A Docker image with osm2pgsql, the tool for importing OpenStreetMap data into a Postgresql database. Intended to be used with openfirmware/docker-postgres-osm.
Can be built from the Dockerfile:
# docker build -t openfirmware/osm2pgsql github.com/openfirmware/docker-osm2pgsql.git
This currently builds osm2pgsql for Debian from a specific tag; see the Dockerfile for the specific version. Alternatively, specify the tag and download the image from the Docker Hub.
Once the image is built, you can run a single-use container with osm2pgsql. Args will be passed to bash, so you will have access to environment variables in your run command.
# docker run -i -t --rm openfirmware/osm2pgsql -c 'osm2pgsql -h'
When used with a postgres-osm container, it can import data directly into the database:
# docker run -i -t --rm --link postgres-osm:pg -v ~/osm:/osm openfirmware/osm2pgsql -c 'osm2pgsql --create --slim --cache 2000 --database $PG_ENV_OSM_DB --username $PG_ENV_OSM_USER --host pg --port $PG_PORT_5432_TCP_PORT /osm/extract.osm.pbf'
For more information on running an import, please see TUTORIAL.markdown. If you have a particular scenario in mind, contact me and I will try to create a guide for that situation.
This Dockerfile was built with information from the Ubuntu 14.04 Switch2OSM guide.