is a binding for the Blueprints 2.0 graph DBMS API.
Simply add this to your leiningen deps: [clj-blueprints2 "0.0.1"]
The documentation can be found here:
Working with the database:
; Opening the database and setting the *db* var for global use.
(set-db! (tinker-graph)) ; You can open every other GraphDB by instantiation the required GraphDB object (like OrientGraph)
; Dynamically bind *db* to another DB.
(with-db (tinker-graph)
(form-1 ...)
(form-2 ...)
(form-3 ...)
(form-n ...))
; Shutdown the DB
; Using transactions (*db* must be bound to some database in the surrounding scope).
(form-1 ...)
(form-2 ...)
(form-3 ...)
(form-n ...))
Working with vertices and eges:
(let [v1 (vertex {:first-name "John", :last-name "Doe", :age 20, :country "USA"})
v2 (vertex {:first-name "Jane", :last-name "Doe", :age 25, :country "USA"})]
(link! v1 :knows {:since "2012/02/24"} v2)))
Please note: This is not a comprehensive guide. Please read the library documentation to know what functions and macros are available.