Samples | API Documentation (for this Demo) | User manual
See See also for API docs of other trails packages.
Ensure that you have Node (Version 20 or later) and pnpm (Version 9.x) installed.
Then execute the following commands to get started:
$ git clone # Clone the repository
$ cd trails-starter
$ pnpm install # Install dependencies
$ pnpm run dev # Launch development server
Vite will print the project's local address (usually http://localhost:5173/). Point your browser at it and start programming!
Additional in-depth information can be found in the Documentation.
- Core packages: Contains the runtime package and other central packages.
- OpenLayers base packages: Contains packages using OpenLayers to render a map.
- Build tools: Contains our build tooling such as the Vite plugin.
Apache-2.0 (see LICENSE