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O-RAN O-Cloud Manager

This project is an implementation of the O-RAN O2 IMS API on top of OpenShift and ACM.

Note that at this point this is just experimental and at its very beginnings, so don't try to use it for anything close to a production environment.

Note: this README is only for development purposes.

Operator Deployment

The ORAN O2 IMS implementation in OpenShift is managed by the IMS operator. It configures the different components defined in the specification: the deployment manager service, the resource server, alarm server, subscriptions to resource and alert.

The IMS operator will create an O-Cloud API that will be available to be queried, for instance from a SMO. It also provides a configuration mechanism using a Kubernetes custom resource definition (CRD) that allows the hub cluster administrator to configure the different IMS microservices properly.

Deploy the operator on your cluster

The IMS operator is installed on an OpenShift cluster where Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management for Kubernetes (RHACM), a.k.a. hub cluster, is installed too. Let’s install the operator. You can use the latest automatic build from the openshift-kni namespace in or build your container image with the latest code.

If you want to build the image yourself and push it to your registry right after:

⚠️ Replace the USERNAME and IMAGE_NAME values with the full name of your container image.

$ export USERNAME=your_user
$ export${USERNAME}/oran-o2ims:latest
$ git clone
$ cd oran-o2ims
$ make docker-build docker-push CONTAINER_TOOL=podman IMG=${IMAGE_NAME}

Update dependencies
Downloading golangci-lint

[3/3] STEP 5/5: ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/bin/oran-o2ims"]
[3/3] COMMIT${USERNAME}/oran-o2ims:v4.16
--> eaa55268bfff
Successfully tagged${USERNAME}/oran-o2ims:latest

Now, let's deploy the operator. If you want to deploy your already built image then add the IMG=${IMAGE_NAME} argument to the make command:

$ make deploy install

Update dependencies
Downloading golangci-lint
$PATH/oran-o2ims/bin/kustomize build config/default | $PATH/oran-o2ims/bin/kubectl apply -f -
namespace/oran-o2ims created
serviceaccount/oran-o2ims-controller-manager created created created created created created created created
configmap/oran-o2ims-env-config created
service/oran-o2ims-controller-manager-metrics-service created
deployment.apps/oran-o2ims-controller-manager created

The operator and the default enabled components are installed in the oran-o2ims namespace, which is created during the install.

$ oc get pods -n oran-o2ims
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS      AGE
alarms-server-5d5cfb75bf-rbp6g                   2/2     Running   0             21s
artifacts-server-c48f6bd99-xnk2n                 2/2     Running   0             21s
cluster-server-68f8946f74-l82bn                  2/2     Running   0             21s
oran-o2ims-controller-manager-555755dbd7-sprs9   2/2     Running   0             26s
postgres-server-674458bfbd-mnzt5                 1/1     Running   0             23s
provisioning-server-86bd6bf6f-kl829              2/2     Running   0             20s
resource-server-6dbd5788df-vpq44                 2/2     Running   0             22s

Several routes were created in the same namespace too. The HOST column is the URI where the o2ims API will be listening from outside the OpenShift cluster, for instance where the SMO will connect to.

$ oc get route -n oran-o2ims
NAME                       HOST/PORT                                    PATH                                SERVICES              PORT   TERMINATION          WILDCARD
oran-o2ims-ingress-8v8lp   /o2ims-infrastructureArtifacts      artifacts-server      api    reencrypt/Redirect   None
oran-o2ims-ingress-92sf5   /o2ims-infrastructureCluster        cluster-server        api    reencrypt/Redirect   None
oran-o2ims-ingress-gfm9r   /o2ims-infrastructureProvisioning   provisioning-server   api    reencrypt/Redirect   None
oran-o2ims-ingress-n6p9w   /o2ims-infrastructureInventory      resource-server       api    reencrypt/Redirect   None
oran-o2ims-ingress-n9d7w   /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring     alarms-server         api    reencrypt/Redirect   None

The operator by default creates a default inventory CR in the oran-o2ims namespace:

$ oc get inventory -n oran-o2ims
default   4m20s

⚠️ Currently, the following components are enabled by default.

$ oc get inventory -n oran-o2ims -oyaml
apiVersion: v1
- apiVersion:
  kind: Inventory
    creationTimestamp: "2025-01-22T16:45:32Z"
    generation: 1
    name: default
    namespace: oran-o2ims
    resourceVersion: "116847464"
    uid: e296aede-6309-478b-be10-6fd8f7904324
    alarmServerConfig: {}
    clusterServerConfig: {}
    resourceServerConfig: {}

Deploying operator from catalog

To deploy from catalog, first build the operator, bundle, and catalog images, pushing to your repo:

make${MY_REPO}/oran-o2ims docker-build docker-push bundle-build bundle-push catalog-build catalog-push

You can then use the catalog-deploy target to generate the catalog and subscription resources and deploy the operator:

$ make${MY_REPO}/oran-o2ims catalog-deploy
hack/ \
        --package oran-o2ims \
        --namespace oran-o2ims \
        --catalog-image${MY_REPO}/oran-o2ims-catalog:v4.18.0 \
        --channel alpha \
        --install-mode AllNamespaces \
        | oc create -f - created
namespace/oran-o2ims created created created

To undeploy and clean up the installed resources, use the catalog-undeploy target:

$ make${MY_REPO}/oran-o2ims VERSION=4.18.0 catalog-undeploy
hack/ --package oran-o2ims --namespace oran-o2ims --crd-search "o2ims.*oran" "oran-o2ims" deleted "oran-o2ims.v4.18.0" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "" deleted "" deleted
namespace "oran-o2ims" deleted "oran-o2ims-alarms-server" deleted "oran-o2ims-alertmanager" deleted "oran-o2ims-cluster-server" deleted "oran-o2ims-deployment-manager-server" deleted "oran-o2ims-subject-access-reviewer" deleted "oran-o2ims-metrics-reader" deleted "oran-o2ims-resource-server" deleted "oran-o2ims-alarms-server" deleted "oran-o2ims-alarms-server-subject-access-reviewer-binding" deleted "oran-o2ims-alertmanager" deleted "oran-o2ims-cluster-server" deleted "oran-o2ims-cluster-server-subject-access-reviewer-binding" deleted "oran-o2ims-deployment-manager-server" deleted "oran-o2ims-deployment-manager-server-subject-access-reviewer-binding" deleted "oran-o2ims-metadata-server-subject-access-reviewer-binding" deleted "oran-o2ims-resource-server" deleted "oran-o2ims-resource-server-subject-access-reviewer-binding" deleted "oran-o2ims" deleted

mTLS pre-requisites

In a production environment, using mTLS to secure communications between the O-Cloud and the SMO in both directions is recommended. The O-Cloud manager uses an ingress controller to terminate incoming TLS sessions. Before configuring the O-Cloud Manager, the ingress controller needs to be re-configured to enforce mTLS. If the ingress controller is shared with other applications, this will also impact those applications by requiring client certificates on all incoming connections. If that is not desirable, then consider creating a secondary ingress controller to manage a separate DNS domain and enable mTLS only on that controller.

To configure the primary controller to enable mTLS the following attributes must be set in the clientTLS section of the spec. For more information, please refer to the documention here.

kind: IngressController
  name: default
  namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
    - ^/C=CA/ST=Ontario/L=Ottawa/O=Red\ Hat/OU=ORAN/
      name: ingress-client-ca-certs
    clientCertificatePolicy: Required
  1. allowedSubjectPatterns is optional but can be set to limit access to specific certificate subjects.
  2. clientCA is mandatory and must be set to a ConfigMap containing a list of CA certificates used to validate incoming client certificates.
  3. clientCertificatePolicy must be set to Required to enforce that clients provide a valid certificate.

Registering the O-Cloud Manager with the SMO

Once the hub cluster is set up and the O-Cloud Manager is started, the end user must update the Inventory CR to configure the SMO attributes so that the application can register with the SMO. The user must provide the Global O-Cloud ID value, which is provided by the SMO. This registration is a one-time operation. Once it succeeds, it will not be repeated.

❗ For development/debug purposes, if repeating the registration is necessary, the following annotation can be applied to the Inventory CR.

oc annotate -n oran-o2ims inventories default

In a production environment, this requires that an OAuth2 authorization server be available and configured with the appropriate client configurations for both the SMO and the O-Cloud Manager. In debug/test environments, the OAuth2 can also be used if the appropriate server and configurations exist, but OAuth2 can also be disabled to simplify the configuration requirements.

  1. Create a ConfigMap that contains the custom X.509 CA certificate bundle if either of the SMO or OAuth2 server TLS certificates are signed by a non-public CA certificate. This is optional. If not required, then the 'caBundle' attribute can be omitted from the Inventory CR.

    ⚠️ Do this only if the cluster proxy isn't currently pointing to some other custom CA bundle. If it is pointing to an existing bundle, then the new private certificates need to be appended to the existing set. Refer to the OpenShift documentation for more details here.

    oc create configmap -n openshift-config custom-ca-certs --from-file=ca-bundle.crt=/some/path/to/ca-bundle.crt
    oc patch proxy/cluster --type=merge --patch='{"spec":{"trustedCA":{"name": "custom-ca-certs"}}}'
  2. Create a new empty config map that includes the trust bundle injection label so that we end up with a config map that includes the private CA certificates plus the full set of public CA certificates.

    cat << EOF > o2ims-trusted-ca-bundle.yaml 
    apiVersion: v1
    kind: ConfigMap
      labels: "true"
      name: o2ims-trusted-ca-bundle
      namespace: oran-o2ims
    oc apply -f o2ims-trusted-ca-bundle.yaml
  3. Create a Secret that contains the OAuth client-id and client-secret for the O-Cloud Manager. These values should be obtained from the administrator of the OAuth server that set up the client credentials. The client secrets must not be stored locally once the secret is created. The values used here are for example purposes only, your values may differ for the client-id and will definitely differ for the client-secret.

    oc create secret generic -n oran-o2ims oauth-client-secrets --from-literal=client-id=o2ims-client --from-literal=client-secret=SFuwTyqfWK5vSwaCPSLuFzW57HyyQPHg
  4. Create a Secret that contains a TLS client certificate and key to be used to enable mTLS to the SMO and OAuth2 authorization servers. The Secret is expected to have the 'tls.crt' and 'tls.key' attributes. The 'tls.crt' attribute must contain the full certificate chain having the device certificate first and the root certificate being last. In a production environment, it is expected that this certificate should be renewed periodically and managed by cert-manager. In a development environment, if mTLS is not required, then this can be skipped and the corresponding attribute can be omitted from the Inventory CR.

    oc create secret tls -n oran-o2ims o2ims-client-tls-certificate --cert /some/path/to/tls.crt --key /some/path/to/tls.key
  5. Update the Inventory CR to include the SMO and OAuth configuration attributes. These values will vary depending on the domain names used in your environment and by the type of OAuth2 server deployed. Check the configuration documentation for the actual server being used.

    The following block can be added to the spec section of the Inventory CR.

           registrationEndpoint: /mock_smo/v1/ocloud_observer
              clientSecretName: oauth-client-secrets
              tokenEndpoint: /protocol/openid-connect/token
                 - profile
                 - openid
                 - role:ocloud-manager
              usernameClaim: preferred_username
              groupsClaim: roles
              clientCertificateName: o2ims-client-tls-certificate
        caBundleName: o2ims-trusted-ca-bundle
  6. Once the Inventory CR is updated, the following condition will be updated to reflect the status of the SMO registration. If an error occurred that prevented registration from completing, then the error will be noted here.

    oc describe sample
      Deployment Status:
          Last Transition Time:  2024-10-04T15:39:46Z
          Message:               Registered with SMO at:
          Reason:                SmoRegistrationSuccessful
          Status:                True
          Type:                  SmoRegistrationCompleted

OAuth Expectations/Requirements

To ensure interoperability between the SMO, the O-Cloud Manager, and the Authorization Server, these are the requirements regarding the OAuth settings and JWT contents.

  1. It is expected that the administrator of the Authentication Server has created clients for both the SMO and IMS resource servers. For example purposes, this document assumes these to be "smo-client" and "o2ims-client".

  2. It is expected that the "smo-client" has been assigned "roles" which map to the Kubernetes RBAC roles defined here according to the level of access required by the SMO. The "roles" attribute is expected to contain a list of roles assigned to the client. For example, one or more of "o2ims-reader", "o2ims-subscriber", "o2ims-maintainer", "o2ims-provisioner", or "o2ims-admin".

  3. The "o2ims-client" is also expected to be assigned some form of authorization on the SMO. This depends largely on the SMO implementation and is somewhat transparent to the O-Cloud Manager. If specific scopes are required for the "o2ims-client" to access the SMO resource server, then the Inventory CR must be customized by setting the "scopes" attribute.

  4. It is expected that the JWT token will contain the mandatory attributes defined in RFC9068 as well as the optional attributes related to "roles".

  5. The "aud" attribute is expected to contain a list of intended audiences and must at a minimum include the "o2ims-client" identifier.

  6. It is expected that all attributes are top-level attributes (i.e., are not nested). For example, "realm_access.roles": ["a", "b", "c"] is valid, but "realm_access": {"roles": ["a", "b", "c"]} is not. In some cases, this may require special configuration steps on the Authorization Server to ensure the proper format in the JWT tokens.

  7. Client certificate binding (i.e., RFC8705) is enabled by default. If the authorization server has inserted a claim into the token which contains the SHA256 fingerprint of the client certificate which requested a token then it will be validated. If the client certificate which is making the request doesn't match the client certificate that requested the token then the request will be rejected. That claim is expected to be "cnf": {"x5t#S256": "...."}. This is an exception to the rule described in (6) above. See below for an example.

Sample OAuth JWT Token

The following is a sample JWT payload and header. The signature footer has been removed.


        "alg": "RS256",
        "typ": "JWT",
        "kid": "VJr29clVBAFFo6rbwn4HvTByCH5KbhioharsRbXx3N8"


        "exp": 1737565732,
        "iat": 1737564832,
        "jti": "cc0f4c88-fffd-48da-91d8-24b80f1f6955",
        "iss": "",
        "aud": [
        "sub": "34c94cc0-720d-4f29-81e9-b9e794b51e9a",
        "typ": "Bearer",
        "azp": "smo-client",
        "acr": "1",
        "cnf": {
                "x5t#S256": "S1ArY2E4qD_l4lCuNhLh501CxjVJmNFJbLI2RRzigDc"
        "scope": "openid profile role:o2ims-reader role:o2ims-subscriber role:o2ims-maintainer role:o2ims-provisioner",
        "resource_access.o2ims-client.roles": [
        "preferred_username": "service-account-smo-client",
        "clientAddress": "",
        "client_id": "smo-client"

Testing API endpoints on a cluster

Before accessing any O2IMS API endpoint, an access token must be acquired. The approach used depends on the configuration of the system. The following subsections describe both the OAuth and non-OAuth cases.

Acquiring a token using OAuth

In a production environment, the system should be configured with mTLS and OAuth enabled. In this configuration, an API requests must include a valid OAuth JWT token acquired from the authorization server that is configured in the Inventory CR. To manually acquire a token from the authorization server, a command similar to this one should be used. This method may vary depending on the type of authorization server used. This example is for a Keycloak server.

export MY_TOKEN=$(curl -s --cert /path/to/client.crt --key /path/to/client.key --cacert /path/to/ca-bundle.crt \
  -XPOST \
  -d grant_type=client_credentials -d client_id=${SMO_CLIENT_ID} \
  -d client_secret=${SMO_CLIENT_SECRET} \
  -d 'response_type=token id_token' \
  -d 'scope=profile o2ims-audience roles'| jq -j .access_token)

Acquiring a token using Service Account (development testing only)

In a development environment in which OAuth is not being used, the access token must be acquired from a Kubernetes Service Account. This Service Account must be assigned appropriate RBAC permissions to access the O2IMS API endpoints. As a convenience, a pre-canned Service Account and ClusterRoleBinding is defined here. It can be applied as follows.

$ oc apply -f config/testing/client-service-account-rbac.yaml
serviceaccount/test-client created created created

And then the following command can be used to acquire a token.

export MY_TOKEN=$(oc create token -n oran-o2ims test-client --duration=24h)

Access an API endpoint

Note that here the --cert and --key options can be omitted if not using mTLS and the --cacert option can be removed if the ingress certificate is signed by a public certificate or if you are operating in a development environment, in which case it can be replaced with -k.
curl --cert /path/to/client.crt --key /path/to/client.key --cacert /path/to/ca-bundle.crt -q \
  https://o2ims.apps.${MY_CLUSTER}/o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/api_version \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}"

Using the development debug mode to attach the DLV debugger

The following instructions provide a mechanism to build an image that is based on a more full-featured distro so that debug tools are available in the image. It also tailors the deployment configuration so that certain features are disabled which would otherwise cause debugging with a debugger to be more difficult (or impossible).

  1. Build and deploy the debug image

    make${USER}/oran-o2ims VERSION=latest DEBUG=yes build docker-build docker-push install deploy
  2. Forward a port to the Pod to be debugged so the debugger can attach to it. This command will remain active until it is terminated with ctrl+c therefore you will need to execute it in a dedicated window (or move it to the background).

    oc port-forward -n oran-o2ims pods/oran-o2ims-controller-manager-85b4bbcf58-4fc9s 40000:40000
  3. Execute a shell into the Pod to be debugged.

    oc rsh -n oran-o2ims pods/oran-o2ims-controller-manager-85b4bbcf58-4fc9s
  4. Attach the DLV debugger to the process. This is usually PID 1, but this may vary based on the deployment. Use the same port number that was specified earlier in the port-forward command.

    dlv attach --continue --accept-multiclient --api-version 2 --headless --listen :40000 --log 1
  5. Use your IDE's debug capabilities to attach to localhost:40000 to start your debug session. This will vary based on which IDE is being used.

Request Examples

Query the Metadata endpoints

⚠️ Confirm that an authorization token has already been acquired. See section Testing API endpoints on a cluster

Notice the API_URI is the route HOST/PORT column of the oran-o2ims operator.

$ oc get routes -n oran-o2ims
NAME                       HOST/PORT                                    PATH                                SERVICES              PORT   TERMINATION          WILDCARD
oran-o2ims-ingress-ghcwc   /o2ims-infrastructureInventory      resource-server       api    reencrypt/Redirect   None
oran-o2ims-ingress-pz8hc   /o2ims-infrastructureMonitoring     alarms-server         api    reencrypt/Redirect   None
oran-o2ims-ingress-qrnfq   /o2ims-infrastructureProvisioning   provisioning-server   api    reencrypt/Redirect   None
oran-o2ims-ingress-t842p   /o2ims-infrastructureArtifacts      artifacts-server      api    reencrypt/Redirect   None
oran-o2ims-ingress-tbzbl   /o2ims-infrastructureCluster        cluster-server        api    reencrypt/Redirect   None

Export the o2ims endpoint as the API_URI variable so it can be re-used in the requests.

export API_URI=o2ims.apps.${DOMAIN}

GET api_versions

To get the api versions supported

$ curl --insecure --silent --header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" 
"https://${API_URI}/o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/api_versions" | jq

GET O-Cloud infrastructure information

To obtain information from the O-Cloud:

$ curl --insecure --silent --header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" 

Query the Deployment manager server

The deployment manager server (DMS) needs to connect to kubernetes API of the RHACM hub to obtain the required information. Here we can see a couple of queries to the DMS.

GET deploymentManagers List

To get a list of all the deploymentManagers (clusters) available in our O-Cloud:

$ curl --insecure --silent --header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" 
"https://${API_URI}/o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/deploymentManagers" | jq

GET field or fields from the deploymentManagers List

To get a list of only the name of the available deploymentManagers available in our O-Cloud:

$ curl --insecure --silent --header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" 
"https://${API_URI}/o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/deploymentManagers?fields=name" | jq

GET deploymentManagers List using filter

To get a list of all the deploymentManagers whose name is not local-cluster in our O-Cloud:

$ curl --insecure --silent --header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" 
"https://${API_URI}/o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/deploymentManagers?filter=(neq,name,local-cluster)" | jq
 | jq

Query the Resource server

The resource server exposes endpoints for retrieving resource types, resource pools and resources objects. The server relies on the Search Query API of ACM hub. Follow these instructions to enable and configure the search API access. The resource server will translate those REST requests and send them to the ACM search server that implements a graphQL API.

❗ To obtain the requested information we need to enable the searchCollector of all the managed clusters, concretely, in the KlusterletAddonConfig CR.

GET Resource Type List

To get a list of available resource types:

$ curl -ks --header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" 
"https://${API_URI}/o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourceTypes" | jq

GET Specific Resource Type

To get information of a specific resource type:

$ curl -ks --header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" 
"https://${API_URI}/o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourceTypes/${resource_type_name} | jq

GET Resource Pool List

To get a list of available resource pools:

$ curl -ks --header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" 
"https://${API_URI}/o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourcePools" | jq

GET Specific Resource Pool

To get information of a specific resource pool:

$ curl -ks --header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" 
"https://${API_URI}/o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/resourcePools/{resourcePoolId}" | jq

GET all Resources of a specific Resource Pool

We can filter down to get all the resources of a specific resourcePool.

$ curl -ks --header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" 
/resources" | jq

Query the Infrastructure Inventory Subscription (Resource Server)

GET Infrastructure Inventory Subscription List

To get a list of resource subscriptions:

$ curl -ks --header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" 
"https://${API_URI}/o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/subscriptions | jq

GET Infrastructure Inventory Subscription Information

To get all the information about an existing resource subscription:

$ curl -ks --header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" 
"https://${API_URI}/o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/subscriptions/<subscription_uuid> | jq

POST a new Infrastructure Inventory Subscription Information

To add a new resource subscription:

$ curl -ks -X POST \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" \
-d @infra-sub.json https://${API_URI}/o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/subscriptions | jq

Where the content of infra-sub.json is as follows:

  "consumerSubscriptionId": "69253c4b-8398-4602-855d-783865f5f25c",
  "filter": "(eq,extensions/country,US);",
  "callback": ""

DELETE an Infrastructure Inventory Subscription

To delete an existing resource subscription:

$ curl -ks -X DELETE \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${MY_TOKEN}" \
https://${API_URI}/o2ims-infrastructureInventory/v1/subscriptions/<subscription_uuid> | jq


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