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Simple React hooks to load Zora NFT data. Includes on-chain data, NFT metadata, and tools for fetching NFT content if needed.

Put together, these power implementations of the zNFT protocol on any website.

This library consists of a data fetch class and associated React hooks to load NFT data is an easy, efficient manner. The API both batches and caches requests, meaning you can use the hooks across a page without needing to worry about significant performance penalties.

👯 See also: @zoralabs/nft-components a complimentary library to this one to render NFT data on a webpage.


yarn add @zoralabs/nft-hooks

Then you can import and use the hooks in your react application:

import {useZNFT, useNFTMetadata} from "@zoralabs/nft-hooks";

function MyNFT() {
  const {data} = useZNFT("20");
  const {metadata} = useNFTMetadata(data && data.metadataURI);
  return (
      <p>Owned by: {}</p>

All hooks:

Hook Usage
useNFT Fetches on-chain NFT data using a configured backend strategy
useNFTQuery Queries for NFTs using a configured backend strategy
useNFTMetadata Fetches off-chain metadata (not required for most indexers)
useNFTContent Fetches off-chain content (useful for some text content, but less often used)


To set the network configuration, wrap the hooks used with the NFTFetchConfiguration component.

import {Networks, NFTFetchConfiguration, Strategies} from '@zoralabs/nft-hooks';

const zdkStrategy = Strategies.ZDKFetchStrategy();

function NFTGallery() {
  return (
    <NFTFetchConfiguration strategy={zdkStrategy} networkId={Networks.MAINNET}>

Data sources:

Provided strategies are:

  1. ZDKFetchStrategy from the zora indexer (recommended)
  2. ZoraV2Indexer strategy from the legacy zora indexer (deprecated)
  3. ZoraGraphStrategy strategy from the zora subgraph (not recommended)
  4. EtherActorStrategy using as a nft backend (not recommended)
  5. OpenseaStrategy using opensea's api as a nft backend (not recommended)

Links direct to interfaces, but can be overridden to directly use the zdk instead.


  1. git clone
  2. cd nft-hooks
  3. npm i -g yarn if you don't have yarn installed
  4. yarn
  5. yarn run test test your code

Pull requests and tickets are accepted for issues and improvements to this library.