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Integration of NRD to an existing application

A screenshot of the sample. It shows a path-traced Cornell box, denoised using NRD.

This example demonstrates NRD, "NVIDIA Real-Time Denoisers", in a simple path tracer rendering a glTF scene. NRD is a spatio-temporal post-processing library that removes noise from Monte-Carlo based path tracers. NRD is not just a single denoiser, in fact it is a collection of specialized denoisers for specific kinds of data, like diffuse and specular images, ambient occlusion, and shadow data.

NRD itself provides a comprehensive sample at, showing all the bells and whistles of its various denoisers. This sample instead focuses on an integration of the NRD library with a Vulkan renderer, showing a simple pathtracer using NRD to denoise the rendered image.

More Resources:


You need the nvpro_core repository checked out next to the vk_denoise_nrd sample. At configuration time CMake will look for the nvpro_core repo and include it into the build. Follow the general CMake process to configure and build the sample.

This project needs the NRD SDK. CMake for the sample project is configured to automatically download the latest version of NRD from

NRD Denoising Methods

NRD offers these denoising methods:

  • ReBLUR: Blur the information over multiple frames; good for low samples per pixel.
  • ReLAX: Preserves lighting details better.
  • SIGMA: Works on all kinds of shadows.

In our sample, we test ReBLUR and ReLAX.

CMake Integration of NRD

The NRD SDK comes with direct CMake support. In this sample we use the 'FetchContent' CMake module to automatically download and express a dependency on the NRD SDK:

# CMake module FetchContent

# Tell CMake where to find NRDSDK, how to get it and where to place it locally.
# CMake will automatically look for CMakeLists.txt in there

# Configure the NRD build to only produce SPIR-V binaries and embed them into the NRD library
option (NRD_EMBEDS_DXIL_SHADERS "NRD embeds DXIL shaders" OFF)
option (NRD_EMBEDS_DXBC_SHADERS "NRD embeds DXBC shaders" OFF)

# Cause CMake to download and/or update our local copy of NRDSDK.

# Make our project link with NRD
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} NRD)

The only NRD compile time options we set in this sample are NRD_EMBEDS_DXIL_SHADERS and NRD_EMBEDS_DXBC_SHADERS to disable building these shader binaries. Refer to externals/nrd/CMakeLists.txt for a list of supported options, such as normal and roughness encoding. Our sample leaves this at default (i.e. linear roughness and RGB10A2 normal encoding).

At CMake configuration time, NRD also creates a shader include file 'nrd/Shaders/Include/NRDEncoding.hlsli' that will be used to communicate the chosen normal and roughness encoding to the user's shaders.

Integration of NRD

NRD itself is platform-agnostic and thus can be used with DirectX and Vulkan. Its internal compute shaders are written in HLSL and typically compiled as part of the NRD SDK compilation process.

There are several ways to integrate NRD.

  • As a 'white-box library': the application is asked to do everything, including allocating needed resources AND compiling NRD's shaders
  • As a 'black-box library': the application creates all resources, but the shaders will be handed to the application as precompiled binary blobs (SPIR-V, DXIL, etc)
  • Via NRD's integration layer: NRD SDK provides an integration wrapper based on NRI (NVIDIA Render Interface)

In this sample we chose the 'black-box library' approach, using a thin wrapper around NRD that handles the integration of NRD with Vulkan.


Even though the the NRD-internal shaders are all precompiled, a few shader fragments will be needed in the user's shaders to encode data in a way NRD requires. NRD is naturally written in HLSL, but can be instructed to emit GLSL-compatible syntax. We achieve this by defining NRD_GLSL 1 at the top of nrd.glsl before including nrd.hlsli

NRD build is using a SPIR-V-enabled DirectX shader compiler "dxc" to compile its HLSL shaders into SPIR-V that Vulkan can digest. dxc comes with the Vulkan SDK, which can be downloaded here. Another option is to download and build it from source.

If NRD can't find dxc at CMake configuration time, consider providing CMake with -DNRD_DXC_CUSTOM_PATH=<custom/path/to/dxc> to point it to the dxc executable directly.


The NRD SDK comes with example code to integrate NRD with NRI (NVIDIA Render Interface). However, vk_denoise_nrd is targeted at integration of NRD with Vulkan specifically, utilizing nvpro_core's helper classes.

NRD calls this integration variant black-box library integration. A small wrapper class, NRDWrapper, contains all the necessary code for that. Since NRD is graphics API agnostic (supporting D3D and Vulkan), it describes required resources in an API independent manner. NRDWrapper hides the complexities of interpreting these descriptions and creating all resources (buffers, textures) that NRD needs. The wrapper also interprets NRD's description of how to perform the denoising pipeline and translates this into executing a series of compute shader invocations with proper pipeline barriers in-between the passes. Code comments in NRDWrapper.cpp/.hpp describe the details of its API and implementation. Additionally, one can find a lot of information in the NRD headers themselves. Notably, NRDDesc.h and NRD.hlsli are worth looking into to understand the various NRD inputs and outputs as well as learning about what resource types are needed for each type of denoiser.

NRDWrapper creates all NRD-internal textures on its own, with the the exception of the "user texture pool". This is a pool of textures that both NRD and the application operate on. NRD calls these "resources". The user texture pool array may be sparsely populated, depending on the used denoiser. Consult NRDDescs.h to see which denoisers require which types of resource (i.e. texture) and what format each resource needs to have.

This sample focuses on using the REBLUR_DIFFUSE_SPECULAR and RELAX_DIFFUSE_SPECULAR denoisers, which each take separate noisy diffuse+hitdistance and specular+hitdistance buffers as input.

The path tracing pipeline

  1. The primary driver of the rendering is the nrd.rgen ray generation shader. It'll cast the primary as well as all secondary ray segments. This approach is preferred as it keeps the required "stack memory" lower than recursively casting rays from closest-hit shaders.

  2. The first step for each ray is to find the first non-mirrored surface, the primary hit. At the primary hit we record all material properties (such as normals) that NRD needs and write them into the appropriate buffers. If we did not hit anything, the ray missed all geometry and thus will be recorded as hitting the skybox only. Mirrored surfaces need special treatment (PSR, described below).

  3. Find direct lighting contributions. For this, we loop through all lights, tracing a shadow ray for each. If the light is visible, we add its contribution to the direct lighting. We also add the primary hit's material light emission here. The direct light contributions are not noisy and thus are written into a separate buffer which does not undergo denoising. It will later be added back to the scene during compositing.

  4. Probe the environment map lighting at the primary hit. The environment map has been preprocessed to provide a PDF and a randomized sampling pattern according to that PDF, emphasizing sampling density around its bright spots. A shadow ray tests if the primary hitposition is actually visible to the environment map in the chosen direction. Since this sampling is randomized, we later add its diffuse and specular environment map contribution to the noisy diffuse and specular output images for the denoiser to deal with. Environment map contributions via direct and indirect probing need to be carefully weighted; see the MIS weighting section.

  5. From the hit position we perform path tracing to collect the incoming indirect light - once along the material's diffuse BSDF, and once along its specular BSDF. For this tracing we use the pathtrace.rchit shader. At each hit position we do the following:

    • If the ray missed all geometry, we hit the environment map. Return its light contribution, multiply it by a MIS weight, and report the end of this ray via payload.hitT = NRD_INF.
    • When hitting geometry, collect direct lighting contributions just as we did for the primary ray (lights, envmap - see above).
    • Sample the material's BSDF for a suggested direction to follow for the next path segment.
    • In case of an absorption event, return payload.hitT = NRD_INF to end the path here.
    • Otherwise, return a new ray segment (origin, direction and PDF value for the direction) and the light contribution at the current hit position to nrd.rgen, which continues to accumulate the light along the path.
    • Repeat tracing paths until the ray ends or reaches the maximum number of bounces. Pass the distance from the primary hit to the subsequent hit to NRD.
  6. De-modulate diffuse and specular color and store them encoded for the denoiser. Also store enough information to recompute the (de)modulation values in the composition shader.

A diagram of an application rendering pipeline using NRD. A ray tracer outputs diffuse, specular, normal, ViewZ, and motion vectors, along with direct lighting. The first 5 are passed to NRD, which outputs diffuse and specular. A Compose step composites these together, and then a final TAA step performs antialiasing.

NRD Details

As mentioned above, in this sample, we're making use of two denoisers: REBLUR_DIFFUSE_SPECULAR and RELAX_DIFFUSE_SPECULAR.

According to NRDDescs.h, REBLUR_DIFFUSE_SPECULAR needs the following inputs:

  • IN_DIFF_RADIANCE_HITDIST: a texture containing the 'demodulated' diffuse radiance at the primary hit point as well as the distance to the second hit (following the diffuse BSDF)
  • IN_SPEC_RADIANCE_HITDIST: a texture containing the 'demodulated' specular radiance at the primary hit point as well as the distance to the second hit (folloing the specular BSDF)
  • MOTION: a texture with 3D vectors of the previous pixel 3D position to the new position. The motion vectors can be set to 0, and set isMotionVectorInWorldSpace to true. This will do an approximation of the motion vectors without the need to provide them. This is what we have done.
  • NORMAL_ROUGHNESS: Normal, material roughness, and material ID packed into a 4D vector. The normal vector should be between [-1..1] and roughness in linear space. See the function NRD_FrontEnd_PackNormalAndRoughness() to see how this is done.
  • VIEWZ: This is the linear depth of the hit position in camera space. For example, float z = (worldToView * hitPosition).z yields the desired value.
  • It also takes a couple of optional inputs that this sample does not provide for simplicity's sake.

A diagram showing how ViewZ is computed from the primary hit point and the camera plane.

These are its output textures:

  • OUT_DIFF_RADIANCE_HITDIST - a texture containing the denoised diffuse image
  • OUT_SPEC_RADIANCE_HITDIST - a texture containing the denoised specular image

The denoiser RELAX_DIFFUSE_SPECULAR takes the same inputs, which makes it easier to switch between the two.

Consult NRDDescs.h to see which inputs are required. For each input type ("Resource Type") it also prescribes the required image format and other dependencies.

NRD can only work, if it is provided with the right data. NRD's talks about this in much detail. Below we will mention a few critical points to get right.

Splitting diffuse and specular signals

NRD can be made work with combined diffuse and specular lighting in one channel, but to improve denoising quality, it's better to separate out these two noisy signals at the primary hit (or PSR as shown later).

A diagram of multiple paths traced through a scene, showing separate diffuse/specular paths, the "pathLength" from the first to the second hit, and direct light sampling at the first hit.

Splitting the path traced image into a diffuse and specular image requires separately following the diffuse and specular material's BSDF at the position of the first non-mirrored hit. This sample chooses to produce each signal's image at full resolution, which also means we're doubling the amount of rays per pixel. Other approaches may used as well:

  • a checkerboard pattern where every other pixel position follows either a diffuse or specular path.
  • a probabilistic approach where following either a diffuse or specular path is a random choice.

There are certain requirements to make sure, diffuse and specular samples do exist in a specific neighborhood around each pixel. Follow the NRD file for more details.

The secondary paths to compute the indirect radiance coming from the diffuse BSDF's and specular BSDF's direction will then be performed in a regular fashion (i.e. after the first bounce, both kinds of light path sample the full BSDF). This is expressed in shaders/nrd.rgen marked with #DIFFUSE and #SPECULAR. The path tracing code for gathering the indirect light contributions can be found in pathtrace.rchit.

Hit distances

NRD asks for a scalar 'hit distance' to be provided. This is typically the path length along the ray between the primary hit (or PSR) and the next hit. Hit distances can also be extended to accumulate along the path, but this requires special handling (refer to NRD's In this example, we chose the easier method of just using the secondary path length.

Specific hit distances are used under these circumstances:

  • if the ray is absorbed at the primary hit, we return a hit distance of 0.0.
  • if the secondary ray hits the environment, we return a hit distance of NRD_INF.

Mirror-like surfaces

Mirror-like surfaces work better with a special treatment. Instead of recording the position and hit parameters at the surface of the mirror, we continue following the mirrored ray until it hits something that is not a mirror - the Primary Surface Replacement (PSR). It looks like as if we can see the mirrored objects "behind" the mirror as though the mirror acts as kind of a portal into a virtual world. The G-Buffer records the data of the PSR at its virtual world space, such as Normal, Roughness and ViewZ. This helps the denoiser denoise reflected objects much better.

Look into shaders/nrd.rgen for #PSR to find the shader code that implements primary surface replacement and consult NRD SDK's for more details.


Demodulation is the act of removing intended 'noise' from the image before we present it to the denoiser. These kinds of intended noise are typically details coming from textures at the primary hit surface; for instance, grain in a wood texture. You certainly don't want the denoiser recognizing these details as noise to remove. This would result in blurry, less detailed surfaces after denoising. In addition, we completely separate out noise-free signals like:

  • light emissions of the primary surface;
  • perfect reflections of the environment map;
  • when the primary ray does not hit any geometry but instead hits the environment map directly.

We follow NRD's's suggestion for demodulating the diffuse and specular signals in nrd.rgen.

The composition.comp shader will later multiply the denoised diffuse and specular images by the inverse of the modulation factor and recombine all parts of the image (specular, diffuse, direct light) into a single one.

MIS weighting

The implemented path tracer uses importance sampling to estimate the integral in the rendering equation. Care has to be taken when the path tracer samples the same function multiple times, but uses different PDFs when doing so. This sample is built such that, at the primary hit and each segment of the indirect path, we sample the environment map for its direct light contribution at that point. It then follows the material's BSDF to probe for indirect lighting contribution at the hit point. Thus, for any surface point along the path it can happen that the environment is sampled twice: once via directly probing the environment map (the envmap has its own precomputed sampling distribution) and once more when following the material's BSDF at each hit point. Both contributions need to be weighted accordingly. In this sample we chose the "power heuristic" to compute the MIS weights for both contributions.


The final image will be composed of the denoised diffuse and specular color plus direct lighting. Diffuse and specular are added only if there was a hit and albedo is extracted from the base color and metalness information.

  vec3 R = vec3(directLighting);
    R += indirectDiff;
    R += indirectSpec;

Authors and Metadata


  • raytracing, path-tracing, GLTF, HDR, tonemapper, picking, BLAS, TLAS, PBR material, denoising, NRD


  • VK_KHR_buffer_device_address, VK_KHR_acceleration_structure,VK_KHR_ray_tracing_pipeline, VK_KHR_ray_query, VK_KHR_push_descriptor, VK_KHR_shader_clock, VK_KHR_create_renderpass2



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