Team notes is the latest addition to the education and note taking tool belt. providing users with the ability to collaborate on notes for different classes they might be attending. our interactive board provides the user an easy navigation and interactive experience. Write move edit and delete notes as needed and then download a .txt file of the session that can be printed out and used for things like reviewing, creating note cards and highlighting.
This Web App is the final project for our General Assembly Software Engineering Immersive Course. Full-stack web application with Interactive UI, User/Sessions and RESTful API best practices. Designed to be experienced on a desktop or laptop but fully mobile responsive.
- Node / Express
- Sequelize
- deployed on Heroku
- JsonWebtoken
- Axios
- Bcrypt
- [JJ Eaton] (
- [Pedro Vivas] (
more info can be found on the front end Readme file here: