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Neural Network Branching for Neural Network Verification

This repository contains all the code necessary to replicate the experiments reported in the paper: Neural Network Branching for Neural Network Verification.


  • This code should work for python >= 3.6 and pytorch >= 0.4.1.
  • The commercial solver Gurobi is required for solving LPs arising from the Network linear approximation and the Integer programs for the MIP formulation. Gurobi can be obtained from here and academic licenses are available from here.
  • We have included a modified version of the github package convex_adversarial in the folder ./convex_adversaria/. The github package is used for computing intermediate bounds, which are needed in building LPs for Network linear approximations. We modify the original version ./convex_adversarial slightly to best accomodate our needs.
  • The ./plnn/ is developed on the original implementations of Branch and Bound methods, provided in the github package PLNN_verification. We have also directly used the MIPplanet solver provided in PLNN_verification.


We recommend installing everything into a virtual environment. Depending on how you configure your environment, you may need to install a different version of pillow. Also, remember to modify your PYTHONPATH accordingly.

git clone --recursive

cd GNN_branching
conda create --name gnn
conda activate gnn

# Install gurobipy to this virtualenv
# (assuming your gurobi install is in /opt/gurobi801/linux64)
cd /opt/gurobi801/linux64/
python install
cd -

# Install pytorch to this virtualenv
# (check updated install instructions at
# For example:
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=9.2 -c pytorch

# Install the code of this repository
python install

# Install the code for computing fast intermediate bounds
cd convex_adversarial
python install

Running the experiments

  • All verification properties with previous experimental results are recorded in the format of pandas pickle tables. Tables can be found in the folder ./cifar_exp/. For the base model, verification properties are divided into base_easy.pkl, base_med.pkl and base_hard.pkl according to BaBSR (bab_kw flag in the code) solving time. Wide.pkl and deep.pkl are properties for the wide and the deep model respectively.
  • To reproduce the experiments for the base model, please run the bash script with the following code.
## Generate the results
  • Results are saved in pandas table as well in a newly created folder ./cifar_results/.
  • GNN log files are saved in a newly created folder ./gnn_dump_files/.
  • For the wide and the deep model, please comment and uncomment out related parts in
  • In our experiments, we run the same method for all properties then move to the next method instead of running all methods for a property then moving to the next property.


If you use this work in your research, please cite:

  author        = {Lu, Jingyue and Kumar, M Pawan},
  title        =  {Neural Network Branching for Neural Network Verification},
  journal      = {ICLR},
  year         = {2020},


Implementation of GNN ReLU branching strategies







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