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Kaycee kayceefaunce

U.S. Geological Survey Richmond, VA

Gustavo Pretto Scholze gustavoscholze
mining engineer, mastering geostatistics


Jeff JDViz Memphis, TN

Adrien Manlay manlaya

BRGM - French Geological Survey France

Joey Lee joeyklee
Your friendly, neighborhood creative technologist.


Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


@GeddesRs AVI-ONE
AEROSPACE & AVIATION Consultants working towards the implementation of the UN’s 2030 sustainable development goals.

Victoria BC Canada

芮恩Ray.N rayn199832


Olivier Leroy defuneste
I like trees and spatial data, bonus points if it comes from plotless sampling !
Jennifer Peebles jenniferpeebles
Journalist at The Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper in Atlanta, Ga. I (heart) public records. Slowest banjo picker in the ATL.

Atlanta Journal-Constitution Atlanta GA

a simulationist

Fuzhou University Fuzhou, Fujian, China

jon ⚝ almereyda

allmende laniakea.

Pankaj K Mishra pankajkmishra
Senior Scientist w/ Geological Survey of Finalnd (GTK)

Geological Survey of Finland Helsinki, Finland

CHooge hyperiongeo
Geophysicist with an abiding interest in data and programming, Rock Physics, AVO, inversion and interpretation.

Hyperion GeoServices Corp. Canada

Edgar Figueira edgarfigueira

Faculty of Arts University of Porto Porto

Cathleen Tico CathleenTico
Yinchu Li ycli0536

Georgia Tech Atlanta

Shupp shuppel
Development Things

The Node Arlington, VA

Christopher Tong hydrodynamicstability
Data professionial; physical scientist; scholar; critic.

Government USA

Bruno Bordin brunolbordin
Bacharel em Ciência da Computação pela Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia (UNIR) e Técnico de Tecnologia da Informação (CDsis/UNIR)

Porto Velho