This addon provides contextualization package for the Windows guest virtual machines running in the OpenNebula cloud. Based on the provided contextualization parameters, the packages prepare the networking in the running guest virt. machine, set passwords, run custom start scripts, and many others.
Latest versions can be downloaded from the release page. Check the supported OpenNebula versions for each release.
Documentation on packages installation and guest contextualization can be found in the latest stable OpenNebula Operation Guide. For beta releases, refer to the latest development documentation.
- Linux host
- latest msitools
- binary nssm.exe [present]
- binary rhsrvany.exe [optional]
The service manager NSSM is the preferred tool to manage services because it handles long running services better and more correctly (srvany/rhsrvany fails to terminate its child processes on stop). NSSM is in public domain and the binary is part of this repo. There are both 32bit and 64bit versions - currently 32bit version is used because it covers broader set of systems.
If you wish to use rhsrvany instead then you must set the shell variable
to rhsrvany
otherwise it will default to nssm
On RHEL (CentOS) and Fedora systems, the required binary
rhsrvany.exe is distributed as part
of the package virt-v2v
and placed into /usr/share/virt-tools/rhsrvany.exe
Please copy the EXE into your local repository clone before creating the MSI.
builds the MSI package. It's a wrapper around
the wixl
command from msitools
. It reads the package.wxs
, a package
definition in the WiX-like XML format. Package name or version can be
overridden by env. variables NAME
. For example:
$ TARGET=msi ./
$ NAME=one-context TARGET=msi ./
$ VERSION=1.0.0 TARGET=msi ./
New package is created as ${NAME}-${VERSION}.msi
e.g. one-context-1.0.0.msi
in the out/
You can also built both the iso and msi targets like this:
$ ./
Or with a different service manager and explicit version:
$ env SRV_MANAGER=rhsrvany VERSION=5.13 ./
Please ignore following assertion on package build, which is caused
by skipping the attribute Start
in tag ServiceControl
. The parameter
is optional in WiX specification, but the msitools
still counts with it.
Despite that, the package is built.
(wixl:22764): wixl-CRITICAL **: wixl_wix_builder_install_mode_to_event: assertion 'modeString != NULL' failed
This addon is largely based upon the work by André Monteiro and Tiago Batista in the DETI/IEETA Universidade de Aveiro. The original guide is available here: OpenNebula - IEETA
Copyright 2002-2021, OpenNebula Project, OpenNebula Systems (formerly C12G Labs)
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.