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This repository was archived by the owner on Nov 6, 2020. It is now read-only.

No labels!

There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

A0-pleasereview 🤓
A0-pleasereview 🤓
Pull request needs code review.
A1-onice 🌨
A1-onice 🌨
Pull request is reviewed well, but should not yet be merged.
A2-insubstantial 👶
A2-insubstantial 👶
Pull request requires no code review (e.g., a sub-repository hash update).
A3-inprogress ⏳
A3-inprogress ⏳
Pull request is in progress. No review needed at this stage.
A3-stale 🍃
A3-stale 🍃
Pull request did not receive any updates in a long time. No review needed at this stage. Close it.
A4-awaitingci 🤖
A4-awaitingci 🤖
Pull request is waiting for changes on the CI to complete tests before review/merge can begin.
A4-clasignoffneeded 📛
A4-clasignoffneeded 📛
Pull request requires author to sign off on CLA before review/merge can begin.
A4-gotissues 💥
A4-gotissues 💥
Pull request is reviewed and has significant issues which must be addressed.
A5-grumble 🔥
A5-grumble 🔥
Pull request has minor issues that must be addressed before merging.
A6-mustntgrumble 💦
A6-mustntgrumble 💦
Pull request has areas for improvement. The author need not address them before merging.
A6-revertrevert 💀
A6-revertrevert 💀
Pull request that reverts recent changes.
A7-looksgoodcantmerge 🙄
A7-looksgoodcantmerge 🙄
Pull request is reviewed well, but cannot be merged due to conflicts.
A7-looksgoodtestsfail 🤖
A7-looksgoodtestsfail 🤖
Pull request is reviewed well, but cannot be merged due to tests failing.
A8-backport 🕸
A8-backport 🕸
Pull request is already reviewed well in another branch.
A8-looksgood 🦄
A8-looksgood 🦄
Pull request is reviewed well.
A9-buythatmanabeer 🍻
A9-buythatmanabeer 🍻
Pull request is reviewed well and worth buying the author a beer.
Pull request is reviewed well and can not be compensated with any amount of beer in the galaxy ;)
B0-patch-stable 🕷
B0-patch-stable 🕷
Pull request should also be back-ported to the stable branch.
B7-releasenotes 📜
B7-releasenotes 📜
Changes should be mentioned in the release notes of the next minor version release.
B9-blocker 🚧
B9-blocker 🚧
This pull request blocks the next release from happening. Use only in extreme cases.
F0-consensus 💣
F0-consensus 💣
Issue can lead to a consensus failure.
F1-panic 🔨
F1-panic 🔨
The client panics and exits without proper error handling.
F1-security 🛡
F1-security 🛡
The client fails to follow expected, security-sensitive, behaviour.
F2-bug 🐞
F2-bug 🐞
The client fails to follow expected behavior.
F3-annoyance 💩
F3-annoyance 💩
The client behaves within expectations, however this “expected behaviour” itself is at issue.
F4-tests 💻
F4-tests 💻
Tests need fixing, improving or augmenting.
F5-documentation 📑
F5-documentation 📑
Documentation needs fixing, improving or augmenting.
F5-task 🎬
F5-task 🎬
Generic label for things that just have to get done but are no issues in first place.
F6-refactor 📚
F6-refactor 📚
Code needs refactoring.
F7-footprint 🐾
F7-footprint 🐾
An enhancement to provide a smaller (system load, memory, network or disk) footprint.