argument, PlenaryBustedDirectory
is also run with a minimal
configuration. Otherwise it is a Lua option table with the following fields:
: specify the command to launch this neovim instance (defaults tovim.v.progpath
: specify an init.vim to use for this instanceminimal_init
: as forinit
, but also run the neovim instance with--noplugin
: whether to run tests sequentially (default is to run in parallel)keep_going
: ifsequential
, whether to continue on test failure (default true)timeout
: controls the maximum time allotted to each job in parallel or sequential operation (defaults to 50,000 milliseconds)
The exit code is 0 when success and 1 when fail, so you can use it easily in a Makefile
So far, the only supported busted items are:
etc. (from luassert, which is bundled)
We used to support luaunit
and original busted
but it turns out it was way too hard and not worthwhile
for the difficulty of getting them setup, particularly on other platforms or in CI. Now, we have a dep free
(or at least, no other installation steps necessary) busted
implementation that can be used more easily.
Please take a look at the new APIs and make any issues for things that aren't clear. I am happy to fix them and make it work well :)
OTHER OTHER NOTE: Take a look at some test examples here.
You no longer need nvim-terminal to get this to work. We use nvim_open_term
Will detect the filetype based on extension
/special filename
or modeline
require'plenary.filetype'.detect(filepath, opts)
is a function that does all of above and exits as soon as a filetype is foundrequire'plenary.filetype'.detect_from_extension(filepath)
Add filetypes by creating a new file named ~/.config/nvim/data/plenary/filetypes/foo.lua
and register that file with
:lua require'plenary.filetype'.add_file('foo')
. Content of the file should look like that:
return {
extension = {
-- extension = filetype
-- example:
['jl'] = 'julia',
file_name = {
-- special filenames, likes .bashrc
-- we provide a decent amount
-- name = filetype
-- example:
['.bashrc'] = 'bash',
shebang = {
-- Shebangs are supported as well. Currently we provide
-- sh, bash, zsh, python, perl with different prefixes like
-- /usr/bin, /bin/, /usr/bin/env, /bin/env
-- shebang = filetype
-- example:
['/usr/bin/node'] = 'javascript',
Re-implement VimL funcs to use them in Lua loop.
And some other funcs are here to deal with common problems.
Thin wrapper around LuaJIT's jit.p
-- code to be profiled
You can use start("profile.log", {flame = true})
to output the log in a
flamegraph-compatible format. A flamegraph can be created from this using via
inferno-flamegraph profile.log > flame.svg
The resulting interactive SVG file can be viewed in any browser.
Status: WIP
See popup documentation for both progress tracking and implemented APIs.
Window helper functions to wrap some of the more difficult cases. Particularly for floating windows.
Status: WIP
Contains pure lua implementations for various standard collections.
local List = require 'plenary.collections.py_list'
local myList = List { 9, 14, 32, 5 }
for i, v in myList:iter() do
print(i, v)
Status: WIP
If you're having trouble / things are hanging / other problems:
$ export DEBUG_PLENARY=true
This will enable debugging for the plugin.
DELETED: Please use packer.nvim or other lua-rocks wrapper instead. This no longer exists.
- Error: Too many open files
- *nix systems have a setting to configure the maximum amount of open file
handles. It can occur that the default value is pretty low and that you end up
getting this error after opening a couple of files. On Linux you can see the
current limit with
ulimit -n
and set it withulimit -n 4096
. If you're on macOS the command issudo launchctl limit maxfiles 4096 4096