- make sure you have yarn installed (npm i -g yarn) yarn install
- yarn pack-copy
- if tsc is not found, run npm install -g typescript and try again
if tsc runs correctly: 3. in the components directory, yarn link 4. in QC at client, yarn link @otosense/components (edited) 5. to update, run yarn pack-copy
- Use import
variants: 'contained' (default), 'outlined', 'text' color: 'primary', 'secondary', 'error', 'success', 'info', 'warning', 'cancel', 'critical', 'gray' size: 'small', 'medium', 'large'
- default is color='primary', variant='contained', and size='medium'. You don't need to write these.
- Please see Figma file to refer all the variants and color options
Select field is styled in Form Control. Use default and apply size props in the Form Control (not Select) component. Most of the time, we need Typography component with variant overline which is styled for this.
Example: {header} <Select value={value} onChange={handleChange}
{options.map((name, j) => {
return (
<MenuItem key={`assettype-option-${name}-${j}`} value={name}>
- use with DialogTitle, DialogContent, and DialogActions to have right spacings.
version: string | number; account: string; logout: VoidFunction; currentDateTime: string; isLoginModeOnline: boolean; setCurrentUserSession: VoidFunction; toggleDateTimeFormat: VoidFunction; #change local or UTC languageOptions: string[]; #available locales localeFc: any; #the locale function textVersion: string; locale: string; #current locale textLogout: string; setCurrentTimestamp: () => void; logoFile: string;
please use Dialog for general use. This may be deleted.
onClose: VoidFunction; label?: string; id?: string; children: JSX.Element;